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Posts posted by Thundershield

  1. The thread says 1753, but that ship sure doesn't look like a 18th century ship, and late 1600's dates float around for it in posts.  Confused?  So am I...


    But it is from 1753. The Dano-Norwegian navy, like many other monarchies decorated their ships very ornately.


    These ships did not sail with or against Napoleonic era vessels.


    I believe the devs have stated the time limit is 1650-1810, give or take a few years. I for one couldn't get behind the devs focusing on a 16 year period of ships as opposed to the entire age of sail.


    Otherwise, including these lump sum would amount to a WoT world...

    The current line up of ships is already very varied, timeline wise, but I wouldn't say It's a WoT world.

    • Like 1
  2. I highly doubt this will happen.


    1.  Lawsuits.  Even the possibility of a lawsuit is enough to stop anybody from making this ship.


    That depends on whether the ships design, or the name is under copyright. Regardless, Game-Labs can ask permission from Disney to use either.



    2.  The ship isn't that realistic


    It's movie qualities might not be, but the ship was constructed to be seaworthy. Basically, they just rebuilt a propeller driven ship to look like a pirate ship. So the ship can sail. In game all you have to do was apply the games physics to the model. In game, It wouldn't be remarkable in any way.

    I'm not sure how complicated it would be to model the ship from scratch though, as you say, to be completely realistic.



    3.  There are a lot of real ship plans to choose from.  There is no reason to make a fictional one instead.


    Correct, and just like the developer said earlier, they wouldn't make the BP in 2015 unless they had plenty of profit to hire more modelers.

  3. I support this. As far as design goes, I'd like the developers to be given somewhat free reign over this particular ship. Since there's no definite plans for her, It gives them some room to be creative, which I think would be great for them, and us since It's an entirely new and original ship.

    Of course It should stay true to known facts and such, but It's a chance for a real unique ship.



    The criteria for acquiring it, should It ever be in game, would be an interesting discussion too, but I don't think that just because real life Pirates rarely used ships of her size, that this should affect in game pirates. NA Isn't a still image of a very specific period in the Age of Sail. As I understand it, many ships, many decades, or even a century apart will be sailing side by side in game. There's no reason why Pirates shouldn't have access to whatever ship they can acquire in game, simply because "History".



    Pirates had an role but not a nation they where independent captains that choose to kill people and loot ships mostly the ones from theyr own country


    Nassau was, in effect, a Pirate Republic for a few good years. If the game allows It, I'd bet groups of players would aim to establish their own Pirate ports as well.


    That some of those "Danish" admirals are Norwegians, since the country then were called "Dano-Norway". Norway were a part of an alliance with Denmark for a while then Sweden. Tordenskiold and Iver Huitfeldt is in fact Norwegian


    Neither were Admirals however. They were heroes in my opinion though.


    I think It's important for us two nations not to get caught up in "who was who" with these matters though. For the entire period in which this game is set, Denmark and Norway were essentially one Kingdom (Denmark-Norway is the correct name when referring to the union).

    I've mentioned a few times before, and will continue to remind the developers that the in game representation of Denmark in NA, which is confirmed to be included, should be named Denmark-Norway to reflect the fact that for over 400 years, our two Kingdoms were basically one.


    To the best of my knowledge, concerning how many Norwegians were Officers, who were sailors etc. The majority of sailors during the union were in fact Norwegian. But the majority of the Officers were Danish.



    The first written language in Norway was Danish, that is correct, but never the less they are considered Norwegians. The most used written language in Norway today is in fact a combination of Norwegian and Danish called Bokmål


    I've actually heard that modern Norwegian more closely resembles Old Danish, linguistically. While Icelandic more closely resembles Old Norwegian. Food for thought.



    Even the word Viking, means "En person fra Viken", or in english, "a person from the bay", referring to Viken in the Oslo fjord.


    I'm sorry, but there's simply no part of word Viking that refers specifically to the Viken. You're right in that vik means bay, however the etymology of the word Viking is disputed, and most theories offer different definitions than that the word refers specifically to a part of Norway.



    When it comes to Tordenskiold, the Royal Norwegian Navy has called it training and educational centre after him. KNM Tordenskiold is based at Norways main naval base at Haakonsvern in Bergen.


    That's great, and the Royal Danish Navy have had several ships named after him as well. He's considered a shared legacy between our two countries these days. At the Danish Naval Musuem, they're currently running an exhibition about the Dano-Norwegian Navy, Tordenskjold is of course in focus.

    • Like 2
  5. I'd like to clarify my stance on this suggestion;


    I would love to see marine fauna in game, but not necessarily as AI encounters, but purely cosmetic things. To me, It's a lot of unnecessary extra work for the developers to start coding krakens and fishes. But simply animations of animals while out at sea would really help immersion.

    A "kraken" (I think we just need clarification on the terminology), or colossal squid would just be a rare sighting among these, I'd find that quite thrilling.


    That's your assertion.


    No, that's the popular assertion.



    Konungs skuggsjá.


    Which provided the following description of the "Kraken":



    "because the times he has shown before men, he has appeared more like land than like a fish."


