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Posts posted by pandakraut

  1. 4 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    Bug or Feature?

    Newport, as CSA:  Cabell commands 10 artillery, from Potomac Fort.  In the Army Build phase I cannot increase the number of cannons unless I go to Army Org Level 3 (i.e. use both of my Career points for AO). Is this intentional?

    Size of Cabell and limit of 10 is intended. Not being able to cap off the men in the unit is a side effect. Will see if I can fix it.

    Will also get back to you on your other longer posts, just haven't had time for a longer response yet.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 11/7/2022 at 7:58 AM, dixiePig said:

    I notice that the lower limit on Rangers now is 250, rather than 150.  Deliberate?

    Yes this was changed to reduce the effectiveness of dumping vets into a new unit.

    On 11/7/2022 at 7:58 AM, dixiePig said:

    Currently the AI doesn't re-merge Detached Skirmishers - even when they are substantially weakened - which makes them easier to 'pick off' in mid-battle.  Perhaps adjust this?

    AI pathing to return detached to unit uses a straight line regardless of where that would take the skirmishers. So it's as likely to just get them killed as anything. The AI also only detaches from a small percentage of their total units at any one time, so they will end up cycling in new detached skirmishers as the initial ones get destroyed.

  3. On 11/6/2022 at 11:59 AM, KurtPanzer said:

    Hi, thanks for all your work! I am really enjoying 1.28.3, but it is crashing on opening on my laptop. It works fine on my older PC.

    I'm using GOG and the GOG mod version. If I "repair" the game, then reinstall the mod it works fine.


    Crashing on game startup usually this means that installation was only partially successful. Double check that you have an /ultimate general civil war_DATA/mod/rebalance folder. The crash usually means that the config files aren't being found.

    If that doesn't work let me know.

  4. 2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    I have no sense of HOW MANY Vets vs Rookies I have in the recruitment pool.  I'm just given a red indicator when I step over the Veteran limit.  It would be nice to know how many Veterans I have to available to assign - and some indicator of the changing totals.  A major enduring weakness of UGCW is the inability to UNDO many actions during the CAMP phase.  Am used to reflexively

    Have you seen the tooltip when hovering over your total recruits? The information there has been expanded to show the totals for all the pools. I'm not sure if I can get tooltips to appear off of the veteran/recruit checkboxes but will take a look.

  5. 2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    The distinction and changes in the replacement process look good, though one thing puzzles me: I can add Veterans to a relatively weak unit in order to increase XP.  But if I add Veterans to a relatively strong unit, the XP actually decreases.  I can see them not effecting the XP that much, but to actually decrease ...?

    Strong units will generally have higher stats than the stats of your veteran pool, so when adding veterans the unit's stats will go still go down. However, the stats will decrease less than if you added recruits.

    Since the veteran pool stats are the average of all casualties taken the stats will generally always be worse than your best units. This has the effect of making it easier to create and maintain 1* units, but harder to maintain 2 and 3* units. But as long as you're keeping your kills high and casualties low on your better units you can net a positive change in stats even after adding vets. Investment in training and medicine will assist in this process. If your high veterancy units end up taking too many casualties consider merging them with another good unit.

    2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    Am a little surprised that rookie units who perform well (and fight a lot) in battles do not seem to advance more speedily.

    A lot of the extraneous time has been cut out of battles which makes it harder to full clear this, this has a side effect of reducing xp growth, but I think the rate is fine at the moment.

    2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    BTW:  It seems to me that [same unit commander] + [participating in battles] x [over time] should be a significant factor in increasing a units XP.  By the same token, a seasoned commander (battles led) who is reassigned to a new unit should bring some extra unit XP with him.

    The bonus to a unit's progress towards the next star is determined by the officers xp and modified by the battles led bonus. So assigning a high ranked officer will still provide a significant bonus, as would assigning an officer with high battles led. I frequently assign high ranking officers to units to push them over the threshold to gain a star, though sometimes planning ahead by a few battles is necessary.

    2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    I like the new importance of managing Veteran/Rookies and Wounded/Badly Wounded; It would be really helpful to have some on-screen graphical indicators to aid during the Replacements phase.  Perhaps a couple of bars to indicate # and type of replacements (the bar values change dynamically as you reinforce/build units).

    It's not clear to me what you're requesting here. When moving the slider you can see the affect of the added veterans/recruits on the units stats already as well as the number of men being added from the respective pool?

