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Posts posted by Traslo

  1. Every single AI seems to have severe spending issues within 3-5 years of a campaign, with every single country getting constant warnings about their overspending. Of course we can help this by increasing difficulty, but the AI already gets infinitely more funds than us at the start which makes it difficult to see it as a good thing.

    Actively losing wars because naval blockades seem to continue even after we turn the tide and have much more power projection than our enemies. Lost a campaign to unrest when Germany got to keep infinitely blockading me when I had 11k power projection versus their 5k. Can't even try to emergency fix this through a save-edit as it's all in Chinese atm for some reason?

    • Like 1
  2. A quick instant pickup is that turrets get smaller when you make their diameter bigger. For example, if you add 0.5" diameter to an 8" gun, the gun actually gets smaller in terms of the space it takes up on the ship. Seems to be doing the opposite of what it should.

    There was an event where you supposedly visit a weapons exhibition, and if you pick the answer to the event that gives you money, it simply does not give the reward at all.

    Starting funds in 1890 felt a little too harsh. AI clearly built almost 10 times the ships I could, and with the new long-term slower income I couldn't even build one new battleship for 7 months after.

    I think one issue that becomes obvious with the longer campaign is that the tech system is extremely slow right now. You can sit there with fully funded tech for years and by 1905 you realize you're 10 years behind according to the dates on the actual tech descriptions.

    Great patch otherwise thus far! It's been fun to customise the guns to make more historical options or just to maximize our own doctrine of play.

    • Like 4
  3. I think being able to customise the campaign more in general would be great. You can save-edit but it's kind of a big mess to navigate.

    Would be nice to customise our own stats, AI's stats, e.g. budget base level, how fast tech goes for player and AI (I'd love to double the research speeds via a slider or something so we all progress faster). Perhaps custom campaign options could be added in the future.

    • Like 6
  4. 2 hours ago, LoSboccacc said:

    on the topic of torpedo changes, are torpedo going to run out of proplusion at some point? currently their engine endurance seem to far exceed their targeting range

    range atm is more like their targeting range. They aren't infinite but they can go quite a bit further than their given range stat. 

  5. 12 hours ago, Vanhal said:

    I would prefer not having a multiplayer. Those games tend to go to hell really quickly when multi players form circlejerks and are swarming the forum and the multi balance suddenly start to be major problem and everything else suffers.

    Looking at Paradox games ಠ_ಠ

    MP campaign would probably be awkward as you have to all agree to auto-resolve or manually fight every last battle, but MP skirmish sounds good imo. It doesn't need to be an early-access thing but could always be something post-launch. I think being able to pit each other's designs against one another especially with a player commanding the fleet on both sides would be fun.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, roachbeef said:

    This is the worst possible choice and the laziest design decision possible, and to be brutally honest, I don't know why anybody with experience playing good video games would even contemplate this idea (looking at you, Bethesda & FO3). What needs to happen is for the developers to actually balance the AI's research progress or to have a technological osmosis happen (both ways) in a gradual manner, not to have copy-paste enemies that all look and fight the same way. One side getting new tech and then it magically appearing in everybody's hands is outright ridiculous, boring to play, and immersion-breaking. Why would the Japanese have bothered with Long Lance torpedoes, the British with radar,  or the Americans with high-pressure boilers if they had known it did not provide them an edge? Listening to such a suggestion will harm the game.

    Whilst many nations had their own tech choices, this is a game about Dreadnoughts ultimately, and when HMS Dreadnought was made and revolutionized battleships, every nation sought to make their own equivalent asap. At least specifically in terms of the Dreadnought being a massive advancement, it wouldn't seem absurd for nations to get a research boost or something to help them get their own Dreadnoughts sooner than they were otherwise going to. Buffing everyone's research in all fields just for falling behind would be bad though I agree. 

    • Like 2
  7. 22 hours ago, Skeksis said:

    Ports with shipyards and construction capacity.

    At the  moment every port can construct ships with unlimited capacity. I.e. deploy them anywhere into the campaign without consequence. The only governor is finances or the monthly balance.

    I was wondering if this should change to only selective ports to have shipyards and those shipyards to have a construction capacity limit and/or varying class ability.

    The results should be:

    • Adds a strategic layer where the player has to consider where they can build ships and there actual fleet assignment or movement thereafter.
    • Regulates capacity.
    • Adds important levels to ports, i.e. considering which ones to acquire, shipyard or not.
    • With varying class ability, only some ports can construct battleships, or only destroyers. As a limited resource.
    • When shipyards are at max construction capacity the player/nation has to build ships elsewhere or purchase dock space from allies or wait until there are some free space/docks.
    • When ships are completed, they then may have to travel through hostile waters to join fleets.

    Campaign-wise, there should be a limit on how nations deploy ships, especially with ports/shipyards acquired on the other side of the world.

    PS, but ports without shipyards should have better economic returns, better cargo shipping capacity, like trade ports, giving choices to the player or headaches!  

    I think Britain can't even repair ships in Gibraltar/Malta/Cyprus so I'm guessing under the hood they've already started supporting something akin to this?

    • Like 2
  8. Would be great to see the AI be better at designs, would be a good excuse to pick the higher difficulties where they might be allowed to design better than currently. AI seems to often build designs with insane amounts of different guns or will barely use any of their deck space. Sometimes even in Skirmish they seem to build much smaller than they should (e.g. if you want a 1v1 battleship fight in 1940 tech, you might build an amazing 100,000 tonne super-BB but the AI sometimes just picks some 40,000t ship that might as well be a lightly armoured battlecruiser)

  9. It would be nice if we could make it so the AI can't fall to revolution or has a much higher tolerance for falling behind in victory points in the campaign. Often you're looking forward to the next generation of ships you'll build and the AI collapses and your save is already wiped and gone. Could just be a toggle where you must simply destroy every AI ship to stop them, but until the campaign is more fleshed out the AI can lose far too easily and kind of stops you having a fun long play with the tech

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