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Kevin Alexander

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Everything posted by Kevin Alexander

  1. Updated to the latest version and this is my experience so far. Going to try to maybe uninstall the game and reinstall, idk. Yeah, at 1,5 kms it's okay for a CA to pen my belt, sure. It's not okay for my BB to bounce on the CA 6 inch belt and mostly hit the deck. That's not normal, balistics are way off.
  2. Aaaand there we go. 5th campaign I quit in about 2 days, and I don't think I'm going to touch this game in the foreseeable future. Bug after bug after bug. Is this full release worthy in your mind? Latest ragequit: my 20k ton dreadnought with 11 inch guns and 12 inch belt gets massacred without a chance by an enemy heavy cruiser half its size, armed with 8 inch guns. My 11 inch guns maaaaybe are lucky enough to hit a partial pen, but mostly bounces. His 8 inch guns overpen my belt. My main belt of 12 inches. Most of my hits, even at 1,5 kms, are on the enemy deck. How? I don't know. Had one lucky penetration, everything else was bounces. For the love of god fix whatever penetration calculation you managed to break in the last updates. That might make the game playable. As it stands, it's a mess and battles aren't worth fighting.
  3. Also, shots even at 1,5 kms are going in the deck armour. Which is, from a ballistics perspective, bonkers.
  4. @Nick Thomadis are you going to adress the bug that causes penetration to go all over the place? I'm currently in a battle in which my 12" belt and 11" main gun dreadnought is getting decimated by an armoured cruiser with 8" guns. This is, as far as I can tell, at least for now, the most frustrating bug. At least for me. How come my 11" main guns repeatedly bounce on 7" of CA armour while his 8" guns chew through mine? Please adress this ASAP because it makes dreadnoughts useless, might as well spam 8" armoured cruisers..
  5. Yeah well don't expect respect when you won't even bother seeing past your own opinions when coming to a forum to *discuss* things. I've seen your posts in the thread and whenever someone replies to you you answer with sarcasm and mockery. If you'd consider changing your tone a bit then you might also find that others will start taking you seriously and respecting you.
  6. Would you consider stopping? Ever since I've seen you pop up in this thread you've been non-stop arrogant, annoying and unable to accept any second opinions. My honest suggestion: go and touch some grass. Maybe this isn't the place for you.
  7. Why the negativity? Because you attempt to downplay this issue that we all clearly are very frustrated about. It feels that whatever argument we bring it doesn't matter, because it's still our fault. How can you say it does not affect gameplay when we're all so upset about it? Does our opinion, as playtesters, mean absolutely nothing? I am not the only one who explained this problem dozens of times and now you try to gaslight us to feel bad that we are being negative..why was the sailing so good in 1.08 and now so bad in 1.10? Of course we are unhappy when we see a product that we paid a good deal of money for simply degrade from one update to another. Perhaps now you understand. We want our opinions taken seriously, because as customers we have that right. And we also have a right to be dissatisfied with changes that do not improve the game.
  8. Right, so what we claim affects and impacts our gameplay is actually nothing. Incredible, why have I never thought of this?All my problems are now fixed.
  9. Oh I will, don't worry. I just joined the forums today to post my grievances, but I can obviously see it was a bad idea based on the replies I got from Nick, so I won't bother with the forum or the game any time soon.
  10. I don't even know why I bothered to explain the issue then, seeing that you choose to oversimplify my explanation and take it out of context. 1.08 cruising behaviour good, 1.09 and 1.10 cruising behaviour bad. There. And for the money I spent I have all the right, like everyone else, to complain about a "feature" that brings more problems thant good things.
  11. Thank you for making me regret my purchase of this game. Totally professional response. Waste of my money.
  12. Are you for real? I have to ask this because I cannot believe what I just read in your reply. WHY would you remove the manual rudder? The issue I am describing has absolutely NOTHING to do with the manual rudder and everything to do with whatever ship sailing behaviour you introduced in version 1.09. Why do we have to pretend you don't understand the issue when it was clearly explained SO MANY TIMES? I attached a crudely drawn picture to exemplify what I am talking about. Why do ships sail like this even when I don't give any direction? Like, battle starts, I let my fleet sail straight ahead and they start doing ,,S" maneuvers. This is especially frustrating when trying to evade torpedoes or when maneuvering around an enemy fleet because half the ships are always too close to the enemy and get mowed down by main battery fire or by torpedos. And your response to this problem is to remove features that have absolutely nothing to do with this? I barely use manual rudder anyways. But at this point I don't even know why I still care, I see that for all the discussion in this thread about the ship behaviour the issue is still there. Just revert the cruising behaviours to version 1.08 and the problem is fixed, for real. I cannot believe that for the money I spent on this game this is the reply I am getting. I must say that at this point I am seriously starting to regret my purchase.
  13. Close to release? For the love of God, tell me you're kidding. It's been 10 hotfixes since we've been complaining about the drunken steering of ships and it's still the same really. It's not realistic, it's annoying and I've lost ships that instead of crossing a T kept going and going and only started turning when surrounded by torpedo boats... Just revert to like 1.08 steering, do our complaints about this issue really mean nothing? Not to mention the other campaign-ending bugs, but with those ones I've been fairly lucky and haven't encountered them a whole lot. Please. Fix. The. Steering.
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