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Posts posted by Trawn

  1. 2 hours ago, Jan van Santen said:

    What I hope for ? That lo(s)/wo(s), tk(s)/wo(s)...etc...will fall back in line of reasonable choices, too !

    They are in line. It is just that their strongpoints are the attributes players value the most. Also as part of (previously) rare woods (means that their forest costs more points to builds and they dont drop from ports), they should be stronger then the common ones (sabicu, mahogany etc.) as there would be no reason for them to be more expensive otherwise. 

    To sum it up, if you want teak/live oak/white oak to be as good/bad as mahogany/bermuda etc., then they would have to cost the same on all levels of availibility

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  2. 15 hours ago, Mannow said:

    Naw, just gotta demast one, ez work with 36s, then proceed to the sinkening. I killed 2 trincs and an essex a week ago by insta demasting one, 3 shotting the essex when it couldnt escape from me, pop rep, finish demasted trinc, kill the other one, cash money. These were good teak teak boats i was fighting too, with decent mods, it was player skill that failed them. They didnt chain me and they kept trying to sternrake.

    I'm sure they dont. Best way to catch those players and make them fight was to be in fir fir as well, but since the ONLY reason to make a fir boat now is to hunt traders/ ezkill something way smaller than you, players that still use fir will get caught less than ever before. Before, I could catch these people and ALSO do a bit of a brawl if i was supported by my friends, meaning I had incentive to try to fight, whereas now, I HAVE to run or lose half my side in 1 broadside.

    Youre 100% right, woods shouldn't determine victory. Player skill should, which is my whole argument. Im not the best player, but im good enough to confidently angle and take on bigger ships with 72 side thickness. I wouldnt beat very good players, or even ones at my skill level, but I could definitely punish people that make tons of mistakes and dont know manual sailing very well. 

    Why should i be forced to lose speed to have a chance in a battle? Fir was already by far the weakest wood choice, and I could just about manage it. Now its useless and wouldnt bounce a 4 pounder. 

    Additionally, there isnt going to be a brand new era in naval where people make wacky new ships. Best compromise now between armor and speed is Locust teak by a mile, and it took me about 10 minutes to figure that out. All praise Locust Teak Meta.

    Thats the point. Fir fir (lets say Redoutable) used to be able to catch any lower ship which decided to pick anything other then fir fir and melt it while also outrun anything similar sized or bigger made out of anything else then fir fir. So "fair fight" was only between two fir fir Reds. I think forcing people to pick speed with vulnerability or durability without speed is a good idea. I wonder why even people opted for fir fir ships instead of teak/wo or teak/teak and then complain about low durability of their fir. Fir is the softest wood of all, why it should be tanky?

    Also locust is receiving nerf soon, so it will fall in line of reasonable choices, not being the ultimate one.

  3. Fastest woods shouldnt be able to win fights. When you can win equal fights and still be able to outrun anybody even slightly battleready, than it is wrong. If you want WARship, you should be risking by not having as much speed. Just my two cents there.

    New wood patch turned out good in my opinion. You are forced to pick and there is many combos which to pick from now.

  4. 6 hours ago, cmdrbobcito said:

    Ship Crafting is a basic element of this game and woods are at the center of this effort.  But the idea the ship itself is the only important ingredient to a successful battle is absolutely wrong. 

    A Great ship with a poor captain is not a success...Great Captain with a medium ship is a much better bet.  

    Lesson...spend more time becoming the better Captain and less worrying about how great your ship is relative to others on the water.  Bring on the new woods...;)

    But fight of equal captains is decides by ships. Thats why they matters. You cant be so bumptious to think you are the best captain of high seas. You have to account for meeting a equal or better player so you need any advantage you can get (ship)

    • Like 2
  5. 56 minutes ago, admin said:


    this wont be on patch but this needs to be hotfixed. Missions should be taken after window opens to give everyone equal chance.
    On the other hand - as instance can only live for 1.5 hours - you can only get 1.5 hours headstart

    The issue is, you dont need 1,5h headstart. What should headstart even serve for? Right now it is done in 30minutes and then it is just waiting until time window starts and leave the battle at set time - fracture of second into the window.

    No headstart for PvE is the best solution, fair to everybody.

    • Like 3
  6. Also one more important difference between PvP and PvE. People say, that PvP will get hit more, but honestly, making your ships weaker means your opponent´s ship is weaker also on PvP. But on PvE we face dumb, but increasingly buffed AIs so you need the best ships you can get in order to not get steamrolled. Why you think nobody uses anything else then lo/wo and tk/wo?  Bcs who the hell would want to face home defence fleets in fir/bermuda ships???

