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Posts posted by SPANISH_AVENGER

  1. Hello! I was eager to try out campaigns, but, ever since a few months ago, they just won't load/start...

    A hour and half ago, I tried to start as a 1940 campaign. It's still loading "April 1937"! I have already given up on it, as all previous attempts I have made in the past few months.

    Is this... normal? Or is there anything wrong on my end? My computer is a quite powerful machine capable of loading nearly every game in a few seconds, so it can't be a hardware issue, that's for sure.

  2. I do! Some of my names are:


    -Elena Bárbara (My mother's name)

    -Santísima Trinidad (named after the famous ship of the line)

    -Imperio (Empire)


    -Vencedor (Vanquisher)

    -Devastador (Ravager)

    -Ejecutor (Executor)

    For Battleships, I don't follow any pattern, I merely name them after something honourable, big or important (at least to me, such as my mother).

    For Battlecruisers, I chose the aesthetic of glorifying adjectives.

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  3. Yeah...

    I am tired about being literally unable to have any gunfight with any AI ship regardless of the ship classes involved or years.

    Every campaign match finds my fleet facing 3-4 enemy ships with up to 18 torpedo launchers each, and very often, they fire them all simultaneously with incredible accuracy... so, in no time, my fleet's entire horizon is covered by 54-78 torpedo wave coming in a way so that I can not do anything to evade them with any of my ships.

    Hopefully the situation will get better after the update! But I strongly believe AIs should start being encouraged to make a more limited and realistic use of torpedos, rather than filling even their Battleships with dozens of torpedo tubes.

    • Like 4
  4. On 4/22/2022 at 7:26 PM, Nick Thomadis said:

    Hello Admirals,

    After the last major update which we hope you enjoy it, we started to work on the next major features. We can now share a confirmed list of the next very important new features, which you also have asked many times from us. 

    • Long campaign with peacetime periods: This was actually a planned and expected feature of the campaign. On the current WIP map you will be able to start from your selected year without instant wars. New tension mechanics and special events will trigger diplomacy effects. Alliances will be formed and different wars will be fought throughout decades of gameplay.
    • New detailed Citadel: The damage model becomes upgraded with a far more detailed armoring system. The way you layout out your guns and funnels will affect the length of the citadel (the armored box covered by the main belt and deck) and you will be able to view it in the ship preview during the design process.

      So it will be now fully realistic to create Nelson type ships which save weight due to the shortening of the armored citadel. Moreover, the hull weight and strength in each section will be dependent from the way you choose to layout your main guns as well as the center of its mass. For example, the sections in the middle will be significantly stronger and more resistant against damage than the lighter sections at the edges of the ship. Finally, you will be able to add an extra multi-layered armor in the citadel and choose independently its values according to the components enabled "All or Nothing", "Turtleback" etc.
    • New Special Gun Calibers: A new design panel will allow you to edit the diameter and length of the gun barrels which will affect the gun statistics and their actual size on the ship. So, for example, you will be able to have calibers such as 13.5 inch for your guns before you research the next bigger 14 inch caliber. The variations of designs now will become extremely enriched, as each ship will look different also on the gun scales.
    • Dud Torpedoes: Torpedoes will not be as successful as now but will detonate and damage ships according to their angle of impact and their technology. You may have torpedoes to not explode on impact or explode prematurely with new visual effects.

    Many more will be added, which we will share as soon as we arrive closer to the release of the next update.

    Thank you for reading!
    The Game - Labs Team


    Amazing, amazing, AMAZING! Thank you for the intel!

    I am glad to see not just progress in the campaign, but also how much more fleshed out and polished the designer is becoming. To me, the designer was always the selling point of the game, so every time it gets improved, I become happier about the game!

    I am also glad to see the realistic torpedo nerfs, I've always felt the current meta made bots spam torpedos way too much successfully.

    • Like 3
  5. I mean, while I agree that realistic accuracy implies lots of misses... having a 10% chance of hit at 200m away in the 1890s campaign is just way too... much.

    200m away! That's the closest possible distance before collission! The reason why I hate 1890s campaign is because I can spend 15 minutes at x2 speed with two stationary Battleships 200m away from each other missing shots constantly... like, how is it even possible? 200m away!

    For example, in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in 1898, engagements occurred between 1,100m and 2,400m and both factions hit each other's ships HUNDREDS of times! (altough 85% of the Spanish ammo was defective and non-functional so it didn't cause a lot of damage).

    • Like 2
  6. Greetings!

    Something that has come to my attention is that, in the Campaign, enemy AIs spam torpedos on every single ship class they have.

