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Rick Astley

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Posts posted by Rick Astley

  1. 2 minutes ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

    Go look at navalactioncraft , you will see that crafting a trader lynx is not that expensive even if you include shipyard cost, labour hour, effort, it's just some crafters taking advantage of the market. Not the fault of npc price

    This is proof that a player base crafting economy is broken and always has been. 

    There excuse was the npc ships were cheaper so demanded the devs increase the costs... now he trading/crafters has the higher prices on npc ships do they make competitive or cheaper ships ?? No of course not! they milk the system by increasing ship costs.

  2. 2 hours ago, Cpt Fred said:

    The reason behind the high NPC ship prices is an easy fix to allow player-crafted ships have a more competitive price compared to NPC ships.

    Even in this case i don't feel like any decently crafted player ship needs to compete with a crew space NPC ship... Except if you can afford loads of NPC ships. Other then that i notice in my nation (UP) there's almost no player crafted combat ships in the store because ship crafting is already severely limited due to furnishings, marks and LH.

    What they should've done is probably something that takes a bit longer: instead of increasing NPC pricing, they should've decreased resource (esp. furnishing) cost in buildings and/or lowered LH for crafting ships / resources entirely. This way it will have a huge impact on everything; all player crafted ships will be cheaper and anything else will also be cheaper which can only embrace current meta: the 1-dura meta.

    I feel like the devs made a huge change to the naval action meta with the 1-dura meta, but didn't take in consideration crafting and the economy. You need to remember that crafting any ship (which takes gold for buildings, gold for resources and LH for resources + ship materials + the ship and hard earned furnishings) can be lost in the blink of an eye due to the 1-dura meta. Ship crafting in general should be cheaper and so should the ships be. I feel like pre-increased ship pricing patch the prices were do-able because they can't solo a fleet order anyway and with the re-introduction of solo fleet missions anyone can purchase a NPC frigate and start doing CPT orders straight away, without having to spend too much money in mid-game.

    Opening up mid-tier ships even more will only help the economy in multiple ways. Frigates are the first ships anyone will extensively use in PvP combat and PvE missions (especially fleet orders) earn way more money, marks and possible loot compared to lower fleet / combat orders. High rate ships are limited anyway due to conquest marks which is a different story. If they really want refits and such to be limited they can always increase the mark cost of them (despite them already being pretty high).

    I wish I could agree but this is not the case, when you see crafted trading lynx being sold at a higher price that an npc surprise, then you know what the devs implemented is not working.


    kindly show us screenshots where player crafted ships are cheaper than npc.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, The Red Duke said:

    Having lost 2 ships today ( still laughing my bottom out of it ) I feel that the 1 dura is perfect.

    One I lost to a uncontrollable fire. It kept growing as I was continuously shot. It never went into shock but ate through the structure. 

    The other was a total lack of attention on my part on crew management coming out of a raid and a fleet recaptured the prize while I left only 2 crew in my schoon. I surrendered not to make anyone lose time.

    Was a solid setback but nothing breaking. Not giving a step longer than me legs and both ships have been replaced with the reserve funds. Now I just need to make sure they don't go down any soon even if it means I have to escape with grace from a undecided situation.

    That's because I've only seen you sailing privateers :p.

    I agree with what fox2run said as a guy with a family and running a business, this game has turned into a second job. 


    To to be competitive you need ships of the lines. This will take paying for materials to build your ship yards for clan or solo. You still need gold to purchase the mats or produce them in buildings so grinding pve, pbs for conquest marks and pvping just to get blueprints and permits.

    This "game" has turned into full time employment during the "hardcore" game mode which has and will continue to loose players.

    I'm waiting for my contract from the devs to make this my job. 25000 Russian rubles a month sounds fair :) 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Some one posted the Truce agreement between Dutch and Brit last night was cause ya'll had 12 players.  I guess they ahven't been to any of your Port Battles?  I hear ya'll filled some of the, good for ya'll.  Like hearing other nations that where once small getting the numbers up. I thinkk the only one that can't is Spain so far.  Not saying 25 pluss screeners, but still it's close we didn't even get 25 in ours, just 24.  Though did have 25 and a bunch of guys that couldn't get in last night at Cap Frances.  Not that we will see each other in any Port Battles any time soon, sure we will cross paths on the OW.

    Though TEAMWORK is the key to getting things done in game.


    @Rick Astley I posted this above for you....read the patch notes again.   The last line where they switched off the old conquest system with marks and allowed trade in for PvP's.


