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Posts posted by racketyjack

  1. Had same problem with CHPro Combatstick. I also have pedals which aren't a problem. Just the joystick for some reason. Glad its resolved for you Znort.


    NOTE: Ink, I did finally test whether it was pedals or joystick or both. please see my original post. Sorry again it took me so long to answer your question.

  2. Ink, I am sorry I did not respond much sooner. I did finally test the connection issue today. I first tried both pedals and joystick, same problem occurred, wasn't able to make selections. Then tried un-plugging ch pro pedals; problem still persisted. Then un-plugged joystick and plugged in pedals, the problem was gone, I was able to make selections as normal. Note: I did a game restart each time I made an adjustment. This is a CH pro Combatstick. It is USB 2.0 I believe as are the pedals. Also note I have TrackIR plugged in whole time with no issues. Just so flight simmers like me will know what's good and what isn't.  Hope this helps.

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  3. I've been with this since 2014. I am glad it appears to FINALLY be getting close to release. Man, has there ever been a lot of changes over that time, some of whom I have truly hated. Mainly because they changed the flavor of the game, in my opinion, making it less fun and more of a grind. However, to the devs credit, they have stuck with it and once it is released, I've no doubt they will continue to work with it to make it better. I will endure one more wipe, however, if necessary. Let's hope it will be the freaking last one. Once its released, we can all have a grog, or what ever trips your trigger, and get on enjoying the game.

  4. Cayo Biscayno now list coal and oak as items it produces. however, I am unable to place a mine or forest there to produce them; they are not listed in the build queue. I sent two F11 bug reports because the first didn't include the port production pulldown in the screenshot.


  5. 27 minutes ago, admin said:

    This patch is about port development. Please stop this fake news agenda of solo players cant do anything.
    Majority of battles on the OW are small engagements 2v2 3v3. Most battles in NA are small engagements. Even streamed battles - most of them are small engagements. Do not believe me - check past broadcasts of naval action on twitch. 


    East India or West Indies was not conquered and developed by some solo guy. It was done by companies with their private fleets and armies like East India Company. 
    Want to control West indies and build the best ships?  Join the alliance with someone. Period. There is no historical or fictitious reference of solo privateers building great first rates. Sorry. You can in our game - but best ships will require lots of RVR and many players to participate.

    The sad fact is that single players are at a disadvantage on the PVP server due to the large numbers of players in groups who hunt down single players. I experienced it myself for months before I quit the server and almost quit the game. This is common knowledge among players. That's the point I'm trying to make. It became no longer enjoyable. The peace server is what saved this game for me. Im not against team play, don't get me wrong. And I probably know and understand history as least as well as you as it is my study and hobby these last 5 decades. So I understand that large actions do occur. I understand how wars are fought and lands captured. But you devs are really cutting into the fan base when you force people to join clans or die as you so indelicately put it. There should be a reasonable approach that allows both game styles to be played. Perhaps the two different servers are the answer. But I remember how fun the game was before the big patch in May 2017. And both single players and clans were playing together without being continually ganked. Fighting against a single human player was fun and challenging. But to be chased down by 5 or 6 and watch my AI fleet ships be captured one by one was very frustrating considering the time and resources spent. I watched my fleet go from 15 ships down to less than 10 in quick order. When I finally lost my Indiaman and my prized Wasa, I'd had enough. I'm really not trying to argue as I have found that is useless online. Just trying to have my say and opinion heard and understood is all. I'll go back to the peace server now. 

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  6. Dont mean to argue but really? Join or die? That says it all for solo players on the war server. That's why the peace server is so important, as it gives us somewhere to play this game without getting continually ganked. And point in fact, not by any means was every action a large,  hundred ship Trafalgar. Most, thru out history  where single ship or two or three. Small group of 2, 3, or 4  'rats in cutters and the like attacking a single merchant. Constitution against the HMS Guerriere, Java, Pictou, Cyane, and Levant; every single one of her battles were against only 1 or 2 ships, not dozens. She never fought a line engagement except possibly the Battle of Tripoli harbour. That's was typical of the times, far more common and hence, more realistic. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, no one said:

    "This is a group feature. Solo players must find a group of friends to use it or join a clan."


    So now that you killed any hope in making the pvp server interesting to play and it seems that you are interested to release the game in a few months i ask this:


    a) There are any hopes to see the return of Naval action legends? Many players including me would like to have a game just to have battles against other ships in a similar way like wows. Epic battles all day using the best features that the NA team gave us in the last years. The combat system, the ships and the graphics. No more bullshit time wasted sailing in the OW , no more handicap to solo players, nothing. Just a simple combat game like wows for players having fun in epic battles.


    b) Could you consider in making the pve server more interesting to play?

       - Solo pvp patrol zones where is allowed to fight other players.

       - Epic port battles against AI for all players.

       - AI agression when sailing close to enemy ports to give more exciting when doing trade runs or delivery missions.


    REALLY like the idea of being able to fight human opponents on a limited, as agreed basis on the PVE server. Don't want to join one of the patrol zones to find I am against 5 other players who have teamed up. So solo patrol zones might work out pretty good. I also like the idea of AI countries being more aggressive near their ports, at least against warships, probably not peaceful traders. Always found the old smuggler flag fun too, don't know if this could be re-implemented or not. This was when NA used to be fun on the so-called war server.

