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Ferdinand de LaSalle

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Posts posted by Ferdinand de LaSalle

  1. Wie Georg schon formuliert hat es liegt mehr an den game mechanics.

    1. DLC-Spieler werden gepampert ohne Ende

    2. Total aus dem Ruder gelaufenes Alt-System

    3. Spielmechaniken, die eine völlige Chancengleichheit vermissen lassen, dazu:

            3a) BR-Battle System in offenen Gewässern bevorzugt fast ausschließlich den Angreifer

            3b) Seasoned- woods Zugang hauptsächlich für hochorganisierte Nationen/Clans

            3c) Total kaputtes Handelssystem mit völlig ungleich verteilten Gütern, die ertragreich sind. Schwachsinnige 100 Tonnen-Regel usw.

    Generell ein Spielsystem, das neue Spieler geradezu abschreckt. Wenn diese nicht in einem der führenden Clans/Nationen landen, haben sie keine Chance ihren Spieler in eine konkurrenzfähige Richtung zu entwickeln. Dies gilt übrigens auch für erfahrene Spieler in "schwachen" Nationen.

    Wenn die DEVS das aktuelle Grundprinzip beibehalten und vor allem nur bestimmte Spielergruppen massiv bevorteilen wird auch das Nachfolgespiel Schiffbruch erleiden.

    • Like 3
  2. Thanks for your answer Emperor,

    i never expected to explain this, i presume you are not in a weak nation/clan or an newbee with lack of expierence and ressources. day by day we have hundreds of fights, where the attacker (specialised raider with a very good ship) attacking a player with a much more weaker ship (ships). The attacker do only overrun, the defender hav 0 percent chance. Even if he has a good but not very good equipped bigger ship the attacked player has no chance against this specialist. One example the snow Terror.  Help is not possible, the reaction time for defending nation is too short.

    Pls left your comfort zone. 

    • Like 2
  3. Well sorry i have more to specify.

    I talked mainly about the br in open Waters, when i said we need a BR-Ratio from 2:1 and longer times to intercept for the defender (to save the attacked players)

    For the PB´s the BR is pretty good working, but the problem is here, the most smaller nations are not able to scratch enough DLC-Player together, to do a effecive defence.

  4. Hi Folks, the main problem is not the actual distribution of power and influence in the caribic world. It is the disbalance in game mechanics, special combat mechanics and the distribution of ports which produce the vital things to rule the world.

    Why do the most nations and clans gave up PB-fighting, yes the whole RvR show. Because the fighting conditions are so unequal. You can watch this every day. The superiority of the raider ships is incredible high, it must be boring to sank dozens of player ships the whole day without or Little resistance. Why is that so. Because the battle rating system socks since a longer time. The way to more equal fighting condition is to strengthen the Defender position.

    1. Raise the time to intercept only for the defenders (if the BR is fairly equal like now the highly specialised attacker are always in a favour position). And i suggest BR 2:1 in favour of the defenders. It must be again a Risk for the Raiders to attack.

    Thank you

    • Like 2
  5. To Latron,

    maybe the russian side is also exhausted and cannot continue. Sorry guys but this is not my world. The weaker nations looking for day by day and you have (in our eyes) here really an luxury problem. If we are allied, so give us something from your incredible ressources and we will continue the fight.

    The whole discussion shows me,  how unbalanced this game is in the present layout. We have a priviliged group of a few nations and clans, which can afford big day by day battles (surely in monster ships) over a long time period. When i think, alone to restitute a whole fleet... what a economical power is in Action....

    The rest, surely more than half of the player base are astonished about these power and possibilities. This game has left fairly fair conditions for all players a long time ago.

    What a pity, the ground system is very good…….

    • Sad 1
  6. To my swedish allies,

    now i must really laugh. france, spain and other small nations are constantly in much worser situation, than you ever was. I cannot understand this attitude. You have an incredible big stock of ressources and ports, you have a very good player base, all things many other nations do not have. I will remember to the french situation. 9 months ago, we were attacked by dozens of raiders directly in front of fort royal, all trading and fighting action were senseless. Do france gave up?? 