    Yeah Just got home and saw Willis's link... for some reason could not see the link posted previously from my phone... As promised I apologize for the accusations against Black Clan... I was absent when that patch dropped so didn't see what happened.

    I was only advised from clan members they got Permits for the PVP marks not the Blue Prints.


    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, OneEyedSnake said:

    But really, instead of changing the system, perhaps smaller clans in larger nations should migrate to smaller nations... It would balance some things out, make gameplay more interesting for everyone, youd get more marks, the smaller nations wouldnt be steamrolled so easy... Just putting it out there 

    It's being discussed already in the GB server.... I think a few will use the Forge papers to jump to smaller nations

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Willis PVP2 said:

    During the one-day patch where conquest marks were removed. Apparently Pirates were the only nation smart enough to capitalize on this by working together as a clan to pool their PvP marks and get some BPs and permits.

    Ah shite the day I was at work...... ok fair play..... thanks for being the one to answer like a Gentleman!!!!


    @admin remove the topic then please..

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, OneEyedSnake said:

    what server are you on? Us Dutch in PVP Global have flipped several Port Battles after the PB mechanic change, in fact we as a super small nation love it. Our cohesion and teamwork have lead to us doing well. Thats what it comes down to, teamwork. 

    Like the British, empty ports of the Spanish, My clan with the help of GA small at the time after reset we flipped 2 :/ it can be done but contested is a different matter!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Read this over again and than what your accusing us of?   So if Dutch and Brits can have an Alliance than why can't other nations?  We don't have one with any one maybe the Dans cause we are old time friends with them, but no one else.  We told France a heads up even before the patched dropped we will take Cap Frances pretty much straight out of the gate, but have no plans to take the other middle french regions unless they become aggressive towards us. As posted above it's been stated there is nothing wrong with nations having alliances and even exchanging ports with each other as long as they aren't farming there chars (pvp marks). 

    Now I have repoorted you for violation of rules.


    Perhaps go to spec savers, The British Nation clans agreed not to attack the Dutch because we have only seen 2 active small clans around there. How is that an alliance?


    Also your avoiding the question. When was the AGA ever exchangeable for PVP marks? Us this a special thing for pirates only???

  9. 3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Well that is simple.

    They are logging in their alts, trading out marks to buy the BP.  They are working as a team, pooling together resources and abusing an alt to get what they cant get normally.   They did this before the patch with Live Oak and other resources they couldnt get normally.  And made no shame about it. 

    I know KPR do not sell conquest marks. How did Black clan get them to build agas for there first!!! Portbattle?? 

    If @Ink can look to see how they obtained these magical conquest marks before they own first portbattle and see if they have the buc as well then great.

    can @Sir Texas Sir advise how they had SOL ready for there first battle?


    Happy to apologize if they don't have the buc, but I want to know how they managed it fairly!!

  10. 1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Maybe you should learn to read the patch notes and you will know how we get the BP and a few permits.  It's the last line after what's new added in hotfix.   It was for a day change to PvP points and we pooled them all up to get them.   Now the fun part.  Do you know I have  a Bucc?  Have you seen me in a Bucc?   Are you going off our comment on Global Char in game where I jokenly said I love my new Bucc?   Yah your got trolled.  Stop believing every thing you hear and making stuff up.  I swear you guys will believe anything you hear.   lol

    Don't Brits and Dutch have an Alliance/Tuce (what ever you want to call it) with each other?  So we can't make allainces now?  Not that there was one made. We told french we whre going to take that port and they had other plans so they did not show up for the port battle since they where in a port battle with Brits taking a region from ya'll.  This has been addrersed in Tribunal all ready.


    No the Dutch and brits are not in an alliance, why 1 port a weak nation?

  11. 1 minute ago, Daguse said:

    Sorry just saw this,

    The Black Clan has been farming PVP marks from would be players running trade ships with no protection. As for the PB and Conquest marks, I believe they are doing the same thing many of the US clans are doing. They are combining marks so that one player is able to get the best ship with the limited marks. 

    They could not get 25 conquest marks playing fairly in the pirate nation without a portbattle!! Hence I want either you or @admin to tell us so the small nations with the population of the calf of Mann can get the blueprints that Black clan got without doing there first port. Battle and how they obtained so many conquest marks to start rolling out bucs shortly after there first PB? 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Daguse said:

    Remember you can only get marks if they haven't been killed in the last hour. So can you elaborate on how they are alt farming? Do you have documented prof of farming?

    100% agree with this... At minimum if you do damage to a ship (with in reason) that sinks you should get a mark. BR should only impact PVP Marks above that first mark. Money needs to be adjust with in reason as well. 

