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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. TDA  and TF dead, Most members of these clans, and other constituents of the american council have since departed these waters. If there are individual clans that there are issues with, consult with these clans individually. Stop holding the nation, a very general and easy distinction, accountable for the actions of a few.


    Idgaf about the nation, only the players in it. 

    Sorry to disappoint mate but TDA is alive and doing fine so you can stop with the blatant lying. It makes you look petty.

    • Like 1
  2. One screenshot however does show a battle against TDA. I would love to know what ships they where sailing. The player count looks good atleast :)



    2 Trincs

    2 Connies

    2 3rd Rates



    2 Connies

    2 Trincs (One may have been another frigate)

    1 Frigate


    The two that escaped were Mercury/Cerberus sized and we told them to leave as we knew we were out numbered and going to get demasted and not escape.

    • Like 1
  3. I don't know if this is related or not but on recent occasions some people have been able to see the crossed swords but they cannot click on them while others can. It hasn't happened to myself but i've been with others when it's happened. It seems like a random occurrence so i'm not sure what the common element or cause is.

  4. The council and more specifically TF/TDA have steered you into your current fate. Do not abide them. If you follow them into follie, no one will feel SORRY. 


    I've have stayed silent on this topic and this will be my only comment. I'm getting tired of the "TDA is dictating this and that to the US nation comments" over and over. This is not the case and we do not dictate to anyone except TDA members. In fact for the past several weeks we have been doing what we enjoy the most...sailing around and finding open world PvP. There have been no council decisions or demands to the US nation and especially nothing from TDA.


    When the East coast was first attacked by the majority of the pirate nation TDA was there trying to defend it along with some other use clans. However, we were outnumbered and without the full support of all the other US clans that were in the Gulf it was not possible. I personally was getting 3 hours of sleep per night from defending ports for nearly a month. Literally, the port defenses were ending at 2:30-3am my time and I was getting up at 6am for work and then here to moderate the forums. This cycle repeated and lead to burnout for myself and many others as the game became more work than fun.

    I'll be honest - it was frustrating that we were giving that level of effort while some clans refused to help defend the coast. Because of this TDA had to take a step back for the best interests of our group and return to having fun and finding a game/life balance.


    Ultimately, the US had too many ports and this allowed the player base to spread out and isolate themselves from each other in individual groups. The best thing will be to force the US to a central area and then allow natural and sustainable expansion. We saw this with the Spanish and it is the same for all nations. Ports mean nothing if you don't have the population to defend them.


    Life is short and we have no ill will toward any US clans, but hopefully these events shows the importance of a unified nation and working together. TDA, nor any single group, can defend it by themselves and it only benefits everyone to work together. When the US is ready to fight as one we will be there to fight along side.


    Again, this is my only comment on this topic so any following responses, accusations, flames etc will not be responded to.

    • Like 8
  5. I chose US because I am from there but also because it has never been an option to me in other games before. I also didn't want to play the most populated nation and figured the US would land somewhere in the middle. I've previously played pirate in all the games before this one.

    • Like 2
  6. After some more thinking I would like to see 2 options (I know this isn't possible right away)


    Option 1 - Duel room works like Admin's first post. You enter and get assigned to player in same ship class. No dura loss and no rewards. Just fun dueling PvP for whomever wants it.


    Option 2 - You see someone on open world and have option to challenge them to a duel. If they accept you are sent to duel room with dura loss enabled.

    • Like 10
  7. There are no false chat bans in the game unless it's due to a misclick but that has never happened to my knowledge. It is most likely that your chat was inappropriate and seen by a moderator and you were banned or your chat was reported and after internal review it was deemed worthy of a chat ban. If Ink sees this he can possibly look through the logs and verify the reason for the ban.

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