    2 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    Observation:  In earlier versions, i often had quite a few officers available in my Reserve (sometimes too many) - Now there are almost none : I need to purchase almost all new offices in order to grow my army.  Is there anything I can do (in Career?) to increase the number of officers in my Reserve?  As I recollect, Allied officers who were wounded in battle would appear in my reserve when healed.  No more?

    Allied officers appearing in the reserve was a bug that was partially fixed. Some still slip through now and again, but it's less consistent now that the bug is fixed. If you have more officers wounded the replacement officers can end up filling up the reserve a bit, but otherwise the only way to get officers there is to buy them from the academy.

    3 hours ago, dixiePig said:

    The dynamics of Career choices are radically changed and will take a little getting used to.  The BEGINNING choices are even more dramatic, as a result.  Will it ever be possible to select a profile that is not based on the artificial groupings offered in the BEGINNING?  They establish a narrative that currently goes nowhere, and the choices are unduly constrained. Perhaps a compromise: i.e. 2 preset choices of 8 attributes + 2 wildcard attribute choices?  And/or even some 'consequences' : i.e. the choice of particular paths in the BEGINNING has impact on the CAREER options which appear later in the game (This already happens to some degree with the increased troop bonus when you choose Reconnaissance - smart move).  I know that's a Heavy Lift, but it would add even more variety.

    That section of the UI is unfortunately very locked down. There is little to nothing we can change there. While the constraints are arbitrary, I do think they have a decent balance of options. 

    Tying the selections to later events is something we've discussed, but no definite plans at this point.

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the new version overall :)

    • Thanks 1
  6. Main post will be updated later when Jonny has time but for now

    Rebalance Mod V1.28.3 is now available

    Steam: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvjxgnp4n305j9s/RebalanceModV1.28.3.zip?dl=0

    Good Old Games: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhchd9jcrfy85n9/RebalanceModGoGV1.28.3.zip?dl=0

    Changelog Highlights
    - Campaign battles now updated through Fredericksburg.
    - Units that are charging apply a morale regen penalty to enemy units that are not charging or in melee. If the enemy unit is moving, the penalty is increased.
    - Artillery canister damage, cavalry pistol damage, and mounted carbine cavalry reload speeds reduced.
    - Morale damage resistance increased from morale stat and several perks.
    - General scaling reductions with higher reductions in specific battles.
    - Improvements to several underused cavalry, infantry, and artillery perks.
    - Static Mode: Optional mode that removes all scaling against player units. Instead the AI units are all set to a default size based on the current campaign date. Specific battles that normally have larger default sizes can exceed these size restrictions. 
        Player units are limited to same size as the AI.
        This mode is very bare bones and by default can result in facing larger units than the normal scaling algorithm. There is also little to no adjustment to sizing between difficulties, so adjustment using configs is highly recommended.
        This mode can be enabled in the configFile, the percentage size of the player units can also be adjusted there. By default the AI size caps out at 50% of the normal maximum sizes. Maximum sizes can be adjusted in the AIConfigFile if larger or different sizes are preferred. AIscalingSizeMultiplier will also continue to work to make adjustments to sizes.

    full changelog is in the /Mod/Rebalance/Change logs folder

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    Is it possible that the artillery ammo bug disapears? I had huge problems at Chichamagua, Stones River and Mule Shoe, but non at all at Cold Harbour and other later battles.

    Did you update to one of the test versions at some point between those battles? At cold harbor you can capture enough enemy wagons that could solve the issue, but I would have thought the side battles after it were still a problem.

    2 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    So I finished the Union on MG. Except Fort Stevens where I really had to lower the scaling to 0.7 from 1, the rest was great. Chicamagua was a bit of a pain for my ally units (all the captures of my troops are from that battle), but the rest of the battle was fun to play. You made a great mod. One thing you could think about is the second day of Richmond, after I crushed them in the first day, the second was a walk over - literally. It would be fun if you could reinforce the CSA for the second day to make it work. The second thing is, would it be possible to show true casualties in multiday battles? The problem is (as you know) when you reinforce the casualties from day one are erased.

    I'll have to think on the multiday casualty issue. Maybe there is a way I can get it to work without reseting the units starting point. Though that may open up other bugs it was covering over. Will see what I can do.

    Richmond day 2 is definitely a walk over. Should be able to make it more interesting once we get to updating it(will be a while.)

    2 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    Now for CSA.

    1.28.3 is nearly ready, hopefully we can get it posted this weekend.

  8. The 12 gun limit was found through extensive in game testing to compare damage between guns. It was later mostly proved the be correct by data mining the actual in game calculation used. The actual limit is 14 but the difference between 12-14 is minimal.

