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Posts posted by chagadiel

  1. A Full complement of crew for the guns and animations of the guns recoil and loading which can turned off in settings for those wilth low end computers

    Rigging damage again with the option to not see this for lowend pc's

    Ships names chosen from approved  list. the name could be changed if captured but kept in the ships history.

    Ships crew, officers, midshipmen which can be killed but also gain xp which influence the ship a small amount

    the option to stay in combat mode and sail for as long as you want travelling to those locations at which they leave

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  2. As a praposed aid to stop little ships stern camping bigger ships with carronades. during battle, muskets when in range  should automaticicly be used by marines and boarding parties  organised.

    on level deck ships even at veryclose range this would have minimul affect on crew fatalies over as most gunmen would be on the weather deck using cover. however big ship on a little ship would be quite devevasting as the lower ship would have no cover have no cover as bullet rain down from above.

    I am dyslexic so please excuse spelling and grammer

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  3. Hi all

    I am sure this has been suggested in some way or another and have seen on the forums people saying pirates shouldn't be a nation and i agree.
    So i was thinking as i do that pirates should be something very different a sub game as it were. So stick with me. I am dyslexic.

    The PVE server
    The pirate nation is scrapped
    You have your main character as normal but you can have a second character a pirate character who is very different
    The pirate character is mortal. he has no levels but reputation to pull in crew. If his ship is sunk he dies. If his ship is captured he is hanged or he can retire after which of any three there is a cooling off period of X amount time before starting again. The goal to be in the top 100 living pirates or the top 100 retired pirates and the top 100 all time pirates.

    Pirates operate alone. They can not build ships or own lands and trade. They can attack all nations and nations can attack them

    At a some point a  successful pirate can get to design his own  flag using a variety of symbols sizes and placements ect. Now he is known and other players can get a reward for his demise and cudos of their own name on the top 100 as the killer or capturer of said pirate.

    treasure is divided by the number of the crew with the captain getting a suitable share and can retire at any point and have to wait for the cooling off point to start another pirate.

    Anyways i just wanted to share my idea

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