    • Like 4
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  7. 33 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

    it's not a cool thing on PvE server either

    1) PvE server has no endgame, collecting a quality fleet substitutes for it.

    2) Also quality ships open the way to more challenging gameplay on PvE: you can try larger fleets, try challenges not meant to be soloed etc. 

    No risk, no fun ...directly translates to: no quality, no fun....



    MILION TIMES THIS!! @Cetric de Cornusiac I respect you mate, but this time it seems you missed the memo. Especialy since you also play on PvE, you should know, that the sole endgame is challenging yourself in beating multiples of your BR rating to speed up the grind. Sure, you can beat whatever number of ships in cag/crew space Ruyter, but I can guarantee you would be able to do it much faster in Tk(s)/Wo(s) with decent PBs. So why shooting your own foot with discregarding "best, coolest, meta, whatever you call it" ship? Why walk on one foot when you can use a Hayabusa (really fast motorcycle for those who dont know or care).

    With these changes all our best ships go to trash. I mean, I dont mind blue ones, farming wood is not that hard on PvE, but what about our golds?How many dozens of ships you need to gring all over again to get good ship?

    It is not like you CANT play without the best ships, it is that getting the best ships is the point. PvE server is like Pokemon game. For the lack of any end game goals, you need to create one. And the (probably the only) one you can make is collecting best ships.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Never said:

    What about players who spent a lot of their time farming doubloons? you only give them a week notice? 
    I thought messing with what players already have was against GL ideals.  

    I can smell dubloon profiteer :D They are not taking any of your dubs away and now even crafting wont take away any, so you can cuddle with all of them. You just cant take advantage of other´s hungry for dubloons. So I would say it is a good thing. Those of us who didnt exploit that dubloon farming bug can never have enough of them, so thumbs up on this.

  9. Looting killed ships using longboats from your ship. 


    If enemy dies upwind from you, by pressing a button you send your ship´s rowing longboats to pick the loot. They might have some weight limit. E.g. you open cargo of killed trader using your longboats and see some repairs and trade cargo (that 100t weight each) so you can only pick the repairs and decide, if you want to drag your 2000t ship against the wind to loot the trade goods.


    I mean, there are not many things more disappointing then killing a ship, then spending 10minutes tacking your 1st rate against the wind just to loot loki rune on pve server.

    • Like 3
  10. 47 minutes ago, Potemkin said:

    Sunken ships should only be lootable for the person that got the kill for a short/medium period of time after sinking, assuming there wont be a change in the way you loot to begin with. The way it is now leads to rage and tribunals.

    That is not what OP was talking about, althought that is valid point nonetheless.

    egardless, I´ve been mentioning that row boat idea a lot in game, hope it will come through one day. Not only it would be great QoL addition, it would also add an immersion. There is no way captain would drag its 2000ton first rate against the wind when you only need to send its numerous row boats few tents of meters to pick the loot. It might take the same amount of time to ferry some bigger cargo, but if they would make it the way that time to ferry the cargo would be dependant on weight of loot, that would add another dimension to looting.

  11. It is that way, yes. Not so much with regular ships, but with elite ships, privateers, port raids ships, and few others, they fight like tomahawk equipped Iowa class and when you capture them, they are fir bermuda shabby grey ships (overplaying the issue, but they mostly are).

    It is something you need to get used to and it is only getting worse with constant buffs to those. They have hidden modifiers we cant get in the name of balance. Unfortunately.

    I mean, I am almost fine with them having huge armor and firepower, but I am not OK with their speed. It denies physics. There is no way for player to make e.g. Santissima with 100+ amor go over 13knots like home defence fleets do. You just need to settle with one simple explanation to ease your mind over this - Magic

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Raekur said:

    I would add that groups be able to join a battle at the same time. This having to sail to the join circle severely hampers groups that want to join and use the time after neutralizing the target to practice sailing together due to BR locks. The having to sail around also is an issue as it leaves the tagger to fight a fleet alone for 2-3 minuets while the rest of the group sails to within range. So either enable group joins as it is on the war server or remove BR lockouts.

    If you get 6+ players in group, you all join at the same time. If you join in lesser numbers, make sure you tag from the edge of enemy circle and your buddies from closest edge of joining circle. That way you spawn on exact same place, meaning nobody lags behind. Also the place where joining circl spawn is predictable and is governed by relative position of target and tagging player, so you can already be in place, when he tags to join immediately


  13. Now you dont mean that do you? This escapade wouldn´t even take place if not for dev´s misstep. We all knew it was not intentional, yet you all decided to take advantage of it. In short you got greed got the best of you and tried to exploit game bug and now you are trying to reason another ransom? :D You are funny 

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