    I thought it was a 1890s thing, but yesterday I tried 1940, and same thing; every single enemy ship, from destroyers (to be expected) to light and heavy cruisers, battlecruisers and even battleships, have 8-16 torpedo launchers, which they fire simultaneously as soon as they are in range.

    In no time, my fleet spots a mass of 48-60 torpedos approaching to my ships, which are pretty much impossible to avoid given how they cover the entirety of my screen. Even if I try to stay as far as 20km away, this still happens.

    Both in 1890s and 1940s, the common denominator remains; I can't get to viable gun firing ranges (below 20,000m in 1940, and below 1,000m in 1890) because these masses of torpedos happen every time.

    Is this a realistic thing? I know torpedos were widely used, but launching 60 torpedos at once from 20km away?

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, AurumCorvus said:

    Campaigns are available for all five nations starting in the 1940s. You just have to unlock later campaigns. Of course, there are multiple ways to do this.

    The 'intended' way is to win the previous campaign for that nation to unlock one ten years later.

    Otherwise, if you're proficient with CE, you can hyper-inflate your VP and win the campaign in 6 months when the game checks that.

    Otherwise, you can do a file edit in userdir\AppData\LocalLow\GameLabs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\campaign_p.json . This can be opened as a txt file with Notepad or Notepad++ (preferred). Replace the text within with:


    Enjoy your WWI and WWII campaigns.



    Well, thank you for the intel, I'll try that out tomorrow!

  8. 1 hour ago, The PC Collector said:

    I disagree. This game is about naval combat. In fact, I think it should be scripted so you're forced to have AT LEAST one battle per turn. If you're not capable to gestion your resources well enough (AKA, your ships), then you rightfully deserve to lose.

    Uh… at one battle per turn, it would take several hours to do any significant progress on the campaign xD

  9. First of all, I love the concept of campaigns!


    But, to be honest, I don’t really like 1890s; they are so reliant on torpedos, it feels like it makes anything else irrelevant, specially battleships!


    The main ship class nations spam are torpedo boats, and if you don’t do the same, you lose the war and can’t have battles; if you try to have a battleship or armored or heavy cruiser duel, you can’t do it either because accuracy is so horrible on these primitive ships that they will miss each other 90% of the times even as close as 200m away… a distance at which even battleships will spam torpedos at you!


    So you can’t fight from afar ( by “afar” I mean beyond 800m) because you can spend 15 minutes at x3 speed trying to land a single hit, but if you get closer than that, you get spammed with torpedos.


    So… if there’s any other campaign in the works, I think it would be cool if it could be a WW1 or WW2 based one, where battleships and gunfights may actually be relevant! ^^

  10. On 2/12/2022 at 7:23 PM, Nick Thomadis said:

    Refit Mode: Now you can refit your ships, from changing a few components to radically replacing weapons, funnels, towers with modern variations. This new and essential feature will allow you to utilize all the latest technology advancements for your current ships without the need to scrap them and build new ones.


    My favourite part of the patch notes!

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, akd said:

    I’m seeing a reoccurring issue with ships set to follow others or joined with others not being able to properly follow in line.  Most recent example: game decided to drop my 3x CAs into battle in a group and in line ahead. Problem was the fastest, but least armed and armored was put in the lead, so I detached it and sent it looping around to the back.  Once it was behind the other two and roughly on their course again, I dragged and dropped its “card” back into the formation so it would be at the back of the line.  From that point on it wouldn’t hold a normal distance in the line and constantly snaked back and forth behind the ship in front of it in the formation.  The speed slider showed the ship constantly trying to achieve its own max speed (32 kts.) rather than the formation speed of 28 kts even though it was actually closer to the ship in front than the spacing set for the formation (so had no reason to “catch up” with higher speed).

    I also have weird issues like this… sometimes the speed slider show the ship as in sailing at its top speed, but it’s completely frozen and stuck in place, falling behind the rest of the fleet and becoming unusable most of the times unless I micromanage its way out and it un-bugs out, but it never manages to follow the line ever again, even if I re-attach it.

    • Like 3
  12. 4 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Shell dispersion for missing shells should not happen so often close to the target.

    Glad to know! It was becoming a bit too infuriating to see two ships missing every shot from 200m away in the campaign hahah

    4 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Fixed bug in campaign that caused TR losses to not be displayed each turn.

    I knew there was something odd about transports xD

    In general, I am glad to see all these fixes and improvements!

    • Like 2
  13. I agree...

    I once made a test: a Battleship with 700mm thick belt and extended belt, and 400mm thick deck and extended decks.

