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  1. First of all sorry for my poor english, I have been following and using this mod for a long time, it became a prerequisite for me to start the game, very good work In fact, as an Asian user, I have some content that I want to share with you, because I understand it more deeply. In 1909, the Qing Navy Minister Zai Xun visited the United States, and the Sino-US naval cooperation plan in 1911. This cooperation decision almost allowed the Qing Dynasty to purchase two Indiana-class ships. In September of the same year (1909), Zaixun and Sa Zhenbing went to Britain, Germany, Italy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and other European countries for inspections. They expressed their willingness to order various types of warships from these countries. Judging from the visit to San Francisco on September 19 of the following year (1910), it can be confirmed that the Qing Dynasty and the United States have reached cooperation, and clarified the possible existence of the "Indiana Class Project" However, it was the United States' idea to suppress Japan. For the Qing Dynasty, Japan was also their choice for purchasing new ships. Therefore, just the same time in 1910, Zaixun and Sa Zhenbing also ordered "Yongxiang-class" ships from Japan's Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard and Kawasaki Shipyard respectively. But we know that the Qing Dynasty fell shortly after these events. Two of the Yongxiang-class ships were handed over to the Republic of China. The remaining two ships were canceled because there was insufficient funding, and plans for cooperation with the United States fell through. Based on the above, I think it is possible for China to join the American BB and Japanese small ships (DD, LC) since 1910s. Also consider the Republic of China's interested in German and Soviet weapons before World War maybe there is a possibility that they will cooperate in the navy in particular, it has been proven by history that the Chinese Navy uses a large number of German cannons on their ships Regarding your recent update, the main reason is that I wanted to introduce an idea that's why I decided to use this mod for so long before leaving a comment now, "Manchukuo", yes we all know that "Manchukuo" started in 1932, but in Chinese history it is believed to be as early as 1919 , this is the "cause" of the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo. That was from the "Japanese Kwantung Army". As early as 1905 after the Russo-Japanese War, they acquired the Liaodong Peninsula and most of the cities in Korea (believed to have been occupied earlier). From 1910, Japan had Korea and Northeastern China) In 1890 Japan "Kwantung Army"might have Liaodong. In 1900, held Korea 1910 Incorporation of the Russian Far East into the Kwantun Army Starting from 1920, the national name should be changed to "Manchukuo" Historically, they had some old Qing ships (usually American and British hulls) but equipped with Japanese weapons. (But yes they are just TB and Gunship in real) Interestingly, in 1938, the Japanese Army took over the Manchukuo Navy and renamed it "Jiangshang-Gun". The "friendly relations" between the Japanese Navy and Army are well known. They once concealed the fact that the Navy had reached an agreement with Germany to jointly build submarines (and their original plan was actually a destroyer) Through it maybe it's possible to create a line that uses British and American hulls from 1900 to 1920, followed by a mix of German large hulls and Japanese small hulls, and a mix of Japanese small guns and German heavy guns.
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