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Quiet Assassin

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Posts posted by Quiet Assassin

  1. The "KISS" principle would fix this game. "Keep It Simple Stupid". This game has gotten WAY too complicated. 

    How about returning the economy to resource-based trading (not free, no-risk cargo), with prices profitable enough that you can accumulate wealth in a reasonable amount of time. Simple.

    Do away with "super-ships." Not a level playing field. If you want a better ship, add upgrades, or cap one. Too much politics in clan shipyards, friend lists, etc. Simple.

    Speaking of politics...Clans go away. In-fighting is killing the game. It's enough to belong to a nation. Real navies don't have clans. Highest rank leads a port battle (unless he defers). Simple.

    Return the system of points for crafting most items. The stores will soon fill with competitively-priced upgrades. Simple.

    Make port battles straight-forward. Attack any port you wish. If you win, it's yours (except the protected home ports). Simple.

    Rules have unintended consequences. Keep it Simple.

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  2. 19 hours ago, Macjimm said:


     Perhaps some day the Devs will add more interesting features to the economy and trading.  They should also keep the Econ Missions though, killing them won't improve the game..


    I agree with your summary statement. I actually sent a message to the Devs to nerf, or limit, the risk-free cargo a bit, but beef up the resources side of trading. Profit-making should be fairly quick, just more varied. There's no adrenaline rush from the new economy. A good balance makes sense

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  3. I used to enjoy the excitement of trading, finding a great deal on expensive goods, & sneaking through the enemy back to port & making a nice profit.

    Now, the return on resource trading is not there. Stores are empty & stagnant, except in home ports. Free, no-risk cargo has killed resource trading. Too easy & boring.

    I used to enjoy building ships.

    Now, to have a level playing field, I must belong to a particular clan, or "friend list", which could end anytime on their whim or in-fighting. Clan-based super-ships have ruined independent ship-crafting.

    I used to enjoy crafting various items.

    Now, I get no crafting XP except ships.

    I used to enjoy hunting PvP traders, sinking them, and maybe taking loot. Also, PvP points were gained...well-earned if you attacked a fleet of Indiamen, etc.

    Now, I get no PvP credit for killing traders, and the loot is some "no-risk barrel" that I can't use. What's the point?

    Trading, ship-building, crafting, and hunting traders were all fun aspects of the game.

    Naval action was more fun when it wasn't just about clans & PvP warships. We need to get back to having many ways to have fun.

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  4. Please, please, please fix the broken economy. The "free economy mission goods" can be transported for huge profits for almost no risk. It costs 2100 reals to build a junk T. Brig, and i can make 150K reals + 1000 doubs in less than an hour, all while afk. All with no danger, no effort, no adrenaline. Also, resource goods are not profitable enough to compete. It was better when you had to buy them (risk), and place them in a new port. Transfer of resources from one port to another makes the economy run. Right now, the stores are empty. Nerf the "easy mission money" and bring back the trading business!

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