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Everything posted by AdmiralGeneralAladeen

  1. First of all, great game overall, really impressed and it seems to get better at every patch. My only problem is that there is no difference as far as rewards between inflicting 1,000 casualties and 100,000 casualties. As a result, I find myself usually doing the bare minimum for victories during a campaign (not aggressively fighting the enemy in situations where I could inflict very high casualties, waiting to take Victory Points until the timer has almost run out to minimize my losses, not defending points I don't need, etc.). I hate using these gamey solutions, but when there is no reward for fighting hard it sometimes becomes the smarter choice. The solution I thought of was to reduce the Reputation, Recruits and Cash rewards for a Victory, Draw, or Loss by about half, and then implement a system where the amount of casualties you inflict would be reflected in your rewards, which could be adjusted by difficulty level. For example if you inflict X amount of casualties, you gain X amount of recruits in addition to your reduced regular rewards for the battle. This system could be used for Cash and Reputation as well. Figured a system like this or something similar would get players to actually fight the battles instead of just finding the easiest way to win. Even making this an optional way to play the campaign would be awesome, I know its probably a little late in development to implement a system like this but just a thought, keep up the good work!
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