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Posts posted by Hittings

  1. you still cant' build ships out of a port the enemy has taken control of because you aren't on the friends list.  Friendslist is a mechanic that needs to go.  It serves no benefit to the nation to alienate clans that aren't on the list, and it only holds back players with positive reputation under these changes.

    • Like 1
  2. How are you going to capture another port when they have 4/4/4/4 bonuses to ships and your at 2/4/4/3 or even 2/4/4/2 etc?    If it was a sandbox then every nation would have capital waters instead of just some.   Its statistically extremely unlikely for that to happen.   

    I disagree that this game is a sandbox.  If it was a sandbox you would be able to attack anywhere anytime to force timers.  Instead your limited by the 2 port system.


    eve is a sandbox, you can attack any system at any time.  Sure there are mechanics to take sov, so you can bring in larger ships etc, and your timers get forced based on the defenders settings.   That would be a sandbox.

    Instead the current system promotes strength and penalizes weakness making the weaker nations wither until there population unsustainable.

    • Like 1
  3. Admin,

    By requiring farming of home defense fleets (which I don't mind)  in order to invest into a port.  What is your explanation then for population issues imbalance.   A nation like the Dutch or Prussians do not have the same level of investment as Sweden or Russian.    Faction are quickly falling behind and being alienated due to their lack of port investment, and lack of numbers to run these missions.   


    Example: the dutch have struggled with population recently, and run HDFs like 1x a week if people show up.    Sweden can run them every day multiple times perhaps.   Same with Russia, multiple times multiple days.    How is a nation like the dutch or the pirates or Spanish suppose to regain population by sailing/producing significantly worse ships, being more vulnerable to attack.


    I'm not here to complain about this.  I"m just wondering what from a design perspective is going to make this game something more than Russians, Sweden, France, GB?


    In past games, exp boosts were implemented, but that had no bearing.   Drop rates, increased, had no bearing.  Just wondering what the plan is to increase new player retention and distribute those new players amongst the nations, preferably the under populated nations to make them more viable in rvr.

  4. On 4/21/2020 at 8:17 AM, Audacious said:

    -NPC offers surrender with it's loot when almost dead. Press accept or decline. 


    this would be amazing.



    give the reps back to the new players at least.  2 friends started the game.  one yesterday one last week.  The one yesterday quit already cuz he didn't get the same loot as the other one.    The one got a christian permit, endy permit, 1k reps of each type.    Quitter got like 25 hull reps 25 sail reps and 100 rum.   LGV refit, and christian permits.    Not to mention no naval clock.   He already requested a refund on steam too

  5. 1 hour ago, Never said:

    You haven't even seen what the adjustments are and you are already asking for compensation. How about wait until the patch drops before getting all riled up?

    If you were aware of this thread, what did you think was the purpose of proving feedback on the patch?

    Because they pushed a patch out to live, and said here it is.  This isn't early access, this isn't beta.   Your suppose to test things yourself before your release them.  If you didn't realize that giving 2nd rates 110ish thickness with upgrades was an issue and you had to basically brawl it out with everything at almost point blank range to pen, that's fine, but that is their mistake.  You tell people the shipbuilding overhaul patch is coming, wait weeks to release it, then wonder why everyone is cranking out ships and now your going to nerf bat them 5-7 days later.   That's messed up.   

    Steam sale gets released Thursday at noon central, and its going to be interesting when the most recent reviews are mixed/negative because of poor game design decisions due to lazy shortcuts.    Do better.  Especially if you want people to continue to pay for your products.   


    I bought this game because I liked there civil war strategy game, it was enjoyable and mostly didn't have any issues with it.  I tried this out next, and its been a cluster hello kitty.    They wanted feedback, the feedback is this is a negative change,  poorly planned out and yet still pushed to live.  If your going to do this you need to do something for the playerbase.  I'm not saying give them ships or something but at least say this was messed up here's a free admiral chest or something or here's a xyz.   Just do something other than another Diana/ADR event.  They won't do anything, but thats okay.  They had the opportunity to get the feedback they wanted.

    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, admin said:

    There will be a timber update this week
    The philosophy will remain

    Oaks - HP
    Teaks - Resistance
    Firs/Cedars - Speed
    Other - Specialized with unique qualities.

    Other woods will lose some of the qualities that were abnormally high. Locust is one of them. They will remain stronger/strongest in 1 parameter but will not be universally balanced/strong. 

    so you moved the numbers around all up until the patch, then you patched and said this was it...  because you know you released it live without adequate testing apparently?   Now your changing values again..after people just started turning ships out left and right as they waited 3-4 weeks to build new ships because they didn't know what to be doing...   Locust is perfectly fine as it is. If these are going to be significant changes then i want my stuff back or adequate compensation as I already started to build new ships based on these new changes.  


    Your decision on how to handle compensation for this = the outcome of my steam review.  You released a patch to live without adequate testing and are already changing the values again.  You need to provide compensation.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Never said:

    What are you talking about? 
    How would PB ships be rendered obsolete before the wood patch is even deployed? That would only happen some months after the new woods are added in, not before. If it even happens, something might become the new meta but even with seasoned woods, normal wood PB ships were never rendered obsolete even to this day. Many if not most continued to use the normal wood ships in PBs months after the introduction of seasoned wood. 

