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Iuvenalis last won the day on May 4 2022

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  1. @Nick ThomadisDo I need to disable the beta branch in Steam or are both versions the same at present?
  2. @Nick Thomadis Unfortunately this bug is not fully fixed, but doesn't seem to cause permanent damage to the save so that's good. I got to 1900 in a US campaign and it happened again. I submitted a bug report. Oddly, it repeated after reloading my campaign twice and the third time it resumed working again. I failed to take note if it was progressing my ship building during the failed turn change but it did still advance 1 month with the failures, so I'm not sure if those turns were "lost" or not. I'm now 6-7 months past the error month and seem to be progressing again.
  3. Is yours getting stuck on the updating research phase? That's the error that seems to have permanently damaged my save. The other periodic crashes like building ships or updating missions seem to not be consistent but the updating research one is repeatable. I can progress one turn. The second time I end turn it gets stuck and I have to restart. For those interested, my latest bug report I submitted: "As previously reported, my save seems to be permanently broken. It gets to the "updating research" phase and then never advances. I can see it update everyone's research in the log in the lower left, but it doesn't progress past. This consistently happens the second time I try to end a turn after loading the save. Additionally, I've noticed that after the second time I end turn and it gets stuck, I can exit, reload the save and it has progressed to the third turn. However, it really hasn't. For example: I loaded my game. It was May 1909. My BB being built had 6 months to go. I end turn. The turn successfully cycles. It's now June 1909, my BB has 5 months to go. I end turn. It gets stuck on "updating research". I exit to main menu and reload the save. It is now July 1909, however my BB still has 5 months to go, most things except research and the date have not actually advanced 1 turn."
  4. Is this a bug? All of my new ships need 4-6 months of repairs as soon as they are commissioned. Why?
  5. Are you sure it was revolution? Countries can suffer economic collapse if their GPD falls too much and are then basically removed from the game as they are no longer organized/have the capacity to build navies.
  6. Delays or lockups during "Building ships" phase seems far worse, not better, with this hotfix today. I wasn't having anything more than the occasional 10 second or so pause during this phase which was manageable. Now I'm getting crashes where the program becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit, I cannot even report a bug. This becomes more frequent as the campaign goes on. "Updating Missions" continues to be a chokepoint that adds 30-120 seconds, or more, anytime there is a war going on, which eventually becomes every turn. My campaign is only in 1895 and it's becoming unplayable. I've also had a few times where I had to force quit because it became unresponsive after several minutes. The updating research phase of the turn is also causing perpetual freezes but these don't seem to cause the program to be unresponsive. I seem to be able to quit to the main menu and relaunch the campaign when this happens. If I don't though, the game just perpetually sits there on that phase, as if it is running fine but doesn't know it should be doing something else. Completely separate issue, but I noticed my ships will cease firing if there is a sinking friendly ship potentially in the line of fire. I lost a TB right next to an enemy CA and my two CLs refused to fire until it sank completely and was removed from the game.
  7. Feedback: Gun Layout Research is out of order. Superfiring turrets should come after 4x centerline turrets. Also "superimposed" is not "superfiring", should be renamed. I don't think this is a bug, but it just makes no sense. Superfiring turrets were born out of the desire to avoid using wing turrets and to be able to still have an equal broadside to contemporary ships while keeping displacement down. USS South Carolina (BB-26) was the first capital ship to have super firing turrets for these reasons. She matched the broadside of HMS Dreadnought and other nations' first dreadnoughts and also met the US Congress' tonnage limitations. To my knowledge she is the first capital ship to have superfiring main battery turrets. From a gameplay perspective, I also don't find any real use for having a barbette option in game when I'm limited to 3x main battery turrets. The few older pre-dreadnought hulls where this might be useful don't allow you to place barbettes and the dreadnought hulls all have plenty of room for 3x main turrets with room to spare for a lido deck. Some of the hulls already have a superfiring barbette position built into the hull at it is (USA Dreadnought I for example). And before someone brings it up, yes, there were earlier designs with superfiring turrets, but not large, main battery turrets. Henri IV (1899) had a superfiring aft turret, but this was a 5.4in secondary battery gun. Some of the US pre-dreadnoughts had superimposed turrets but this is not the same as superfiring. (Kearsarge and Virginia classes) They literally just built a second gun-house for a pair of twin second/intermediary guns. The rotated with the main turret and frankly turned out to be a very stupid idea both times; they didn't work. In short, 4x centerline main battery turrets were contemporary to superfiring main battery turrets and more importantly were designed specifically to allow for the proposed 4x centerline turrets so they should come as a concept before superfiring turrets. Lastly, the name of the research should be changed, as "superimposed" is not what you're actually researching.