    It didn't have any firepower, mobility or components, it wasn't an usable ship; I just wanted to make a testbed for armor.

    And guess what? It was destroyed in a few minutes in x3 speed... through "partial pens". By 356mm guns...

    So no matter how thick you make your armor, it doesn't really matter. 300mm thick belt? 356mm thick? 410mm thick...? They will all take the same damage from "partial pens"...

    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, Drenzul said:

    They can't stick together. 

    You basically have so few ships cos they are all BBs, they having to split up to try and cover your transports.


    You see the AI is likely trying to generate battles for you. 
    As you have only BBs it has only 3 choices:

    I'd imagine as the enemy has much faster TBs than your BBs, the game is basically saying well you are getting ambushed a lot due to lack of small ships to scout/protect your BBs. Match ups seems to be by ship class regardless of the ship's tonnage.


    Ever since I started doing Armored and Heavy Cruisers, I'm getting more battles where I have more than 1 ship on my side, and the tonnage is always similar to the enemy fleet one, so I am now 90% sure it's done by tonnage.


    But the enemy fleets are still mostly composed of Torpedo Boats... every time... the campaign feels more like Ultimate Admiral: Torpedo Boats than anything else xD


    That being said, I am still loving the campaign, even with all the flaws expected from its current early state (specially regarding how extremely difficult it is to win, even if you win every battle, and some AI issues).

  15. I think I now understand how matches are set up; by tonnage


    So perhaps my fleet is adapted in tonnage to the enemy's fleet, and, as I am only building Battleships, only the right amount go into battle before surpassing the enemy's tonnage. Is it possible?


    For example: if the enemy fleet is 12,000 tons, and each of my ships is 9,000 tons, I will only have one ship in the battle, as otherwise itwould be 18,000 tons vs 12,000 tons. And that's why I should have smaller ships too to "fill" those voids.


    I just had a really nice match: 3 of my BBs against 2 BBs, 1 CA and 2 CLs... now THAT was a fun battle!

  16. 1 minute ago, akd said:

    Then likely the issue is only having BBs.  This probably pulls a BB where normally it would pull a cruiser.


    But why aren't the BBs sticking together? How can I set them in the same squadron...? Ports don't seem to do the job.


    I just got another match with 2 BBs, and they are doing their job pretty well... but I would really like to set the squadrons and for it not to be completely random generated. I am sure with 3 of these BBs per squadron I would never lose...

  17. 24 minutes ago, akd said:

    I don't think Sea Control is a task for BB fleets in game terms.  You are probably telling all your BBs to go out and raid or patrol individually.


    Why individually? I thought you could make squadrons by grouping them in ports... yet it doesn't seem to matter... also, I only set them in Sea Control now as someone above recommended it, but nothing has really changed...


    I have, at last, got a battle where, instead of just 1 ship, I had 2.. I ALMOST won, my Battleships broke havoc. That's why I wanted to group them in squadrons of 3; because I know 3 of my Battleships would fare well enough against anything thrown at them... but if I can't control the fleets and the number of ships I launch into battle is random and mostly 1, it's a pointless effort.



  18. 13 hours ago, Littorio said:

    More ships on Sea Control, and check your ports often. The game shuffles your ships around (especially as Germany) and often moves them on returning from a battle. So they don't always go back to where you had them. Thus you might think they are going back to say, Emden, when in reality they go back to Pillau. I can't wait for this to be changed in an update.


    I've done this...

    It's got to a point where I have had 10 ships, distributed in two ports (5 and 5), all in sea control... and the battles are still 1 ship of mine VS 10 enemy ships... it's driving me crazy!


    14 hours ago, Drenzul said:

    Do you only have BBs? 

    If so they are going to get ambushed by torp-boats more often. 
    I assume this is the 'ambush' scenario where the 8 attackers are destroyers, in which case its kinda
    expected if the enemy have a lot of TB/destroyers and you have mostly BBs.


    Yeah, the weight limit for lighter vessels is basically bugged... for example Light Cruisers have a 2,500 ton limit yet it weights 2,700 ton by default xD So I am trying to just make multi-purpose Battleships... which would fare better if they didn't have to fight 10 ships alone for some reason...

  19. 3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Please hold on Stealth, patch is very near to completion. After that, we can discuss any other matter.


    Patch is still under testing and a few more issues need to be fixed. Tomorrow it can be the day, if we fix them all. Or we can release and make a hotfix as soon as possible. In any case, please everyone hold until tomorrow for a definite answer.


    This is the kind of interactions some of us would like to see more often. Thanks!

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