    "It is said to be the nature of these fish that when one shall desire to eat, then it stretches up its neck with a great belching, and following this belching comes forth much food, so that all kinds of fish that are near to hand will come to present location"


    "but this great fish lets its mouth stand open the while, and the gap is no less wide than that of a great sound or fjord"


    Not exactly scientific observations, and the description here does not give any indication that the Kraken was a cephalopod. These early descriptions of the Kraken, back then called a Hafgufa, bear much more resemblance to a whale than squid or octopus. Furthermore, the author of Konungs skuggsj made no reference that he had actually made any of these observations himself.



    The true size was slightly smaller than a sperm whale, which would have been large enough to attack ships.


    This estimate would put your Kraken at between 10-18 meters in length, correct? Which coincides with the more liberal theories on cephalopod size, as I explained earlier.


    To summarize; The Kraken as described in the Norse Sagas, and other early sources has no evidence to support It's existence. There simply put, has never been any squid or octopus observed, or documented properly, with the size to attack any sailing ship.

    But scientific theories suggest that some Colossal Squid could attain sizes between 10-20 meters in length. The Kraken could be real in the sense that sure, there's a chance there exist some big ass squid out there, but even at 20 meters, they wouldn't pose a large threat to most ships.


    Yeah ok your just another kraken hater. The Kraken is a gigantic squid most likely exist because of evidence, its not "fictional".


    In my earlier post I actually said I was for this suggestion.


    But the Kraken as depicted in popular culture, is not real. There is no scientific basis for it, at all. You will never find a ships log detailing an attack by one, a carcass washed ashore or indeed any evidence that a cephalopod of the reported legendary sizes ever having existed.

    If some variation of the Kraken existed, It could be a Colossal Squid, but even then, even the most extreme scientists put their size estimates far below what could attack, or sink ships.


    I like when science is invoked without context.  Yes, perhaps "exceeding 20 meters" but 20 meters of what?  The tentacles are 75% of its length and rope-sized at best.  I've seen one first hand in the museum I work at.


    20 meters total length, tentacles and mantle included. Just to clarify further, when was Madoc also saying the largest specimen caught was close to 13 meters, this Is also total length, as are any theoretical estimates.

  9. I'll say what I said in this threads other version, and hopefully bring perspective to the people who hate the idea.



    There's 2 versions of Krakens, the real version, and the legendary version.



    The legendary Kraken; The legend was born of the Norse Sagas, and was described as being so large, It was mistaken for islands. From the Viking Age, to the Age Of Sail, the legend persisted, but morphed somehow into the modern depiction we have of large squid or octopi attacking sailing ships.

    There's no scientific basis of any cephalopod reaching the size where It could attack, much less sink ships.


    And, the real Kraken; Colossal Squids are estimated, conservatively, to reach a maximum length of 14-15 meters. Though some scientists claim that this species, separate from the Giant Squid, can reach lengths meeting, or exceeding 20 meters. For comparison, the Victory is 70 meters long.


    I actually support either in game, for no other reason than It'd be fun to see one. Making it realistic, and merely as a chance sighting wouldn't detract anything from the game, or ruin immersion.

  10. i just feel like if they decide to put a danish ship into the game (which i hope) why not the biggest ship of all time :)

    but i agree sophia amalia is fantastic too


    I see your point, but in my opinion; there's only a 2 cannon difference (Sophia had 108, specifically commissioned by the King to surpass the HMS Sovereign of the Seas in guns), and I think she's a much prettier ship to look at.


    I'll stand behind any Danish ship suggestions, but my personal preference is the Sophia.

  11. If religion/faith/superstition were to be included in game, I think they should affect gameplay somewhat. I like what many others have suggested about buffs to the crew, but I understand peoples reservation about those benefits. My suggestion would be to limit any potential benefits of religion to non PvP related activities, like traveling, trading and exploring. That way religion plays a part in the game, as Is probably historically accurate, but the players won't suffer from any benefits It gives.


    Otherwise, I don't think religion should be added If no benefits were to come with it, but as others suggested, simply add appropriate churches to the cityscapes in each nation.

  12. Looks like an interesting option for the player dock visualization in game. 



    It looks like, and is quite likely that these pictures are from the Danish Naval History museum. I don't live that far away from it, and museum entry is free in Denmark, so If you guys want more shots of these docks, and whatever else like It they have, I'd be happy to head over there and snap some reference pictures.

  13. I got the clear impression that it was called the danish navy in the everyday language during the period.. but I can't back it up with any evidence atm.


    I honestly don't know what It was called during the period, but I'm sure some distinction was made between Danes and Norwegians.


    Either way, I firmly support using the Dano-Norwegian term in game for anything pertaining to either nation.

  14. Nice and to the point summary Jey.


    One thing I want to point out though, and hopefully the devs also take note of it and represent it accordingly in game; From 1510 until 1814, the Danish Navy was both Danish and Norwegian since the two Kingdoms were essentially one during this period.

    I think It's more historically accurate to portray the name of this navy as The Royal Dano-Norwegian Navy in game.

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