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Old Crusty

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Posts posted by Old Crusty

  1. After Patch 27, and a statement from ADMIN about the direction they are taking the game I created a poll to see if the players on the Forums agreed with the patch and ADMINS statement. 

       In my comments I I explained that I disagree with the direction the game was going. At the end of my statement I said that I do not believe that players want this game to become a World of Tanks sailing ship style.

    ADMIN quoted that statement, said it had no basis in reality and locked the poll. 

    Tell me why they do not want to know if players agree or disagree with the direction they are taking the game and why they would lock the thread in the Forums.

  2. On 11/6/2018 at 1:18 AM, admin said:

    Welcome to the caribbean will be a new player operation that every player must pass before getting access to admiralty missions (all types). The goal of the operation is to guide the player through necessary steps required for great gameplay. 

    What we need is your suggestions of steps and hoops passing through which will prepare the player to be a member of your fleet or clan. 

    Proposed 3 part operation

    Welcome to the Caribbean

    • Equip an upgrade on your ship 
    • Equip guns to your ship
    • Unlock and equip a perk
    • Repair your ship in battle
    • Find and capture a trader in the open world
    • Find and sell a trading good in your Capital
    • Deliver the ship to  ____ name of free town contextual to your nation.. For example American players will be required to set up outpost in La Tortue or Tumbado
    • Establish the outpost in that city
    • Join the clan from the leaderboard (forced requirement - operation will not complete if this )

    Trials by fire (pvp missions wont be available on pve server)

    • Sink 5 combat ships in the open world
    • Capture 5 trading ships and deliver them to port
    • Atack an enemy player in enemy capital waters and inflict 2000 damage in one battle
    • Gain 5 PVP assists
    • Participate in a port battle

    Operation Columbus

    Establish 5 outposts 

    • La Tortue
    • Tumbado
    • La Mona
    • Shroud Cay
    • Aves

    Operation Trade Lanes

    • Build a workshop
    • Build a mine
    • Grow a forest
    • Build a forge
    • Craft and deliver 100 repairs
    • Craft and deliver 50 12lb carronades
    • Buy a trading good and deliver to enemy capital

    Operation Welcome is mandatory for progression.
    All other operations could be optional.


    Propose interesting missions and rewards. We are very interested in your input and ideas. 

    How about you concentrate on all the problems in the game that the players have been bringing up in the Forums?

    A tutorial that would accomplish the tasks in Welcome to the Caribbean is good to teach people the basics.

    Forcing people to join a clan, and forcing clans to accept people is wrong period.

    If you would fix the Patrol Zones everyone would lead new players there to get PvP experience.

    Requiring a person to set up ports where you want them to is simply wrong unless you give us several more.

    Just concentrate on fixing the problems that we have been bringing up and the game will be a lot better.

  3. 1 hour ago, Sir Loorkon said:

    OK, with this addition I can assume that you do not want to promote ganking. 

    I think „efforts“ should not be promoted. Only if you manage to kill your enemy you should get a reward. Who should know if an oponent just retreates because of boardom gameplay e.g. the other player is hiding under the cannons of a fort? NO.

    In every game that I have played for more than a couple of weeks, you were rewarded for effort. People play that play games want rewards. Remember that the average person has average skill and will lose almost always to players with higher skills. If you want those a average players to stick around and feed you your rewards, then there better be some incentive to keep them playing. 

    • Like 3
  4. This has been brought up before but now with the Developers new emphasis on capturing ships it needs to be addressed again.

    Every Captain should be able to have one ship in fleet without using a perk.

    Fleet control one should give an additional fleet ship for a total of two, Fleet control two give two additional for a total of three.

    • Like 5
  5. I don’t know if this is a bug or not. 

    The Btitish took Omoa where I have an outpost. I had an LGV, and a Trader Brig with a few things in warehouse. I loaded the LGV and went to Truxillo and then tried to close my outpost in Omoa. 

    The warning came up and said I would lose any ships and all stuff in warehouse, it had me type close, then it said unable to close because I have a ship docked. So now I can’t close Omoa unless I jump in a basic cutter and waste 45 minutes of my valuable time to do a round trip to Omoa so I can close the output?

    I am hoping this is a bug and not another scheme to get me out sailing (wasting my time for no gain)

  6. Since the PvE server has no content, the vast majority of players play on the PvP server. That does not mean that the majority of the players want PvP the majority of the time. I believe the vast majority of players are looking for a game with a lot of immersive content that PvP is possible. 

    I believe that the vast majority does not want”World of Tanks” sailing ship style.

    I completely disagree with the vision of the game developers 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    If you're alone against 8 ships, you're going to die (unless you are very fast).  That's not a repair issue.

    That’s not what I said


    49 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    If you're alone against 8 ships, you're going to die (unless you are very fast).  That's not a repair issue.

    I think that you missed the sarcasm

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    Sorry Crusty, no idea what you talking about when you bring RL into a game discussion.

    Managing how many repairs you will take is part of the game.

    I bet most take 5 cycles for a cruise. 3 for a pitched good battle, the rest for any eventualities.

    5 cycles of each is more than 90 minutes.