    Can you honestly with proof prove how they obtained the aga blueprint without doing port battles? Can you with proof prove how 24 hours after they defended there first portbattle with said agas they obtained a 2nd rate blueprint the buc?

    What you are asking me to do is spend more money to by an alt and spy on them? 

    Not it going to happen, I want the @admin to show us how it was possible??

    from what I read you can atrack an alt every hour depending how many alts they have not really difficult.

  13. 35 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    First iteration of marks and has some quirks.

    I do agree it needs to be adjusted same as the PvP battle XP/money rewards. Meaning if the BR is equal or over, there's only 1 mark to win.

    Like the French letting there pirate main account or "allies" there was enough French to defend before they admitted the alliance in global chat... flipping ports for conquest marks. Any port any nation, if you capture an empty port then it should produce daily or at the end of a battle 0 marks!

    Always pirate clans abusing the system and exploiting! Getting sick of it now the pirates have massive fleets on both servers through exploitation of the marks system that other nations for playing fairly are being punished with. I feel sorry for Sweden/ Dutch the most.

    Can I ask @admin how black clan could get the aga blueprint before engaging and port battles and obtain a buc 2nd rate after 24 hours of there first PB defending against the US?

    This is blatantly exploiting other nations sending alts to other nations pbs and stealing marks for there main accounts in pirate!! How can you honestly tell us they obtained these Blue prints!! 

    Review the mark system and scrap it before people begin to leave again.


    • Like 1
  14. @admin The current marks system is being abused, the current second job I have playing this grind feast you call a game is being exploited.

    The requirements for these marks is nearly impossible for smaller nation like Sweden, Danes, Dutch. Spain.

    I can speak from personal experience and different clans from Britain and other nations listed above. We have played the game without alts and engaging the enemy but funny we're 2 rated behind the pirate nation who works and confessed in global chat last night they have been agreeing and working with the French.

    I have spent many hours on this game since the update released and members of my clan have barely slept also to try and get the fleets required for PBs but last night we learnt that the Black clan have second rates the Bucs.... how the deck did they get all the conquest marks from 1 port battle defense 24 hours previous???

    Thry must have alts in France/Britain farming conquest marks to benefit them not the nation the alts are in!

    To prevent this alt farming unfair and biased MARK bs situation I suggest we scrap the mark system.

    • Like 4
  15. 16 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    You can tutor them. Any of the players can tutor them. If one player doesn't know the exact correct answer there will be another that knows it.

    Alas we were tutored by those that were here before us, mostly in combat.

    Newcomers will learn as long as they don't get continuously trolled, misled or pointed wrongdoing.

    Valid for Global as much as for EU and PVE servers.


    Problem with new players that are not other nations Alts around KPR is that they are feasted on by pirates and French alliance. Genuine new players cannot do the missions or get trade money because they are jumped then ridiculed in global chat with screenshots from koultes.


    Not a friendly atmosphere for beginners as the clans are working on taking ports to play catch up with the pirates who after 4 days got aga fleet without conquest marks amazing huh... the first port battle was a defense and they used agas????

  16. 8 minutes ago, Pagan Pete said:

    You don't know me, do you.
    Pagan Pete uses Historical Brand (™) Pyracy! I be not yer typical player… I sail in a sloop looking fer traders, just like pyrates of tester year :)


    Yes, learn in your basic cutter, and make a bit of money. But there should be NO pvp rewards for a ship that give no PVP regards.

    The system IS being abused.

    I know you! Everyone who has been on pvp1 knows who you are sir... Mr Privateer :D

    • Like 2
  17. Clan on the Swedish nation pvp2 global server using clan tags SS they claim suicide squad.

    I remember from pvp1 server SS was not allowed due to its affiliation with a murderous German regiment during the Second World War.


    Admin advised that such clan tags were prohibited despite the previous clan being called Stars and Stripes then stars and skulls.


    I'm not affiliated with that said clan on the eu server but find it unacceptable that other nations and clans can use the tags despite the storm it caused a year ago!

    • Like 3
  18. 8 hours ago, Potemkin said:

    What happened bud? I thought you guys were gonna make global great again?

    Global is doing great, NEVER clan works close with a few members of DOGS that are stationed in Global... all is well :)

    • Like 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

    Rick just leave it, we will grind back.

    I have other grievances mainly with the clan tag permitted for other clans and the fact the "Chat" mod was not doing his job, allowing his friends and nation to swear away in Global chat while he was chasing a trader with fish in the hold. No punishments were given even after his battle... he changed the topic. 


    Good luck on your grind though o7, shame the punishment wasn't equal.

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