  8. I can't seem to post the second screenshot, but the next turn BB Maryland has automatically entered commissioning state. This also bankrupted me by turn 3 lol.
  9. Bug found: Unable to mothball ships > forces recommissioning and repairs. I found a bug playing as US. I wanted to mothball some of my BBs at start and found that I'm unable to do so. I tested it again and it is consistent. After setting them to mothball, they automatically enter "commissioning" the next turn and then "repairing" after that. See screenshots below. The first is the turn I set BB Maryland to mothball. The second is the next turn where she's automatically commissioning. (Can't post both screenshots, will post against with 2nd screenshot)
  10. Maybe he's the anti-Zoolander, he can't turn right.
  11. Are the minor nations basically placeholders right now? As the US can I acquire Hawaii?
  12. Not commenting on the tone or other points, but I do agree torpedoes need to be more visible on screen. I can't tell you how many times I see the warning triangle only to not be able to find them by the time I turn the camera.
  13. Could be but it doesn't seem so. It seems to cycle through the countries. So when "X encounters Y" it shows that battle twice, but later different battles "Y encounters X" and "Y encounters Z" are also showed twice.
  14. Bug Found: Update Mission part of turn cycle causing 1-2 minute delays; appears to be doubling encounters. (See Screenshot) As stated above my turn cycle is taking several minutes. The "Building Ships" cycle sometimes takes a bit but seems improved However, the "Updating Missions" now takes several minutes. I also notice that it is doubling every encounter. See below.
  15. Tech research is still way too slow and feels disconnected from the time elapsed. (Proposed solution below) I started an 1890 campaign and have kept cruiser hulls a priority since turn 1 with 100% tech budget. It is now Feb 1896 and I'm only researching 9000t CA, an 1895 tech, so I'm actually behind. I feel as though there is a disconnect between the time represented by 1 turn and the desired pace of the game. If you as devs don't want us researching things too quickly, and want more turns to elapse for a longer, slower campaign, then turns need to represent 1 or 2 weeks. Additionally, there needs to be a mechanic to keep technology moving along. This issue has been exacerbated by the sudden increase in the number of techs, as everything is now implemented. I'm going to keep playing to see what happens but I suspect I'm going to get to 1940 and still be decades behind in most tech. Proposed solution: There should be a "common knowledge" mechanic that augments the time to research something based on how many other nations have acquired the tech. The more nations have a technology, the more it becomes "common knowledge" and easier for another nation to copy it. For example, in my current campaign I am researching Krupp Armor I at 2%/month with it as a priority. If one other nation discovers it, then I should be able to research it at 2.5% per month. This would accelerate with say 3 nations being 3.5%, 4 nations 5%, 5 nations 7%, 6 nations 9.5%, 7 nations 12.5%, 8 nations 16%, and if all other major nations acquire it then 20%. This would help represent the spread of technology and the copying of other nation's developments as the technology is implemented and becomes observable. If I don't bother to research torpedo tube mechanisms, well then by 1945, it shouldn't be that hard for me to figure out how to slap 4 of them together in a launcher because my nation would have been observing other nations do it for decades. This would help keep the technology moving along for all nations so the game progresses (no armored cruiser hulls running about in 1939) but still allow players to live out their "alternate history" if they want to push far ahead in a particular tech tree. At the same time, my slow, grueling pace of research in that field also opens the door and allows others to follow me fast, so there is a trade off and penalty if I keep trying to push ahead.
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