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Everything posted by halo1cej

  1. Another battle, convoy mission this time where the ai cl abandoned its merchant ships allowing my cl and dd to mow them down uncontested. The merchant ships put up a bigger fight. Until this this patch has been the best this game has been.
  2. Anyone else have the AI run away from fights that are similar? Just tried to play 3 battles (my ca, cl, and dd vs ai ca) (cl vs cl similar displacements) and (my ca and 2 dds vs ai CA and cl) and the only one that resulted in an actual battle was the ca and dds vs the ca and cl
  3. The following list is a few things I would like to see added to the game: 1) Territorial waters. This may be hard to implement but it would really help us and the AI increase tension with another nation. Task forces will avoid crossing territorial waters when moving around the map except when they are deliberately sent into the area or during times of war. Sending task forces into territorial waters should come with a high-tension and unrest cost as well as reducing naval prestige but will allow us to have a more direct approach to having wars declared. This is something that happens today that would be interesting to see how it would play out in the game. 2) Docking at neutral ports. The player and the AI should be allowed to dock a fleet in a neutral port to resupply and repair ships but they can only remain there for one turn. This happened regularly and one of the most famous examples of this is when the Graf Spee docked in Montevideo for repairs after the Battle of River Plate. The cost of this should be extra maintenance fees for the ships docking, for the turn. This would allow more direct control of repairs for our task forces and keep them in the fight longer as opposed to the task force teleporting back to a friendly port. Superficial damage can easily be repaired while major damage will need a more direct fix from the friendly ports at home. 3) More major nations. I would like to see a few more (2-4) nations be added into the campaign. The ones that make the most since to add would be the Ottoman Empire, Brazil, Canada, Portugal, or the Netherlands. The Ottoman Empire and Brazil make the most since as they did have a naval presence and the dock space within the game to make the jump to major status and having another nation in the western hemisphere would be nice. Canada, Portugal, and the Netherlands all have sufficient dock space to justify becoming major powers as well. 4) Building refit ships. This has been asked for by many and I don't want to parrot this, but it is a bit annoying that I have to build the base model then refit the ship instead of building the refit ship. If minor nations can request us build the refit ship, why can't we? 5)The ability to customize the starting tensions. Something that would be fun to see is the ability to adjust the starting tensions at the start of the campaign. The battle of the Pacific could be the alliance of now, USA and Japan vs Russia and China, while in the Atlantic and Mediterranean the alliances of old Britain, Germany, and Austria Hungary vs Spain, France, and Italy. Even starting the game with everyone completely neutral could add its own interesting twist. I also agree with Kaptn_Flitschauge in regard to the impact of wars on relations. Why would I care if the United States and Spain are at war when playing as Austria Hungary or Japan and China warring among themselves. Again, these are some things that I would like to see with the understanding that none, or some will never make it into the game.
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