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Everything posted by brothermunro

  1. Thanks for the update - I’m dead keen to see Core Patch 1, but I also completely understand (and admire) you only releasing it ‘when it’s ready’ 👍🏻
  2. Hello there, Greatly enjoying the update! There’s just one thing I’d like to draw the teams attention to - the ‘target lock bug’ (this is also present in Alpha 11) Essentially a ship can be firing at an enemy (this affects both player and AI ships, as well as both main and secondary guns) with the ‘locked’ phrase showing after completing aiming. Due to any number of factors (usually a manoeuvre by the firing ship or target) the game registers a massive negative input to the aiming calculation - usually something like ‘-434%’ Following this the ship loses the ‘locked’ status and of course accuracy - I assume this is as intended - however the aiming progress will never increase pass 0% or be able to lock back onto the target and the guns will be stuck in the aiming firing mode indefinitely. This can be fixed by ordering the ship to retarget the enemy via right click. This seems to happen much more often if there are a small number of guns in a battery - it is especially noticeable on single guns. It’s not a massive issue - it just requires a fair bit of micro on a players part (which the AI cannot do).
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