    So pls remember to your vinking history and go on fighting. We will support you.

    Ferdinand de La Salle from france


    • Like 7
    • Sad 3
  7. First of all, in the last months there were some improvements which gave all players not playing in strong nation/strong clans a better way to develop their characters. You can see that on the higher rates at Player Population.


    1. Revitalisation of the trade, not all was good (100 tons rule is still in work) but the most

    2. Better protection of the captitals area so excessive farming and ganking Action, special against newbees and single players is  not so easy anymore

    3. A little more balance in port battle system because of reducing the br-limit

    4. AI attacks ports of big nations (but effect is very low)

    but the basically good soup is still a little bit salty.


    1. The game balance between strong nations and all others do still not work. The ressources advantage from that strong nations are much too big, so smaller nation have no chances to resist or start counter attacks (as we see even now). It is a nonsense to create Incredible earnable cash cow ports, the owner make them invincible.

    2. The seasoned wood system has grown up  the gap between the strong nations and clan to all others in port battle situation. With that wood this nation/clans could create really monster ships. We need urgently a more easy access for all players to get this wood types

    I wish all a good and successfully year 2020

    • Like 2
  8. Good idea Knuddel,


    generally we need more trading back in that game. This could be a reason for special the newbees and single players to stay in the game.

    In addition to this good idea we should:

    •  definitly stop this nonsense 100 tons rule, so that a acceptable earning rate in an acceptable distance is again possible
    •  raise the safe zones around the captials that ridicolous farming actions of strong clans and nations not longer possible (in such easy way)
    •  change the BR-System more to the defender side. ( for. e.g. 2:1 join possibility and/ or raise the timeperiod to start rescue missions for the attacked player

    Ferdiand de La Salle

  9. Sorry i can´t speak French, and i did not understand what was written above, but i will support the first post (declaration).

    If anyone do not speak french, than pls join our FROGS clan. We will support you with info, ships and components and try to give you protection. Do not sail alone, you are only easy victims special by our NN-clan enemies.

    Vive la France

    Ferdinand de La Salle

    • Like 1
  10. Well i watched the same,

    other smaller nations like the danish or the french (my Nation) fight against the russians.. The Swedish support the russians, conquering our ports. The former proud swedish nation has fall down to a group of doggy slaves, sitting beside the feets of their big russian master and are hoping, that a little meat ball fall down on table.

    Maybe they hope, that after the french and danish are finished, they can survive.

    It´s really ridicolous

    • Like 2
  11. Hallo Captain Cid, im Großen und Ganzen gebe ich Dir recht. Die Übermacht ist erdrückend aber das liegt im Schwerpunkt an den Fehlern die seit über einem Jahr gemacht werden

    1. Tas Trading-System wurde zerstört bzw. man hat keinen Anreiz mehr zu handeln

    2. Ein völlig irres Battle-Rating System auf offener See, dass nur den Angreifer bevorzugt. Der Verteidiger ist zumeist nicht konkurrenzfähig, weil die angreifende Gruppe die deutlich besseren Schiffe hat. So können diese direkt vor den Hauptstädten der Nationen herumkurven und machen was sie wollen, ohne Probleme zu bekommen

    3. Ebenso überarbeitungsfähig ist das Port-Battle System. Kleine Nationen sind nur bedingt imstande, einen 20.000 er Hafen auf Dauer zu verteidigen. Wenn es beim ersten mal nicht klappt kommen die Russen eben übermorgen mit den nächsten 25 Ocean (Monsterschiffen)!!

