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Posts posted by Draymoor

  1. I think most of us understand the reasons for wipe, I even argued for full wipe but was told it didn't make sense and would be pointless to do it by @admin himself. I think most of the backlash and drama could have been easily avoided if the announcement included an apology for being unable to maintain the previous statements and a commitment to make it up to the testers. An offer any sort of compensation that is adequate for it and the community of players would feel much less in need to complain and argue. 



  2. 2 hours ago, Sir Loorkon said:

    Please change the mechanic for leveling up the ship knowledge. We should level for ship rates and not for single ship types. So e.g. leveling the Endymion should include leveling ship knowledge for every other 5th rate.


    Would go a long way to making a lot of vets much more accepting of the xp wipe and also would spare new potential players of a mindless ship exp grind. 

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, Neads O'Tune said:

    Why should they exactly? Did everyone demand a refund when the Herc and Requin stopped being the OP line ship killers that they once were when originally sold to everyone?

    Have they changed The forger or Admiralty Connections or Flags DLC in anyway that makes them no longer the product that was sold? 

    In what way does a Wipe at reset which was ALWAYS going to be a possibility affect people's use of DLC?

    The is a massive warning on the game store page that the game is subject to change. It's simple, do not buy into a early access if you are not prepared to put up all that is involved.

    I guess you wouldn't mind it if they simply closed the game without warning either. I mean it's subject to change at any time. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, admin said:

    Most guarantees are shorter than 3 years. This promise was made in 2015, we expected to release in the end of 2016. Sorry but promising veterans advantage on launch so close to release seems like a very bad idea.

    That not the problem, you already guaranteed it. You made a mistake announcing wrong information which wasn't in 2015. It was LAST YEAR. People were asking months ago and you confirmed it was guaranteed. You could start by admitting you made an error and compensate players' time you wasted. 

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

    This is not "getting off on a technicality."  This is simply explaining how language works.  I don't mind that people are upset.  Most of those posts can stand.  However, I will not allow this propagandistic redefinition of a word to stand simply so players can abuse it and feel like they have some moral high ground.

    People are upset about a wipe.  Fair enough.  They should explain why.  If that sways the developers, fair enough.  If it does not, fair enough.

    Saying it is 100% sure to happen then going back on it, makes the first a lie. Maybe he did not mean to lie, but that doesn't make it not a lie. It isn't meant to be taken personal but simply a fact of what happened. Regardless, the issue is people still wasted their time on the game base on the information given, still devs don't seem to be considering that at all. 
    You're focusing on the wrong aspect of the issue, upset people don't act like they aren't upset. You're basically saying it's okay to be mad but not okay to act like you're mad. It doesn't make sense. The issue is of the devs making, don't put the blame on players for the consequences. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    I once told my six year old that we were going to the movies.  Then I got called in to work and couldn't take her.  I had to explain that I didn't lie to her (she was crying), but that something had caused a change in plans.  I feel like im having that conversation again...

    Comparing apples to oranges. One is personal, the other is professional or should I say unprofessional. 

    • Like 4
  7. 2 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    I don't agree that this is the case.  Yes, they said earlier that xp would be safe, but a business decision to re-assess and change the path is not vindictive.  

    If it wasn't 100% set in stone then they should not have said it was 'guaranteed''. Seems pretty simple to me. It is also a business decision to give bad information to customers and that has consequences for any product sold anywhere in any form. 

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, Henry Durnin said:

    Sure I am not justifying their actions... but ruining other peoples gameplay over it... the neewbies are the last ones who you can blame for some miscommunication?

    Well admins are ruining it for the vet players are they not? those players are only taking the avenue that is available to them. After all admins are giving priority to these new players over the vet playerbase. So it's admin choice to favor new players that is creating the issue imo.

  9. Some people I think are missing the point. Full wipe isn't the issue, but the fact that it was guaranteed to not happen. If they said full wipe from the start, there would be no outrage or least they could've said they didn't know or could NOT guarantee it. I mean if you buy ANY product, imagine the manufacturer going back on the guarantee after they sold it to you?

    • Like 3
  10. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    There is no lie here, wake up.
    We wanted to keep XP (upfront), then we spend time and saw where it will lead you we changed that decision (also telling you upfront). Both decisions were true. 

    But if new players buy a new shiny game they dont want to see first rates commandeered by vets against them. I know you understand this

    You should understand that because of what you already said was GUARANTEED many players have spent countless hours grinding ship exp. There needs to be compensation for all that wasted time and effort. One ship can take dozens of hrs of game time to max out. 

    • Like 3
  11. 6 minutes ago, admin said:

    yep you can say developers decided to let EVERYONE have a clean start on release, just like all MMO's do
    new players consider this review positive even if it is negative.

    Devs lie to their playerbase and promise things they don't deliver isn't positive, wake up. Maybe you shouldn't have told people things without knowing huh?

    • Like 7
  12. 1 minute ago, van der Decken said:

    To everyone complaining about XP and Knowledge wipes I ask: Is it not enough that we are getting a special ship and special paints and game experience? Why must we retain all our XP and have such an enormous advantage over  the hordes of newbies that will join the game at release? Just curious...sure it's a grind, but at least we'd all be on the same level field as anyone new coming to the game.

    No, it isn't enough. Specially when it was already promised otherwise and many people have been grinding their ship exp in the past months because of that. 

    • Like 6
  13. 1693fj8.jpg




    We are a new french clan, we are a casual PvE and PvP small group. We are looking  for more members to expand our activities.

    We are looking for players that speak english. But we have a couple of players who speak german as well and also spanish. But basic english is a must, even if it's bad it's okay. We are a french clan for players that don’t speak french.

    We don’t run our clan too seriously or with any big requirements. We try to keep things fun and enjoy the game with our fellow froggies.

    If are you are in need of assistance as a newer player, we can help you become a proud strong member of the baguette nation. We can help in the form of game tips or providing some ships, we don’t carry people though. Some of our members have bad backs as it is!

    We have simple rules!
    Pay attention!!
    Have good components!
    Please hold the line!!!

    If you’re interested you can contact us in game. You can contact me, our senior commander Lasagne Ferdinand de Lasalle’, our glorious leader always on the hunt for lady-men chevaliers Vlaxie’ or our diplomat the shit talking little princeBotaQ


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