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Ferdinand de LaSalle

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Posts posted by Ferdinand de LaSalle

  1. well i see, a lot of guys has no problems with aggressive AI.  Maybe they are all not single players, newbees or members from weak clans/nations, which urgently needs the trade missions (and transport missions). 

    And with other things they have also no problem. I hoped that these problems will correct at the second half of the year:

    1. A non working trade System, because of the 100 tons rule. The earn Ratio allows no trade in most cases, or you will spend a lot of time crossing the map (and hope not to be sink)

    2. A battle Rating System, which only prefers the attacker, a lot of newbees left the game because of these nice rule. The same Problem is with the battle Rating system in port battles

    3. For smaller clans not feasable are the tasks to develop a port (for example combat medals)

    4. And generally the unbalanced Nations power system with 3 big nations, which rules all and all  other nations, who are waiting to be killed

    But the hope will dies at last.... 

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  2. Sorry raspoutine, that you (from the famous NN-clan) will soon loose your food station (ganking and farming newbees). In some weeks than, it is over with the French Nation and you have to look for  another victim. (maybe the Swedish), hahahaha

  3. Hi guys, i can only repeat, 

    since 14 days i made a lot of long trade missions (and transport missions) and i still must say:  The AI-Ship Population is very low.

    I crossed now the eastern part of the map from North to south and back (dozens times). At open water, nearly no Ai-ship to see. Nearby big ports there are some but only Little boats at the most. We Need much more AI-ships to develop our characters


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  4. Dear DEV´s, in addition to my former posts, some things should also be proved:

    1. The AI-ship population is, in comparison to the Players population much to low. The Players need a additional source to develop their character and to gain fightable ships

    2. You can cross the whole caribic, but you coudn´t find any sealed bottle. The drop points for the wrecks are also to low, and the load isn´t partly not very useful

    3. More posibilities for PVP-hunt missions

    Thank you


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  5. I posted my wishes in forum earlier. I will repeat: 

    1. First of all please have more a look to the newbees and the " normal" Clans in the "normal" nations with only a few DLC-players!!!! A new paint is nice but this is not the main!!!!

    2. Please look for more balanced game mechanics. The Battle Rating System do not work and only prefers the attacker. There must be a possibility to intercept by defenders, special in the inner zones around the capitals. Now a small, but strong attacking force can do what they want. On the long run, the game fun for the new players will be killed and they would leave. ( Pls do not argue, than they can go to PVE-Server, they payed for both)

    3. The trade do not really work. It is now a suicide action to trade with a small ship over long distances for earnable profit. I suggest, that fora a small group of 4 or 5 goods the load capacity will reduce to 10 tons, or better 1 tons per piece. This would help that smaller clans or single Player can develop their individual characters. The actual trade and transport missions are helping, but do not solve the base problem. With the 100 tons system the earn ratio (on middle distances and with smaller ships) is too low.

    4. The Costs for the port Investments are pretty high (combat medals but also other things). A reduction of the costs could help, that smaller clans can develop own ports in a competitive way.

    5. Generell the benefit of the port boni will increase the gap between well organised clans in certain nations and all others. With the full port boni that clans can produce "monster"-ships, which are unbeatable for players without port boni benefit. I presume that a lot of player will left the game, because of the lack of similar fighting conditions

    How can i describe this unbalanced situations. A example:  After one week of playing (after wipe) some players can afford a first rate ship (rank Vice Admiral). The most other Players are on the level captain of XXXX. I think that show´s a lot. Second: Please look how many port are now conquered by certain nations….

    I hope some things could be changed, thanks


  6. To all Naval Action captains,

    3 days after wipe there is a good beginning (spcial by the Player Population), but structural Problems, which exists before the wipe are still not solved:

    1. The trade system beyond trade- and passenger-missions is not functional, the normal trade still make no sense. The reason is the 100 to. rule. The earn Ratio for vital shorter moves  is too low, the risk is otherwise too high

    2. The battle Rating System was not changed and still prefers farming actions around the capitals. If all ports are conquered and the structure is buildt up ,it will be a immense problem for the game handling, special for the newbees.

    3. The "DLC"-Clans  still have a big advantage against normal clans.  DLC-ships rules the waves. And the distance grows and grows, day by day. 

    4. The Costs of port investment, special the combat medals, tools and so on are much too big


    There are other Problems i invite you to discuss. Please help me to persuade the DEV´s to Change some things .


    Ferdinand de LaSalle



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  7. Good morning to all,

    yes we all hope it will be good, but there is still much to do. I agree with some of my post writer that it is not all good. Tradesystem, BR-System, Port Management, the big differences in ship quality, the big Advantages of the DLC-Clans and and and. I hope we can manage it. In Forum we have sometimes to many claquers, more realistic views will be adviseable.

    Grettings from

    Ferdinand de LaSalle

  8. Good morning to all,

    I will repeat some questions, because no answer was given in that Forum:

    After Wipe: 

    • Can i buildt up a brand new character with new name and the clan list and the friend list still exists (for me and for my friends)?
    •  What is about the actual daily reinforcement of pandoras, is this rule for older players also gone??
    •  The DEV´s said, if you pass the final exam you can start with a higher crew after wipe? Is that true?

    And i can only repeat, pls optimise the following parts of the game:

    •  The trade system, every player should develop his/ her character also with trading actions. With small ships and low earn ratio make this no sense
    •  We all need a early access for urgent products. The hurdles for combat medals, rare woods, buildings and so on are even for the beginning much to high
    •  The battle - rating system in PB´s and the br-sytem for oversee fightings (special in the inner zones of the nations) do not work. To prevent a slaughterhouse from DLC-Players, special the newer players need a little saftey. The best is, to bring the help from other nation members. So, pls widen the br for the defenders.
    •  The port investment tools costs are much to high and very hard to gain.
    •  and finally the advantage of the DLC-players against all others will be  to big. Their ships had a immense advantage against all other players
    •  There are some problems more. If you do not check the balances, the game will not survive this year, because you will loose the player population you need for this fine game!!!!

    I am very pleased for a answer :)



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  9. Sorry guys, i had overflown the posts, but nobody asks: Is the pandora-rule for older Player also delete or not???

    A lot of guys argued, that  we have after wipe the same starting conditions. We have not. There are still the powerful DLC-Player Clans, special by the russian and britisch nations. So with the delete of the books the gap between DLC- and non DLC-Players will grow after wipe. 

    Why? The structural Problems are still not solved. The weaker nations have no other possibilities to compensate for example with concentration on trading.

    At the first day after wipe: The DLC-clans  starts a big massacre at the ranks of the non-DLC-Players. I can see the Rättsivan, waiting in front of the enemy capitals to kill the  cutter-players and they can do nothing. The DLC-clans will also make a fast start to conquer all important ports and then start to conquer the other ports. And all other couldn´t prevent this.

    After 2 months the most non DLC-Players (newbees and the old guys) left the game in frustration. The DLC-Players About 150 / 200 getting bored and left the game too. That´s it, how sad.


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