    4. Ein völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufenes Alt-System. Alle größeren Aktionen werden ausspioniert und/oder verraten. Zudem konnten sich DLC-Spieler mit zusätzlichen Alts so schnell UP- leveln, dass alle anderen völlig abgehängt wurden (Stichwort (First Rates nach 5 Wochen)

    5. Und schließlich noch ein Port Bonus System, dass die großen gut organisierten Clans / Nationen in starkem Maße bevorzugt. Bei den Modulen, seltenen Ressourcen u.s.w. haben sie ein Monopol das nicht durchbrochen werden kann

    6. Und schließlich  Die völlig unfähigen Nationen Holland und Grossbrittannien die , anstelle sich gegen die Russen zu verbünden gar nichts gemacht haben.

    Die Player -Population ist mittlerweile halbiert. Die DEV´s haben immer noch keinen Änderungsdruck, insbesondere weil es im Forum genügend Klatschhasen gibt, die die DEV´s in ihrer Blase lassen.

    Wenn Du Interesse an vielen Kämpfen hast komme zu den Franzosen. Wir haben mittlerweile eine gute Truppe die sehr mobilisierungsfähig ist und auch schon ein paar Angriffe der Schweden und Russen abwehren konnte.. Dann bitte komm speziell zum FROGS-clan. Hier wird nur englisch und Deutsch gesprochen. Überlege es Dir



    Ferdinand de La Salle


    • Like 5
  12. Hello FireRat, you are totally right

    And if i see the most posts here, everyone knows why.

    The most guys here are not able to view with the eyes of the newbees. The argumentation, they should go to pve-server is foolish. All the guys have to pay for both PvE an PvP and it is the duty of the DEV´s to install pretty fair live and combat cpnditions on every Server and for every player.

    I speak for my clan and my nation France. I am so sick to see how many newbees enter the game, try to establish and then failed and give up (after they were sunk 10 to 20 times in their small Trader ship). For me i never attack small Trader to safe These guys. I estimate, alone of French side we had about 100 new Players, which left game again.

    I am so tired and so sick to see that.

    You are very privileged (all thing changes to your favour) and you are not willing to change a few things to a better entrance. So the game will slowly dies. 

    And why that. My prognose: After a certain time the player population falls under a critical point. Than you are alone and then you getting hello kittying boooorrreeed and also left the game and that´s it.

    Ferdinand de La Salle

  13. To The Agend47:

    Du hast vollkommen recht. Spiel wird seit einem Jahr zugunsten einer aggressiven aber bestimmenden Minderheit Stück für Stück zerstört. Ich habe mehrfach im Post geschrieben woran es vor allem krankt.

    1. Handelssystem funktioniert nicht mehr, die Handelsspannen sind zu schlecht, vor allem wegen der idiotischen 100 tons-Regel.

    2. Zu viele alternative Charaktere (ausgeprägtes Spionagewesen)

    3. Battle-Rating System bevorzugt nur den Angreifer

    4. Und jetzt noch aggressive AI, die den letzten Handel mit Missionen zerstört und Spielerhäfen attackiert (Wahrscheinlich mit 10 bis 15 Oceans....)

    Es wird wirklich daran gearbeitet, die Masse der "normalen" Spieler zu vergraulen....

  14. I agree with DesMoines,

    looks like, we need more money so let us install a new DLC-ships.

    It would be nice to work on the present problems with the game mechanics: Trade sytem do not work (beside Trade missions), the problems with the Alts (i met a dutch Player who wants to sink me, we talk and he couldn´t say at the moment for what nation he is now fighting!!! He explain me he has 6 alts now) and the battle Rating system who only prefers the attacker….

    Thank you



    • Like 2
  15. Guys,

    you know that aggressive AI will kill the rest of the trading System (Trade and Transport missions). You normally need small traders to sneak into foreign ports.

    If that will come you maybe outmanouvering enemy players but then you will surely fail to evade aggressive AI-ships!

    All single players, members of weak Clans/weak nations need this source of income….

    I again wondering, why their are so few critical posts to that plan. The most are shout hurrah. Are only members of big clans and of strong nations present, who are not interested in a healthy player Population ????

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