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  1. Another annoying feature I've found in the mission where 2x american BBs are attacked by my 3x japaneese BBs. 1. I can hit the destroyers from within about 6-8km (where they appear) with 14" batteries without problems, but I can't hit them with the secondary 5-6" batteries althouh their main job should be to destroy light ships at close range. That should be corrected, as I wrote in my earlier post, big guns should hit more at long ranges, and big targets, but shouldn't track small fast ships at close ranges well. Secondary light batteries on the other hand should be able to hit those targets more often. 2. The destroyers can apparently survive multiple penetrating HE hits from 14" guns which is in my opinion totally unrealistic. I don't think that an ordinary destroyer which has virtually no armor can survive even a single 14" HE shell (which is over 500 kg) hit no matter how good damage control they have. I shouldn't mention if the 6" secondaries somehow hit them that causes virtually no damage too. So as I said in point 1, 14" batteries shouldn't even hit close range destroyers, but if they do that should be much more devastating to them. Also secondaries should do way more damage on hit, as right now there's absolutely no point to even install them. Yes another thing: in the same mission I could sink their BBs with about 5-6 penetrating hits which is totally ok. When I compare that to the destroyers which survive 2-3 hits and still kicking, now that's not ok.
  2. Same thing happens in campaingn too. Infinitely builds a light cruiser. Restart help though. Other: I've just finished the battle where you need to kill 2xB,xCA,2xCL with a BB. That's a major pain to finish the mission because of the very low hit probability. You basically need to close in to 2-3 km to get a decent probability to hit against a battleship sized target, and even closer for cruisers. (with the best towers on the ship of course) All the while they spam you with 15-18 torps per cruiser... I think that's a major flaw, as you can't really use a battleship as a battleship should be used, that means staying out of torpedo range at any time. I get it that in the 1910s fire control was not really existent, but I'm sure as hell that they could hit anyting within 10km with decent accuracy. FYI in the battle of Jutland the germans had no problem to hit british battlecruisers from 14-15km with deadly fire. So please change the hit probability mechanics, because how it works right now is really annoying.
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