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James Thomson

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Posts posted by James Thomson

  1. I think boarding is only Brace and Deckguns, ocassionally trying to foo lcomputer in for attack that he wont defend like in that picture AI uses Deck guns against Attack.



    After i have moved to bigger ships i want revert my comment and state boarding actually has its uses on attack too. But i still dont know why i should use muskets or granades.


    I didnt understand that i need more preparation to use skills at the last seconds, now i can fool  AI to defend and at last second change to Deckfire and he will then at next turn have Defend on cooldown andi cant attack against hes brace. This way i can two shot most traders now. And 0 morale does make enemy give up, but you need to do attack move for them to give up.


    Also Deckfire does trump against attack so i always try to time my attacks when enemy Deck fire is on CD.

  2. My old Guild, the St George Squadron, this brings me great joy to see such a great fleet arriving at station.


    To witness the SGS dragon roaring at sea will be a sight to see.


    Sir. You will be missed!


    We are starting up slowly here, hopefully we can get things going soon. Old members have iching for this game but dont wan't spoil it on early acces.

  3. St._George_Squadron_Arms.png

    Strength in Unity!

    That is our motto, and we play to it. You need to play Games like Naval Action together with friends like us, to get all the fun out of them!

    All Captains are Welcome to apply to our Squadron!  Though we are waiting for the release and are undermanned currently we still are actively searching new members to run our great society!

    We try to shine amongst other clans by our gentlemen style rules, respect to others, ranking system, wikipedia, out of game rewards, achievements, cooperative actions, training and much more!

    Squadron has already existed for over 15 years! Hip hip hooray!

    We only  require you to cooperate whit our naming policy on our forums where all the small roleplay and management of the squadron takes place, also we do not accept ingame nicknames that are tasteless, violating or in any other way seen unfit to the squadron. Ask our officers first, before you decide yourself if its not fit. We will think something for you if you really are interested in our forum activities.





    We are rather small yet, but numbers grow again!


    We do not require you to be hardcore gamer or online most of the day, we have system where you need to be active in our Forums or Discord only once a month AFTER you have passed Patronage period. We also have our own wiki that is almost its own game universe already!

    This is great clan for those who are taking it easy on the alpha and just love to explore differend areas of the game!

    For voice communication we have moved from Teamspeak to Discord, the invitation links to our channel can be acquired via me or our forums.




    Animated_Flag_SGS.gifS! Captains!

    The ‘St George’ Squadron of the White is Society dedicated to Captains of His Britannic Majesty’s Royal Navy.

    Squadron is already 15 Years old and still going. Oldest members still playing have been in the squadron almost long as society has existed.

    We are naval enthusiasts, gamers, keen role-players and above all passionate patriots. We will in-game play our parts with good natured professionalism, ruthlessness and chivalry. All qualities that we admire in people who may wish to join this growing Squadron.

    Our squadron is built on the principles and traditions of the Royal Navy. Our inspiration is of Britains long naval history, great naval hero’s and the doctrine in which they lead their men and fought their battles. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and reputation. Every member of our Squadron from Recruits to Sea lords are important to the success of our squadron, and each are imbued with a sense of belonging to a “Band of Brothers” in the great tradition of Nelsonic philosophy.

    Our team spirit is second to none, a
    nd any member who has joined so far will tell you, the friendships they have gained by joining will no doubt be friendships for life. We are a diverse group, of many nationalities, cultures and ages…..but as a Guild we are one, and that togetherness will be our success.

    The Squadron was founded in February 2004 by 6 original members who met of the PotBS forums. From the start they decided to build a small guild of friends rather than a large super guild. It was decided to base the squadron on the sprit of the Nelson era as this was a time of courage, honor and allowed captains a level of initiative not seen in the ridged battle lines of the earlier period.

    We use a 3 stage recruitment process designed to get you playing with us as quickly as possible. The stages are: (Click hyper links, they will take you to right places)

    • Register on our Forums < You must be registered to forums so our application works right! It uses your forum account to post the application.
    • Our motto is: Strength in unity. It will be asked as captcha.
    • Application form < Remember to use the one for Naval Action!
    • Interview and In game invitation -> Officer will contact you ingame or you can contact us.
    • Patronage - 2 Months maximum (4 cycles)
    • Officers Vote for your full membership

    Short Q & A:

    'Why should I choose SGS, and not another Society?'
    There are many societies out there that cater to different play styles. If you're looking for hardcore play every day, then we're not for you. But if you want a close, friendly society with the chance for character development and opportunities for PVP, PVE and crafting, then we can offer you a varied and fun gaming experience. In addition, we are a well established society, and have been continually active since 2004.

    How far up the squadron can I advance?
    As far as you want to. We have had people join as patronage officers and climb all the way to the top! Only the rank of Naval Lord is reserved for the society in founding members, every other rank can be reached through merit.


    'I hear you're a roleplay guild. I'm not sure I like the sound of that...'
    Historical Society would be a better description. It depends on what you mean by 'roleplay'. We don't talk in character on voice or chat. We do roleplay the British Navy of the 18th century, which means we have some standards and character name regulations. We have also created a promotion and award system so your character can develop in the squadron. You are expected to have historically suitable names. We don't enforce role play on our members but do encourage those who want to, although it is not allowed to get in the way of PVP or RVR. To sum up we play in the spirit of the British Navy of 1810, which includes being effective fighters.

    Do you have to speak in Character on TeamSpeak or Chat?
    NO. TeamSpeak is very relaxed and we laugh and joke like anyone else. Some members talk in character in chat but it is not a requirement. When it comes to PVP we focus on clear and effective communications.

    My friends are joining and I'm afraid I will be turned away!
    Don't be. Although applicants sometimes decide to withdraw their application during patronage it is uncommon to have been membership refused. In PotBS we've had members from closing societies join SGS en mass and all have enjoyed successful careers with the squadron.

    What play styles do you have?
    All of them. We regularly PvP, Open Sea PVE, Run missions and have a thriving economy. Whatever your play style you'll find something do at SGS and we try to keep things balanced so you don't get bored. Everything is optional, you won't be expected to run missions or PVP if that isn't your thing.

    Does SGS have a lot of rules and regulations?
    Depends on how you look at it. We try to keep it as simple as we can whilst protecting the reputation of the squadron and everyone's enjoyment (even our enemies). Most of our regulations, like Character Names, you only have to worry about once. The day to day rules are based on respect for all players and common sense.

    SGS Naval Action Constitution

    SGS Home Page


    James Thomson Secretary of Recruitment

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  4. Id like to remind everyone that this is just alliance on certain guilds, not nations. It is stupid to post in game like this that whole nation is allied whit other when there still wil lbe inviduals who dont care about alliances.


    Example we just sunk spanish trader yelling we are at alliance and he will start war on us, well i consider him as my enemy already because hes red and i cant use hes ports and i just got hit them day earlyer.


    This will just create miss conlusions and anger.

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