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  8. Wow! 6 pages of conjecture and questions and not a single reply from admin/devs to clear things up. Im here trying to find answers and just wasted 15 minutes. Not impressed here. Seems to me the war server has become completely unfriendly to single players and small clans. Now the PVE server is going this route too? Bad decision if so.

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  9. I am now a player only on the PEACE server due to changed gameplay forcing me to join a clan on the war server to survive and losing way too many ships to ganking. The peace server recaptured some of the fun the war server used to be before the drastic changes that befell it. So I went on the PEACE server quickly this morning before I went to work and had the new patch being installed. I check out the map and seems like most, if not all ports are owned by one nation or the other except of course free ports. One of my ports before patch is Islamorada, I had an oak farm and a coal mine there. The oak farm no longer works because oak is no longer produced in Islamorada! Coal still is produced there so my coal mine still seems to be active. However, the port is no longer neutral, its pirate.  I also found my outpost in St. Mary's in now Spanish. I have lost my tobacco farm and iron mine there since the port no longer produces them.

    -Are my outposts in these two ports still valid? EDIT: Apparently so.

    -Can I still produce coal in Islamorada or produce anything in a port owned by another nation? We could not before. If this is still the case, we are now very restricted in where we can build and trade. This will have a very detrimental effect on gameplay in the peace server. EDIT: Again, apparently so.

    -Can I bring a warship into the port now? Again, could not before. EDIT: Still not sure.

    Also, am I being compensated for the loss of my oak, tobacco, and iron buildings; would have been nice considering the time and money I've invested. Not to mention the potential  rework/rethink I have to do now in my trading routes, etc. because of this change. EDIT: Apparently not...

  10. Yep, that did it, thank you! I had a CH Pro Combatstick and CH rudder peddles plugged into the computer. They only use the windows 10 drivers and not the CH drivers to my knowledge, I never installed CH drivers.Weird that the joystick and rudders should do this. But, glad its finally working. 😃

  11. I want to add a contract for an item or for a resource I have for sale. I cannot for the life of me choose the item in the drop down menu. Usually, (not always), the menu will list the resources I have in the warehouse, but if I want to sell a book or upgrade, even if its in the warehouse, I cannot choose that pulldown choice or name the item. I have tried to use tab, to mouse over the choices, to hit enter instead of a mouse click, to put in the price and number first; nothing seems to work. The only time I can make a contract is if the item is a resource and is listed first in the dropdown menu. 

    My computer specs are XFX Radeon 580 8gb video, Ryzen 1600 3.6ghz 6 core cpu, 32gb DDR4 RAM, ASUS 370 killer SLI mobo.

  12. Since the patch last May, the entire character of the game has changed. It used to be a lot of fun building a trading business, crafting and selling ships, working my way up the XP ladder of rank, etc. Now, it has become one gigantic grind fest trying to make gold, earn battle marks (much less victory marks), and continually losing ships with only one durability. In a way, the one dura is more realistic I suppose. But I guess I'm not the best player out there. I have lost three frigates, three Mercs, a number of trading brigs and frankly, Ive gotten tired of it. Buying and equipping a ship only to lose it has become demoralizing. Trying to find the damn materials to build new ones or try to build up the money to buy one can be a long process. Ive been with this game since it first went public on steam, what, over three years ago? Ive always found it fun and challenging, up till now. It was cool to find out what a port had by sailing there, then you knew where to find stuff. This stupid trading tool now is wrong half the time it seems. Or even better, you get to a port with a material available to find its bought up or only a few pieces. What a waste of sailing time. Now, the port combat has become too complicated, the marks too much of a grind, the politics just aren't my bag, and frankly, I'm getting real tired of it. You know whats great about world of tanks and other successful MMo's? Their simplicity. This game has lost that for me. Too bad really. 

  13. How do raids work?

    And honestly, I don't mind if the devs sell ships like in WOT or WOW. They have to make money. New players will still buy the game as long as its updated and kept online. the added income from ship sales and perks like paint jobs is all to be expected. As long as the sandbox open world aspect of this game is preserved. I enjoy the trading, the missions, and the port battles. I like to craft ships and upgrades. I like fighting the Spanish and French and Pirates. I think iits cool you can make allies of countries though I would like to see those alliances shift with politics or even the occasional random political event... "British allies start impressing American sailors; world agog!" The money making aspect could be toned down a tad. And I never have warmed to the trading tool as its not always right and its a greater hassle now to find materials for crafting or trade. But I don't want trade to be much more difficult than it already is. And smuggling was actually kind of exciting, I didn't know who might attack me. I'd be kinda sorry to see it go. Anyway, As mush as I dislike the idea of the wipe, I understand it. I'm glad we can keep our crafting and combat XP. The money and materials hopefully I will be able to build back up again soon. Devs, overall, you guys are doing a grewat job. Don't let the naysayers put you off. This is a learning experience for all of us. Its actually a lot of fun. Oh, I think I have WAAAAY more hours on this game than any other by far. That says something right there.

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