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James Cornelius

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Posts posted by James Cornelius

  1. Just skimmed through most of this, and while I think there should be national differences, consider that for example the US did build ships of the line in the time period covered - they just never used them. Likewise, just after the time period covered by the game (and to make this assumption I used the time that the "Star Spangled Banner" - the 15 star, 15 stripe flag depicted on US ships in the game was in effect, 1795-1818) the US built even larger ships such as the 140 gun Pennsylvania in 1837.


    So, I don't think we should cut out all types of ships, but it could be argued that each nation gets a unique ship that the others don't.

    • Like 1
  2. Hello,


    It's a common complaint in the game that upon winning a port battle - either defensively or offensively - you receive a quantity of materials as reward that you are not able to fully take possession of. For example, getting 450 compass wood as a reward is a great thing, but not if you're in a Constitution and can only fit a fraction of it inside your hold.


    What I propose is that upon successful completion of a port battle, the victorious side respawns inside the port. The port is contested during that time frame where both sides can freely enter, so respawning inside allows the victorious player the option to set up an outpost to keep the goods or to sell it so that the bulk of the reward is not lost.


    It is incredibly frustrating to see time and again more than half your winnings be destroyed as you cannot fit them in your cargo hold. This suggestion makes sense and would eliminate that problem.

    • Like 4
  3. Hello,


    The Conquests tab on the map screen shows ports captured, and flags active. I would suggest it should show battles active as well. Often times after the flag is planted there is still time to get to the battle, or at least to the battle area. Especially if someone logs on, it's an easy help to know where to go, particularly as the Nation chat might be rather sparse since people could be in battles in or around the port.


    Currently, when the conquest starts there is no indication that it is ongoing after the initial notification. This would remedy that.


    Thank you.

    • Like 3


    The main difference in ship performance was crew and motivation related. (it is hard to manage 300+ men) and better leaders fought better even when their ship was worse. It is impossible to replicate crew management psychology and motivation without adding a football manager game and a lot of RNG removing skill (gunner fell on the blood during battle broke leg and started asking to send him back to his wife on land). 


    Then what about introducing a crew veterancy mechanic at the very least? Renown for captains based on victories? Make it somewhat scalable based on ships or maybe attach only to the specific ship you are on?This would simulate the esprit d' corps that a crack ship's crew had where a lighter ship could defeat a heavier one and prompt people to stay in their "ace" Trincomalee instead of moving up to an Inger or Constitution.

    • Like 1
  5. Again, agree with what Devs have suggested. I proposed in game chat sometime ago a similar mechanism specifically for crew to be a type of resource that was not infinite. As you gain XP so does your crew and to "replenish" you must get from a pool in port. If you surrender, you do not lose crew so there is an incentive to do so. Hopefully officers will be introduced at the same time and provide benefits along same lines to current upgrades.


    So I think if you had XP with crew (giving effect like rum rations, etc to represent a veteran well trained crew) then replenishing basic "pressed" sailors would be free (or minimal cost) but purchasing veterans very expensive and -here's a kicker - make it only possible to get certain XP ranked crew based on your own XP. I justify this by pointing out very successful captains found it easier to get volunteers as opposed to unsuccessful or unknown captains. 

  6. Hello,


    When a port battle begins it is no longer considered an "active assault fleet" so it disappears from that list. However, clearly there is still action going on and there will likely be people continuing to arrive in that area...unless you just logged on and have no idea it is happening. I propose an additional list of "Active Port Battles" so that even if you miss the battle itself, you could still get to the area to participate in the inevitable blockade or arrival of stragglers.

    • Like 2
  7. In battle, particularly since it seems that time can pass from day to night, wind should change as well. And, I am not merely suggesting direction - the force should change. In current combat, you basically go straight at the other side. This is ahistorical in all the many cases where poor or shifting wind radically altered the tactics or outcome of the battle.


    I'd like to see this incorporated, along with other weather issues: dense fog in battle, things like that.

    • Like 4
  8. Hi all,


    Fairly low on the priority list, but I think as more ships are added it would be cool to see some 2nd rates. The British obviously used them to good effect and they were significant players in several battles. Specifically, I'd like to see ships like the Prince of Wales, Glory, and Barfleur.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it incredibly frustrating when after a hard fought port battle, your reward is like 400 compass wood, and you can hold like....50 of them.


    If a huge part of your reward will be lost, there should be either greater gold and XP to make up for it, or a mechanism to ship your reward to an outpost, similar to the way it works now for free town deliveries.

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