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Staire last won the day on July 15 2020

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. No idea why this is happening. Clearly I have control of the oceans with my BB/CA lead. Winning all large engagements. My CLs are all max range so range shouldn't be an issue... Anyone? Was pouring funds into TP in finances too. -edit- Actually I think I may have figured it out, all my ships were far away from ports nearby the UK with low range. Preliminary testing shows this to be fixed. Will report back if not. -edit2- Pretty sure that it gets worse over time as your ships playing Germany take damage and then move to the ports on the far right of map when reparing so overtime they get overloaded and away from action.
  2. I've had far too many situations like this so far in the campaign. Just smaller ships with the bulkhead mechanic just taking an absolute battering and not dying. This DD even had a couple of flash fires... And it actually didn't even sink, I kept running from the other DDs. Also yesterday I had another situation with 2 CA vs 1 CL and I was doing circles around him within a kilometer completely battering him with 9 inch fires and all calibers below. He had max bulkheads and just wasn't sinking. Not too sure how you want to solve this but it seems pretty problematic to me. Maybe increase crew losses on small unarmored ships to large caliber gunfire to reduce their ability to control flooding? Seems pretty wild those 12 inch shots are killing such few crew members. Also maybe you should lose crew to flooding.
  3. I'm in the same situation as OP right now. I also got then down to 1BB earlier and I had 8BB (just retired 3 to make way for new ships/balance budget,) all on sea control. I just lost 12 transports last month and enemy lost 1. Something is wrong.
  4. Sounds pretty ideal to me. One question, does a ship that is changing direction and moving to change it's bearing suffer a penalty to it's own firing solution? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.
  5. I agree entirely although I think it highly unlikely they will move in this direction now seeing the size of the dev team + how much they have already committed to their current model.
  6. Here is hoping. The game has so much promise... Would be a shame to not see it come to fruition.
  7. I've encountered this problem with hardly damaged ships... This situation just happened to come up whilst playing so I snapped a shot. You can also note that my damage instability modifier is far lower than the target fast speed modifier.
  8. I discovered purgatory. It's when your 2 CA's kill the BC, BA, CL on 'Hurry Up' and then you're left with two destroyers circling you that cannot do damage to your armor and are out of torpedoes so cannot kill you. And you're stuck unable to hit them. Thankfully a torpedo strike by my CAs killed one of the destroyers and it ended the mission. And then on the next mission I faced modern CA/BCs with older dreadnaughts so went with heavy armor and closed the distance... But my 15 inch guns cannot hit an enemy CA within 700M because of the target fast speed modifiers... This isn't working as intended right?
  9. Within 100M... Still cannot hit a destroyer 🤣
  10. Hey again, The only serious issue I currently have with the gameplay is the target fast speed penalty which is making targeting nonsensical and OP. In this engagement I fought 3 CLs with 6 DDs and by looking at the hit percentages you can see how one sided it was. They have radar and decent fire control and cannot hit me. Speed is king and the mechanic is pretty game breaking at the moment imo. This is the modern destroyer vs old destroyer mission. Here in my modern DD with max fire control & radar I still can't hit for shit at under a kilometer. Also good work with increasing torpedo reload. I would say do it some more & increase weight of reloads _b
  11. No doubt. I'm quite confident in the teams ability seeing the final product of your other games. The core mechanics are all there and with the interplay of the campaign it'll be so much more that it's current state. Just comes down to finding that sweet sweet balance ever so elusive with so many moving parts.
  12. +1 Or as an easier fix just making the weight of additional torpedoes reflect the realities. And increase the reload time by a fair amount. That way people can still have a focus on torpedoes with their ships, it is just at the significant cost of other things that you want.
  13. Definitely morale. While there are historical suicide runs by DD's you'd imagine that you'd need quite the dedicated crew to go through with the action. From my understanding such a system of crew competency is already being developed for the campaign mode so would make sense to have such a feature? This is all entirely true and mirrors my own thoughts. A lot of the missions are currently broken. I just had to set my BB's engaging BC's @ 13KM with Rangefinder IV to aggressive firing as the hit chances were so low due to the new speed mechanic. This is with capital ships... When it comes to faster smaller ships the effects are far more absurd and pronounced.
  14. Fuel usage / range / use of fuel during battles - curious if these will interplay? Would add a lot of depth and variety to the campaign if you entered into a battle with relatively low fuel; which also plays a lot into your decisions when designing your fleet.
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