    Have you seen there plan for teak and white oak...  that would be pretty much obsolete.

  8. Admin,

    -  so you said shipbuilding would have doubloons removed, hasn't happened

    - Wood will be changing in values, but no firm data has been given to the player base, and what data is out there changes every few days.

    -Port battles and rvr are returning, yet at any point entire port battle fleets of ships will be rendered obsolete.    


    Why is RvR being turned on prior to the wood patch?    The wood patch will effect people's ability to port battle, and people need time to actually build the ships.  This process feels out of order.


    • Like 1
  9. well this game has gotten pretty boring.    To think I am a 2 month old account spent over 150.00 and now there is no rvr, hardly any pvp, because population is down because people don't want to sink ships and replace them with stuff that would be trash in 1 day or 3 weeks.    The numbers on woods keep changing mainly because they tried to make teak and wo worthless so everyone would have to get new ships.   This game is declining faster than my bank account for playing it 2 months.  Your not going to get your population back if you don't start communicating the changes, sticking to those numbers, and giving a realistic time frame for these changes to happen.    Doubloons were suppose to be removed from shipbuilding 2 weeks ago..but that patch didn't happen.    I tried to give this game a fair shake, but whats the point without fights?   Every 2-3 days there is some new change to the upcoming patch that is going to be altered from the previous few days.   Everything being done is a knee jerk reaction.   Its easy to see why people are tired of buying DLC to play the game with a developer that clearly just wants to monetize them and speaking out is punished with bans.   Talking about removing battlechat/global chat because you don't want to issue warnings/bans and actually have to work a support queue.


    Time to start looking for other options to spend my time on.


    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, I AM said:

    It was a wonderful idea  to  have a memorial aktion for a member of this gaming comunity . And giving this powerfull skillbook as a gift to the playsers too. I have been out of game and had steam uninstalled during this time. So i missed to claim the skill book. I wood not care if the gift were a ship or an Update .But the gift was a powerfull skillbook like Art of ship handling. And not beeing able to get it will be a long term disadvantage for the players who missed last week. Perhaps you could make a crafable skill book with the same advantages or let it be lootable from AI Ships.

    Thank You.

    the entitlement is strong with this one.

  11. 21 hours ago, Tac said:

    On the flip side mate i would suggest the problem isn't being able to chat but that you found yourself hating a random guy from the internet on a niche sailing game forum.

    The loss of pixels for some people i guess is just to much to handle,

    To give you a negative example

    Last battle de-masts a Priv guys christian gets called a c**t ,do i wanna report that? Nah id rather they spend there time on the next DLC.  :)

    see that's whats wrong with your mindset.  I would rather they add something substantial to the game instead of tossing more dlc out every few months.   However, naval action has about the worst game design process out of any mmo that I've played at this time...so not surprised.

  12. 21 minutes ago, admin said:

    rolling on the floor?
    wind - saves time but you are still in OW - you are still a target)
    patrol zones - you still have to sail there (its not a lobby) - its a quest zone IN THE OW - you are a target 
    Loki - makes OW PVE more interesting and dangerous for someone in the OW - you are still a target for someone in the OW

    What is exactly your point? 

    Loki's should force you to loki into a ship at least at 75% structure...whats the point of using a loki to get into a ship that is sinking which is all to common.   You want to make it dangerous, then give them a chance to make it dangerous.

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, admin said:

    Of course..but we have unbiased solutions for national chat but we don't have unbiased solutions for global.

    We have ignore. Communication can be disabled. Does not work for some reason. 

    • Player excites another player (deliberately or by accident)
    • Another player crosses the line and gets reported
    • Another player gets banned in game chat
    • That player then CRIES harassment by devs/mods, claims unprofessionalism and freedom of speech - we get negativity on forums or in reviews
    • Community CAN police those reports, by reporting them to valve as breaking community guidelines or being off topic, BUT They don't. And we are basically doomed whatever we do.
      • When we act on reports (which supposedly should be supported by the community) community does not help us when the chat banned players complain in public. And blames us for heavy handed moderation
      • When we dont act on reports - community blames us for toxicity of the chat


    The effects on motivation of the dev team on reading reporting is real
    Toxicity leaves an real impression on new players. Toxicity is mentioned A LOT in reviews. Some here suggest moderating and banning?

    Ok.. but those people then complain in reviews.

    You can save global and battle chat, but this will take real action showing real result.

    For example
    This guy is claiming we remove accounts (he was chat banned for illegal name)
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/ray270382/recommended/1307440/ - 130 people found this review helpful 

    What did you all do to stop such reports as a community? Did you flag it to valve? (there is a button to report it as breaking rules). Why should i police chat if you don't help me. For me it is 10x easier and safer to just remove the global.


    People will complain more in review if you remove the chats...stop being lazy and drop the chat ban hammer on people who abuse reporting of chats.   3 strikes = week chat ban, continued abuse = longer chat bans.  Its not revolutionary.    Also, how are you expected to join battles from other nations as a 3rd or 4th party if you don't know who is where?  why would you join?  you can't communicate with anyone...   thats just poor game design due to lack of willingness to work support tickets.

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