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  1. I feel there should be variation with cavalry with the union having better ranged cavalry and the confederacy having better melee cavalry. I feel there should be cavalry that ranged mainly and other that is mainly melee so there can be more tactics like having the ranged cavalry with hand held guns distracting an infantry or artillery force from behind inorder to give the melee cavalry a benefit when charging head on the now turned around enemy unit. There should also be 2 types of ranged cavalry 1.having cavalry rifles used to shoot over infantry to hit enemy units and 2. handgun cavalry that uses hit and run tactics pulling back after shooting then attacking again after reloading. the rifles should have longer range and reload times with the handguns having much shorter ranger and less reload time. Infantry should have bayonets to fend off melee cavalry attacks from the front. Artillery should have better accuracy against stationary cavalry then infantry because of there size but have a harder time hitting moving cavalry then hitting moving infantry based on there speed. If Howitzer Artillery is introduced then it should a direct fire ability so you can have it attack on any position on the map even if units are not seen or even there. melee cavalry should be able to decimate artillery if it fails to fire a grapeshot at it. The grapeshot should repel charges from moral loss.
  2. I agree with what you are trying to convey. Currently there is a round shot, a shell, and a canister. I feel that each of these should have a different effect. Some effects could be decreased speed, charge prevention, reduced reload speed of targeted unit, loss of moral, decrease of condition, and a quantity of casualties. American Civil War artillery came in 2 main flavors Guns and howitzers Gun Cannons Need to be deployed so that they are not directly firing into units; Gun Cannon should be placed in the front of or on the flank of the front lines They should be more accurate but have less range with greater reload speed and quicker aiming, Gun cannon should also be able to use the grapeshot which prevents or hampers charge attempts. and Howitzer Cannons made to shoot at a angled trajectory; Howitzers should have increased range and decreased accuracy able to shoot over troops and tall obstructions but require time to aim. Howitzers should also be able to use explosive canister shot where the shrapnel is in the ball and explodes over the target Gun Howitzers should be mainly for the Union as this would reflect there artillery and technology advantage; Gun Howitzers have the properties of Gun cannon and Howitzers. These are some gameplay ideas that with tweaks will add content and another strategy element to the game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_artillery_in_the_American_Civil_War#Smoothbores
  3. Riekopo I like a little salt and pepper in my potatoes the more flavors there are the more fresh and unique the gameplay. I don't want to just ram my units at each other I want unique and different challenges. I wish you could enjoy the diversity and uniqueness of it and encourage more variation not less
  4. They will probably do what The hegemony series made by Longbowgames does. They have a campaign map that runs in real-time but can be paused and have the campaign map be able to seamlessly zoom-into the battle map and vice versa. They will probably have the campaign look like a military strategic map with style of the union or confederacy. Im not sure if this is what there going for but It would be dam awesome for a game so fun and artistic. This game has the potential to be 100o times better then the overbuget fail games that the creative jerking circle makes. They end up being Total poor because they throw there money at the floor only to have a game with broken war... Ultimate Generals is going to be a AAAAAA+++ series its strategy, tactics, fun and art in the most Ultimate of ways. maps like these http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/maps/hotchkiss/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Scott-anaconda.jpg http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/map_item.pl http://www.loc.gov/resource/g3701s.cw0019000/ http://www.loc.gov/wiseguide/oct05/maps.html http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bonps.org%2Fwpr%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F01%2F5-Topo-map-1865-Confederate-eastern-flank.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bonps.org%2Ffeatures%2Fminnesota-regiments-at-nashville%2F&h=681&w=957&tbnid=3KibyeIZt3wTBM%3A&zoom=1&docid=IfxkIt9ZpYQ-AM&ei=dNbaU87GAuHO8AGn9ICwAQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CBAQMygIMAg4ZA&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=394&page=4&start=101&ndsp=37 http://www.austincc.edu/caddis/civilwar2 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-vetscor/937497/posts
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