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Antonio Accardo

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Antonio Accardo's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. It took a while, but I beat it by building a pretty generic BC with a TON of speed, stupidly thick armor (wanna say it was 15.5" on the belt) and only 4x2 12" guns and just concentrated on staying away from the BB and annhilating the heavy cruisers. Other than that, I kept resetting the game until i got non-crap DDs and a BB that wasnt designed by a toddler with finger paint. Just hack away at the heavy cruisers, set the DDs to screen the BC, and wait for the BB to arrive. Send in the DDs to distract the BB and hammer it to scrap.
  2. Sorry if this has been gone over, but I couldnt find anything. Why, why, why are the captains/helmsmen morons? if you have more than 4 or 5 ships in a line, I always have one ship, usually right smack in the center, that decides to buckle off and do its own thing, leaving the rest of the line stopped or going very slowly. 12 ships in a line, normal spacing, set to half speed, and #6 or 7 is doing 5 knots while everything behind it spins around trying to figure out what to do. It's infuriating.
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