    You can find graphs here 

    I'd highly recommend just using this mod which fixes the curve to be diminishing instead of parabolic among a variety of other bug fixes.


    The Napoleon is mediocre in my opinion. It has a terrible range curve and is only good close in. I replace it with 24pdrs or rifled guns as soon as possible.

    • Like 1
  9. There have been some other players on the discord who have also had trouble with newport. Here are some the suggestions that worked for them.

    Consider bringing a melee cav unit. They can help you clean up routing units so that they don't come back over and over. Just be careful about where you use them so they don't get shot too much in melee. And watch out for the enemy cav.

    Try using the fortifications, they are significantly better in the mod and can help against charges.

    Keeping an arty unit for the high morale shock damage can also be very useful. Though it is a bit of a trade off since it's harder to cover everything with only 2 infantry.

    Hope this helps, good luck!

  10. 8 hours ago, Chieftan said:

    I don't know if it is intended, but on Legendary mode in the Confederate battle of Newport News, the Union consistently have over 16k in troops, while I barely have over 8k. I suppose I am intended to turn the multiplier in the xml down? Also, only allowing 4 personal brigades for the level hurts a lot.

    This is pretty normal for legendary. Will vary a bit depending on how many infantry units you create and of what size. If you'd prefer a bit easier version the configs are always an option. If this is your first attempt at legendary you may want to consider setting the size multiplier to .85 as a bit more of a stepping stone.

  11. 6 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    EDIT: I also have to add that the nerfing of artillery is good, but the ammo cost is horrible. I had to sell every spare cannon and rifle and take the money with reputation to fill my supplies after Mule Shoe and I have 10 logistics.

    Are you running 1.28.2 or one of the 1.28.3 test versions? There is a bug with the artillery resupply costs in 1.28.2 that would largely explain what you are describing.

    6 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    Fort Stevenes...

    I crushed the enemy in every battle. Cleared the field in all major battles (or at least 90% of his force), same for most "small" battles in the later game. I killed 90k at Gettysburg, 100k at Cold Harbour (each battle they had 400+ cannons), loss ration in most battles was 1:4-1:5 Now I am facing 5000 3* at Fort Stevens and 1200 men artillery brigades with my 1500 brigades.

    I added the pictures for proof and help. Before Cold Harbour the enemy got (as the report said) 69.000 new troops. What I am supposed to do?

    Some of the other changes appear to have affected this battle more than intended. Will try to get some kind of initial update into the next release. In the meantime I'd just use the /mod/rebalance/AIConfigFile to adjust it a bit.  Give AIscalingSizeMultiplier of .7 a try maybe?

  12. 5 hours ago, Gilgatal said:

    Dear pandakraut.
    I have wrote a respone on other topic, but admins have not apowed my response yet.
    I need your mail or to contact you somehow.
    I am trying for moth to instal your mod but it isnt going.
    I have the *black screen issue* while loading. 
    please leave mehere you contact or send me a mail on: ogyviceoux@gmail.com

    Maybe an older version of mod will work or some other idea that I have

    Sorry if I overlooked your response in the main mod thread. Responded there with more details.

  13. On 10/14/2022 at 7:15 PM, Gilgatal said:

    I also have black screen issue.
    Can anyone give me a link for 1.27 version of the MOD i want to try does that one work for me.
    I am strugling for days

    The install for that version and the current version should be essentially identical. Most likely one of the files in the zip did not end up in the right spot. Make sure you are extracting into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data. You should not end up with a RebalanceModV1.27.4.3 folder if you did it correctly. 

    Here is the link to the older version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w0neimnw0et3ebv/RebalanceModV1.27.4.3.zip?dl=0

    If you're still having trouble let me know.

  14. 6 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    1. What 3* do you pick for your general? I usually go for cover, but the exp add seems good as well, how does that work? Does every unit in the range of the general get a 25% boost to exp?

    Any unit in the generals aura gets 25% more xp from any actions they take.

    6 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    2. Anyone have any good tips for Parker's crossing and Stones river? Parker's crossing was a pain before, but now it's just a drain on manpower with his 3* skirmishers firing on me from all angles. I get a 1.5 or 2:1 kill ratio, but lossing 4k men in a battle like this is a pain. At Stones river I allways manged to hold the right flank and drain the enemy, then counter and sweep them off the field. Now the Cav is outflaking me and even their rifle cav is charging my skirmishers in the woods. I will try some other things, but if anyone has any good ideas Iam open.

