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Posts posted by Dannavy85


    What is "forward rudder"? You mean rudder amidships? If so I agree it could be better displayed. 


    Rudder centered. How about displaying degrees from 0 to full 90? Change the display to 0.....22........45.......67.....90

  2. Please vote for one or more missions which remain overly difficult for you. The missions of the list are those that were previously reported as very hard. Feel free to complain about the reasons you find a mission very hard. The mission you complain can be out of this list.

    Monitor against Virginia is very difficult but the number of times I've pulled a dead draw is about accurate to the event. Unless you get a good shot to damage rudders, shafts or engines both these ships were hard to kill for their time.

  3. Sometimes, it's better NOT to keep your ships bundled in "squads" but to un-bunch them and work them as separated units especially destroyers and cruisers who's jobs are to deliver close in fire and become "shell sponges" for your capital units. Normally I'll go three, three, three and split up BB's and CA's while sending in the three destroyers as lambs for slaughter. Sometimes it works....sometimes not. 

  4.  If it was historical, then surely it should have taken the form of the Battle of Hampton Roads, complete with authentic Monitor plus an equally authentic Virginia.  Ship design is a separate subject and, in this writer's opinion, it would clearly be much better handled by scenarios from a later period.

    I'd say they got the ironclads pretty accurate, after all, the Monitor and Virginia were a stand off. Virginia's sloped plate armor matched Monitors big guns and the Monitor design spoiled many of Virginia's best shots. The only reason the fight ended was a lucky shot on Monitor's pilot house that wounded her Skipper. By that time the Virginia had to retreat to beat the outgoing tide. I did the same tactic Monitor's captain tried...came in at an angle to the Virginia's stern and shot rounds at her rudder and wooden hull to jam the steering and induce flooding. But still didn't win.



  5. Name's Dan, USN retired and a long time player of the old Fighting Steel game though bug'd and primitive it was. Just got UAD from my younger brother for Christmas and tongue drop to the floor I am loving the hell out of it!

    Best thing? Did not take very long to get the hang of the controls, thank you Wowzery for all those Bitchute videos you make and for the designers. I resisted for a long time getting into World of Warships because I just found it too "video-gamish" but UAD? Awesome!

    I hope the design team gets all the success and awards for this awesome sim. Well done.

    Dan Rush

    USN Retired.

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