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  1. I've had this but have been able to resolve it by turning off "avoid" Seemed to me like it's trying to calculate a path to avoid other ships and just goes "Nope" and they enter a staring contest. I typically turn off avoid at the start of battle on all ships though because it seems to speed up their entering a more consistent formation.
  2. I wager weighting certain other factors is probably a long term thing I wouldn't necessarily expect at this stage of the campaign development. There's a ton of things that likely need implemented to make the campaign feel a little more real. Real world circa 1920-40s Britain controlling Gibraltar and the Suez without making the naval invasions a little more functional would make playing as Italy or Austria-Hungary a pretty terrible endeavor. Don't get me wrong I'd love the strategic aspect of the campaign to be super fleshed out and feel more like a proper strategy game but that's a lot of work for a smallish development team to implement.
  3. Oddly enough I've had the opposite experience, they gave up most of India over Gibraltar
  4. Yeah I lost a new campaign with that, too. It looks like all the ships that existed before the patch are part of a ghost fleet and only newly built ships populated the map. I haven't got in the good habit of backing up my saves since starting the beta branch....
  5. Yep, seems back to normal. Can you guys get my MS Teams to load properly at work when you get some free time?
  6. You have to admit it's an elegant solution to all our complaints about the campaign.
  7. As someone playing an Italy campaign, I strongly disagree with fixing the shipyard size issue You folks have been busy this week. It's noticable, still kinks to work out but I can see a little bit of polish each time I fire it up. Yo. Great laptop and absolute steal of a price if you got it on one of the good sales on them recently.
  8. Because I'm an impulsive shopper and nerd I play on two fairly beefy systems, a 12700k/6800XT desktop and a Ryzen 9 5980/6800M laptop. I experienice this issue on both systems. I wager there's a lot of optimizations that need to be done on the game, there's a lot of physics calculations and such I assume are happening and something is bottlenecking the games display output. To be expected to a degree, they've made a flurry of updates these past few weeks and usually "optimizing" is going to take a back seat to break fix. Hopefully though it's just something that sorts out with time when the base game stabilizes a bit.
  9. I'll raise you the rag tag French army here that's 11 million strong despite me crippling their economy to 50 cents of GDP per soldier. Noting I wager the calculations on the campaign are probably all kinds of messy right now and I cannot stress enough at least from my personal standpoint that I wouldn't concentrate on -this- issue compared to general combat ones but it does lead to some.....funky situations.
  10. Hoo boy I made the mistake of taking Sakhalin in a peace treat with Russia as Italy in the mid 1900s and it's going to take me a decade to get ships over there to protect that area. I'd be better off losing the territory. But, that's my mess up... The game feels better today, though. I did just experience the "Yes" menu option bug but it was after way more turns than I was experiencing before.
  11. Realistically for a good chunk of the time span of this game only the UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan had the capability to build anything beyond maybe a destroyer. Suspending some construction realities is somewhat necessasry to have a campaign mode. Turkey circa WWI was as much a naval power as Spain or China.
  12. I had that happen recently but I'm a little foggy as to what the circumstances were. Might have been related so a minor ally's ship order or something. It went away, or more accurately I think I had to do a end task and it was gone upon relaunch.
  13. Interesting....originally when I first saw the extra movement I thought "Oh they added dynamic weather!" because the map I was on had severe weather. Then I saw the same behavior on a calm weather map and was when I started noticing the issue. I have noticed that the trailing ships are a little better in formation now, thuogh. But that's only slight comfort given you struggle to direct the lead ship.
  14. I would tend to agree....it may not be specifcally worse now than it was before but the UI change makes it -feel- much worse. And given that if I right click a direction and a whacky waving arm inflatable tube man line is drawn indiicating, it makes it enormously hard to tell if my input "took". The tipsy snake may be, in fact, more accurate of a representation than the straight line but causes the issue to appear more pronounced at minimum. I'm also not sure if this is demonstrative or just observation on my part but I feel like the squiggles now impact the "maneuvering" debuff far more than I recall in the past. In particular for very slight court adjustments, say, when bow chasing and you're just inputting very slight course changes that "before" wouldn't throw off the a accuracy that now create can create havoc until the squiggle stops.
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