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  1. Thanks for the troubleshooting. I'll use the latest version to start a new campaign then. Great work, btw. NAR+TnF is a ton of fun!
  2. No, I did not edit any files. But I believe, the naval funds were normal at the beginning of the campaign. I don't know at which year/month in my campaign they got so ridiculously high for the small nations. The crew numbers issue seems reproducible by starting a new campaign (in my case china/legendary/historical ai/own fleet/selective). In January 1890 the crew pool shows "0 (+-2147483648)" for the newly added nations. If I hit "next turn/month", the displayed crew pool shows "-2147483648(+0). On the other hand, if I "Exit to Main Menu" before I end my first turn and reload the campaign, the crew values are fixed. This seems to only work on the first turn though. If I reload a campaign save from February 1890 the crew numbers remain at "-2147483648".
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jmx8GqRVVDo7PW-9qQT-MRE1DDkzw9t_/view?usp=sharing
  4. In my campaign, all newly added nations have greater than 300,000,000,000,000 funds and a 2^31 crew deficit (integer overflow?). All "major" (ger, eng, usa, etc.) nations have normal amounts of funds and crew. It's a 1890 Japan campaign on legendary difficulty. I used TaF 3.9.0 in the beginning and updated the .dll, when the new version which fixed gun refits came along.
  5. Naval funds of the newly added nations are way too high as well (>320 trillion). Does the politics window just show wrong numbers for those nations or are they "real"?
  6. The french torp cl hull tooltip shows a max optimal speed of 0.1kn.
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