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Everything posted by atv

  1. I want to come back to this comment because I keep experiencing this issue despite the latest updates. I don't think it's an issue with modded saves in general. The issue with captured ship designs not showing is much rarer when the player doesn't choose the ship with the same name as the class. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with clashing ship names between nations but I have had no issue refitting 7 Austrian BBs of the same class playing as Germany. The lead ship of that class was sunk so likely there wasn't an issue with ship designs there. In the same save I had just won a landslide victory against USA in which 16 classes of ships as war prizes are rewarded to me. All the classes without their class leaders (of the same name as the class) were present in ship designs and others with which the class leader I have taken does not appear under the ship designs tab. It is simple-ish for me to fix this (although time consuming) and given the past history of saves not being fixed I would ask if a potential fix can be deployed here?
  2. My save was edited: that was probably the reason why it happened. There are accounts of this happening for potentially un-edited saves, see below. Fixed it through more save-editing by creating a copy of the design ship with a unique ID, country ownership and Status 1 followed by reassigning said unique ID.
  3. Think there might be a new bug in Campaigns? Ships as war prizes from other countries no longer show up in 'ship designs' and are not refittable.
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