    Parker's I always defended off point in the woods to the right. Since this battle hasn't been updated yet feel free to just adjust AI unit sizing and quality in the configs to what feels fun(no issues if you want to do this with updated battles as well.)

    For Stones River you may need to fall back from your positions on the right to form a more concentrated line.

  15. On 10/7/2022 at 2:37 PM, ws7 said:

    AIscalingExperienceMultiplier, =0 AIscalingWeaponMultiplier, =0 - with the staticMode ON  will it mean that the game uses the base/on date parameters, or will it reset the values to (0 exp level units/commander and only cheap muskets and 6 pdr)?

    The default values of both of those are 1 since it results in no change to the defaults. Setting them to 0 will set AI units stats to 0 and give them the worst possible weapons.

    On 10/7/2022 at 2:37 PM, ws7 said:

    and lastly, I will not take up your time anymore (I will look into your discord more often):

    Nothing wrong with questions here, though I am more likely to overlook posts or respond to them more slowly than on discord.

    On 10/7/2022 at 2:37 PM, ws7 said:

    is there any way to make the guns fire only the canister (ban on waste shell-fire)? it is probably difficult to remake the interface like this, but then may be a way to make duplicates for some guns, with a limited firing radius? Or is it also divided by an internal game-engine algorithm into shell and canister?

    This was added to the mod a while back. You can use the hotkeys t and y to set the unit to only canister or on canister + shell. There are also buttons available(borrowed the supply infantry and supply artillery buttons from the supply wagon).

  16. On 9/28/2022 at 9:29 AM, Andrew Milnes said:

    that worked thanks ... could you help with how they should look on my Mac ? I follows the Mac instructions for steam but again could not get it to run


    The mod file is in the contents folder and rebalance shows up in the mod folder is that right?

    Sorry I overlooked this question. 

    Yes the mod/rebalance folder should go into the /Contents folder. Unfortunately, my ability to provide support on macs is very limited. The instructions in the main post have been reported to work from other mac users.

  17. 17 hours ago, ws7 said:

    I don't remember how it was in vanilla, but I'm worried about the automatic increase of the enemy army .... 40k in the forecast, turn into 100k on the field ... this is in the second boss battle ... (+Anti-ballast evil rule :))

    Not quite sure which numbers you are referring to here. By forecast do you mean the army size listed on the campaign screen recon report? Or on the pre-battle corps deploy screen? The recon report number is basically a snowball factor, it's not an actual indicator or limiter of how many men the AI will deploy in a given battle.

    The pre-battle corps deploy numbers should be roughly accurate. They don't factor in potential splits, but even with very bad luck that shouldn't result in more than a 10% change most of the time. 

    By second boss battle do you mean Shiloh? 100k is significantly more than is normal on legendary unless you are doing something to massively scale up the AI units.

    What is your average infantry unit size? What is your largest infantry unit? What difficulty are you on? If you built a 4k unit or something like that it could explain these numbers.

    17 hours ago, ws7 said:

    as I understand it, AIscaling-multipliers directly increase the enemy's army according to the formula: divide the player's army by the base for the current battle and multiply by a AIscaling? so as your army grows, better weapon quality and more experience... AI gets the same bonuses... which completely loses the meaning of progress for me...

    The scaling algorithm is considerably more complex than what you are describing. Turning it off entirely results in wildly unbalanced battles, some harder and some easier because the default sizes were entered with the expectation that they would be modified.

    What the AIscalingSizeMultiplier config option does is apply a multiplier to whatever the final size of a unit would be as determined by scaling. So for example if scaling determines a unit should be 3,000 and you have changed the config value to be .8, then the resulting unit size would be 2,400. 

    My general recommendation is build the army you want to build, if the difficulty is too much just adjust the multiplier down a bit to what feels reasonable. Also, unit size is rarely the highest priority. Stats and perks are far more important, size just tends to give you more durability.

    Enemy weapons and experience do not scale off the player army in any way.

    17 hours ago, ws7 said:

    it is more convenient to have the formula enemy army = base + player's army multiply AIscaling ... then for those like me who want to fight with their formations against a predetermined army of the enemy, it will be convenient to set the AIscaling 0 and the game will work ... because now at 0 - the army of AI is destroyed :(

    thanks for your mod, I played previous versions a few years ago, now it's much better, but auto-leveling annoys me

    The mod tries to support players who like to play with a variety of unit sizes. Some players like to play with 1k infantry, some like 6k. This only works if the AI units adjust somewhat against what the player is using. Because of this, the scaling has been modified to try to keep the AI roughly in the same size range as the player. So if you build only 1k units you normally won't face units larger than 2-3k(some battles can be exceptions on higher difficulties.) If you are building 3k units you'll probably be facing 4-5k units depending on difficulty.

