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Robert Danforth

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Posts posted by Robert Danforth

  1. Indeed, Admiral, the only reason for any common ancestry is based on their ancient lust for conquest, invading our peaceful farms and seaside villages and doing as they would with our women. There would be no shared blood at all if they had simply stayed home one thousand years ago.

  2. I like most of this, but as you're fond of pointing out, this is a game. So there needs to be a balance. Perhaps as suggested, while the admiralty issues the ship, we can fudge a little reality and choose from a list.


    Also, I would point that captains did make money selling and capturing ships. Prize money was how captains and crews really made money, their salaries were rather pitiful. They wouldn't get the FULL amount, obviously, but they'd get a percentage based on their rank. That would allow them to spend money on things like replaceable upgrades (extra gunnery training, say, because the Captain could afford extra powder to train with).

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  3. I like everything in your proposal! I'd change one thing and only somewhat, though:




     Survival mode - repairing over time instead of clicking a consumable. Requires survival mode to be more ‘punishing’. Reduction in speed (say, 2 knots), reload time and most importantly, yard turning. This means people can’t repair under fire without consequence and need to look for a ‘safe spot’.




    Rather than make this a hard-and-fast type rule, going in to Survival should require 'x' amount of crew (based on the ship or damage or both). So if you have a full crew, there's no reason repairs can't be made without a major reduction in sailability or even manning some guns. But if you've also been de-crewed a bit, you have to make a tactical decision on where to put your crew.

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  4. I think it would be hard to code "strong, fair, adventurous" or even "honor". Yes, tieing it to the rank might be an oversimplification, but the other stuff would probably just be impossible to implement, so we should go for the nearest approach. Since a good captain would eventually be promoted.


    There have been a few proposals for honor, so that's what I was thinking. I'm not totally disagreeing, by the way, it may be the best, I just want to explore other options.


    And as far as promotions go, in the Royal Navy at least it was based on seniority, and frankly the Admiralty in most nations didn't really care if you flogged every single one of your crew each and every day and twice on Sunday, so long as you got results. But the morale of those flogged would be utter garbage and they'd mutiny the second you were out of gun noise range.



    I'd say, if you wanted to implement a morale system, do it like Mount and Blade's: As in, the men need good food and frequent, successful action, or else they'll desert or (and I can't recall if this was the case in M&B, but still) be less useful in battle. Puchu's idea works as well, because his idea seems to expand on the system I just described. Also, like Puchu said, trying to implement an honor system would be difficult and probably wouldn't work out, anyway. 


    Sid Meier's Pirates! does it that way too.

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