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Everything posted by maserb

  1. I'm interested in this part mostly. Is there going to be a third-person controller? "Open world" at this point seems to be limited to sailing on the world map, and how that will work is still very unclear. In other words, is it going to be Pirates of the Burning Sea with prettier graphics and slightly more in-depth naval combat? Or is it going to be Pirates of the Burning Sea with prettier graphics and slightly more in-depth naval combat minus the third person portion of the game?
  2. Agreed. I'm a person who loves the Age of Sail and is desperate for a good game to be made for it. When I saw NA I was pretty excited since I assumed that someone was finally going to make that game. I mean clearly they have a plan for the actual combat which is all good and well, but you can't expect people to drop $40 down on a game that so far only shows PvP ship combat, which in itself seems fairly lacking at the moment, with only a few vague promises for the actual bulk of the game. It's early access, yes, but there isn't a solid plan anywhere. It almost looks like they're making it up as they go, rather than actually having a plan for what appears to be a fairly large-scope game.
  3. Yeah, so far I've really struggled with understanding the elevation of the map too. I want to try and relocate my guns and my troops in the most local advantageous positions but I simply can't tell what's elevated and what isn't. Even some very low opacity contour lines (togglable on/off and opacity options) in the options menu would help players establish the terrain from a static camera position easier.
  4. Having some modability would be perfect. I enjoy the gunpowder era however I don't find the US Civil War particularly engaging personally. Being able to mod the graphics, map and scenarios would be great. I think there's lots of potential in creating and providing tools for users to do this.
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