    The anti-ballast change was designed to prevent players from exploiting this and building a few 6k units while the rest of their army was 1k. As long as you aren't building units more than 2k bigger than your average unit size this won't have any affect.

    We are also working on an experimental mode where the AI actually doesn't scale and instead has its sizes determined by campaign date. Player units are limited to the same sizes. This system has significant flaws and ends up being harder than the scaling system in many cases, but if you have trouble disconnecting the idea that changing your army can change the AI's then it seems to be the solution. A test version that includes this mode is available on the discord, full release is probably still a few weeks away at best.

  18. 7 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    EDIT: One more question for you. Wouldn't it make more sense that in exchange for captured troops you get veterans? Even if some are wounded or badly wounded? That would make it feel more like a prisoner exchange...

    Potentially yes, but the follow-up there would be that the stats would need to come from your veterans, which requires you to actually lose units to captures before you can have an exchange.

    Other options do exist, but at the moment the veteran pool seems pretty healthy as is from what I've seen. But it's something that we'll keep in mind in the future.

  19. 4 minutes ago, ug_might said:

    You can clear the blocking unit with Cav from behind. Getting the Ohios across trickers the phase change as does crossing the road with any unit. This is how it looked, consistent with multiple tries:

    Ok, clearing with cav seems fine. Getting the Ohio units across would not have been, so all good there.

    1 hour ago, ug_might said:

    You can choose to not be in control of the Hill when the counter attack starts? I never tried it, might be even worth it staying behind the river.

    Yes, don't lose immediately if you end the phase without it. But I think you only have until the contested timer to take it back(not 100% certain on this.) 

    1 hour ago, ug_might said:

    How is the reinforcement determined anyway? This is after Malvern Hill, forefalls first attempt compared to mine: https://imgur.com/a/cvMvLH1


    The enemy forcer was pretty similar on both sides and it did better than him on this run. He got a very good reinforcement draw with just 33.8k men. I tried multiple times to get a somewhat similar result but the best I can get is the one listed – 39.6k men.


    Am I being punished for getting a better result?

    After the battle the level of the AI size, AI training, and AI weapons are checked against expected timeline values. This affects the chances of which type of reinforcement will be generated. Recruits will always be generated, but there is also a chance that either officers, weapons, or veterans get selected.

    There is randomization involved in the troop amounts, and if you kill enough to push the Ai size below the minimum, the reinforcement amount will be boosted to bring it back up to the minimum. But in this case you're still keeping them at the minimum, so the size of the reinforcement number doesn't matter.

    Also in general the AI size only has a relatively small effect on scaling. A change of 5k is so small that it might as well be 0. It's when it starts to build up by 30-40k+ over the minimum that it starts having noticeable affects.

    • Like 1
  20. 9 hours ago, PatriotASR said:

    Iam also enjoying the mod. It's a whole different beast to the old one and I am still trying out new ways to win. I am just after 2nd Bull Run with the Union and I am stuck at Crampton's Gap. The reduced time you are given is a challenge (on top of the arty not being as affective as it used to be) and the enemy skirmishers don't give you any room to maneuver. But I have another problem - fatigue. I had a good start in one of my runs (first 20 minutes, way before you get reinforcements) since the enemy decided to charge me and all but one of his skirmishers are in the woods to the left, so I decided to make that my starting point to try different things. Now the problem is that my units get tired and just don't regenerate, even my sniper unit is exhausted after moving a short distance and even if I let them stand still for a while they don't get above tired. I have the upper hand on numbers and are in a good position, but I can't get up the hill because my troops can barely move and morale is waivering on all units all the time. Is that a product of me reloading a game to one point or is there something I am missing?

    If a unit is exhausted, morale is capped at 50%(steady). If you have a negative penalty to morale from reputation, this reduces your morale stat and also your morale cap in battle. This can result in a unit being stuck at wavering for an extended period. 

    Are you sure your condition isn't going up at all over time? Are you continuing to fire and reload while you wait? Or is the unit actually resting? Especially for snipers with long reload time weapons you can wear them out relatively quickly if you are firing and moving constantly.

    Multiple players have commented on crampton's gap, so an extra 30 minutes is getting added to that battle in the next patch. You can increase the timerRecommendedMultiplier to 1.2 to replicate this until the patch comes out. I'm not sure what you'd need to set the endofDayMultiplier to exactly, but maybe try 1.05.

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