    It is just that your statement of “do you expect battles to last only 15 minutes” is just off track.  Going an hour and a half with nobody sunk and then players outside the battle waiting to tag when the enemy as they come out is getting old. In these scenarios a battle can last 3 hours. It’s not lasting that long because players are skilled at battle, its lasting that long because players are getting skilled at running and repairing. 

    It is simply wrong.

  9. 3 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    I like long battles.

    I didn't come to NA expecting 15 minutes arena shows.

    I plan for 90 minutes battles, if they take less it is okay as well.

    What do you do ? Expect all battles to last 15 minutes world of age of sail !?...


    There is a hell of a lot of time between 15 minutes and 90 minutes. Over an hour that you casually cut out of the conversation. Really??

    i expect more than 15 minutes but I also expect that by an hour we can start coming to a conclusion. I don’t know you so I don’t know if you have a job or any life outside of games but I do.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    Aren't you guys a bit tired of extreme changes and relearning the game?

    Do you know that extreme changes will require proper balancing of many things (hp, thickness, damage...) after?

    We have one dura ships now so losing ships very fast in one battle is not going to be good for the playerbase. 

    But neither is repairing so much that battles are dragged out past the 90 minutes 

  11. 1 hour ago, Flash Jack said:

    I like the skill involved in repair tactics now and it is as important as how you fire your guns

    This is exactly why it needs to change. When repairs are just as important as how you fire your guns then you know for sure that the system is broken. Repairing in battle is to easy and to effective.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    La Navasse, Nippes, Saint Nicolas, Sant Iago are open for ages. What's the difference if you get ganked outside the free port of patrol anyway? 

    In the patrol zone you gain PvP marks according to the damage done to the enemy. Outside PvP zone you do not. HUGE DIFFERENCE especially to the casual player like me.

    I feel that sitting outside of the free ports that are closest to the PvP zones and ganking players, preventing them from using game content, is griefing.

    • Like 1
  13. On 9/22/2018 at 8:46 AM, Rabman said:

    You just want salt for the tears but have no clue what goes into an average day of playing this game. 

    Why must you act like a 15 year old when responding? Does it feel good  to act like a dick? Are you making up for a shortfall?

    Your average day is going to look different from hundreds of other players average day. Is that to big of a concept for you to grasp?

    If you were half the veteran you claim to be ( and how could you be much of a veteran at 15 years old) you would see all over the Forums dozens of posts from PvPers that says hunters do not tag other hunters because they don’t want a fair fight, they only want a quick kill and then escape. There are exceptions, I believe King of Crowns when he says he kills more non Brits at KOR than Brits, but you.....

  14. On 9/18/2018 at 2:54 PM, King of Crowns said:

    what is your favorite thing to do in the game?   missions? if so how many do you do per day roughly?      Trading? how many non afk sailing trips do you make per day? Why is it assumed that pvp kills the playerbase?   could you imagine if this was the mindset of DAYZ? or any other open world game where pvp is the main source/reason of content?

    In the end I guess it doesn't matter. this mindset has already killed the game. Now you not only have the new  players quiting because the game is boring/takes to long or other reasons but you also have vets that are quiting the game because they realize there is nothing for them to do anymore once they level up. PVP is to much trouble to go look for with all the retarded engagement zones. 

    I have to assume that the mindset you refer to is the one that Hunters cannot attack other Hunters. Because there is plenty of PvP out there if you would actually attack other people looking for PvP.

    You can go to Belize, KPR, Mortimer Town, or Charleston any day of the week and find people that are looking for a fight. They sail in ships that are set up very similar to what you sail. It would be a good fight and a challenge.

    But silly me, that would be my definition of PvP. I forget that for most of you your definition of PvP is little risk, high reward. You go to these places and ignore the other people looking for PvP and try and find an easy target that is not looking to fight. 

    Funny, that’s exactly what bullies do.

  15. 4 hours ago, admin said:

    This is something that will only work if you hide enemy commands and only know them in the next round. 
    Pick a command according to your knowledge of enemy ship and crew - and commit. 
    This will remove ping dependence - and i think this is a way to go. 


    Except that you do have eyes on the enemy and would be able to see what they are up to. It is really hard to hide the fact that they are gathering to rush your ship in an attack, or lining up for a musket volley. The defender should have some idea of what the attacker is doing.

    If you made it a blind choice then it is still Rock, Paper, Scissors, and based on luck with the advantage going to the attacker.

    • Like 1
  16. We have a battle. One side runs. It doesn’t matter if it is one ship or 10. When the players can leave battle they do. What happens next is one of the biggest problems that this game has in my opinion.

    When we leave battle we go to the outer world in the same spot that we entered battle. How does that make any sense at all? If you have been running from the revenge fleet for 20 minutes and left battle 800 yards ahead of them, shouldn’t your position in the OW reflect that when you leave battle? Currently a Nation can gather at where the X for the battle is and just wait. No matter how far the enemy players traveled in the battle, they will come out of battle where they entered. 

    If we were placed in the outer world proportionate to where we actually left battle it would make re tagging harder and a little more realistic.

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