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Ned Low

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Posts posted by Ned Low

  1. 10 minutes ago, Guruthos said:

    so either you are lucky amd still maybe earn more or you need to spend your money on unlocking ships if you are unlucky. i understand that that would be a way for those who don't really like fighting to unlock their ships. but if you wanna do sth else then fighting why you really need unlocked slots?

    it's just my point of view that random drops are not a good thing. i like the system right now. keeps me more motivated if i can actually see my progress even it's slow and it's not based on luck.

    For some people it's time consuming. Devs never balance this game. They lean towards people who play for at least 3 hours. So, those who only have 1 hour to play will need months and month to unlock and reach ship perk slots others already have unlocked. This creates very unbalanced world and to make it work for everyone I suggest to add books. So, those who only have hour maybe will find the right book that they need and speed up the process. 

    You can still fight and unlock slots, but we need something that will reduce the time. Every other MMO has it and use it. 

    Also, answer this question why do you spend 4 weeks grinding a ship if you never going to sail it after you move to another one? Why? Why there is no shortcut? This is clearly designed to keep us online and grinding. There is no fun in this. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Guruthos said:

    I really don't like random drops. You should be rewarded of what you do and not for beeing lucky.

    They removed drops of ship blueprints for this reason even they introduced random drops in other ways. as less random it is as less frustrated people get. Imagine you would already have sunk 20 ships and didn't get a single book yet. a firend of yours sank 5 ships and already got 2 books. you would maybe be happy for him but annoyed because you did much more but have nothing yet.

    And? you will get others books that you can sell and he can trade the ones you need to you if he got 2. Once system settles in it will be nice non stop process of selling and buying books to unlock perk slots.

    Unless you enjoying this mindless grind. If you think about current gring system and it's purpose, it's designed only to keep people on server. Let's say you did grind 4 weeks in Brig and unlocked everything for Niagara, will you sail Brig ever again? No. This system did not change anything or added any new content to this game unfortunately.

  3. Hi all, I am not going to spend time explaining why grinding each ship to unlock another's slots is just ridiculous, but I will have to say that it can work if Developers add items that would help players speed up the process. I am suggesting to add Books. You will simply read, learn and unlock. It's quite realistic because captains always had a small library on their ships. Capturing another's ship you would discover nice collections from time to time. 

    How it works:


    Each ship will need 5 rare Books (all tomes) to unlock all slots. Let's call them Weatherworn Books. They will be in tomes. Each tome will represent ship slot. 1,2,3,4,5.

    So, all you have to do is go fight NPC or Player and get a chance to find these Books. They will drop in random order and sometimes you can have 2 or more of the same one, but they should be tradable. 

    For example, I go and hit an NPC ship and I kill it, loot system drops me Weatherworn Book of Mercury, Tome 1. (Click use to unlock 1 slot, you must be in Mercury ship). I then can stack these books in my warehouse and use them only when I sail such ship or sell them to others who sails such ship&needs it now. 


    So, let's say I went out and spent 2 hours hunting. I got:

    1x'Weatherworn Book of Mercury, Tome 3' - Unlocks slot N3

    1x'Weatherworn Book of Frigate, Tome 5' - Unlocks slot N5

    1x'Weatherworn Book of Brig, Tome 2' - Unlocks slot N2

    I only sail Frigate, so I keep the one I need and list the other 2 for sale. I then click and unlock only slot 5 (tome 5 book was found). This system will slowly start helping all players unlock slots on their favorite ships. Those who sail and fight get rewarded by selling these books. 


    Let's say there is 15% chance to receive it from NPC and 25% chance from player or it could be lower. Collect them all and speed up unlock process. This is the content that would make this game interesting.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Captain, every patch note posted on Steam, you do not need to check forums, just check patch notes in Steam when you launch Naval Action:


    Could you possibly add Patch notes link to log in window? something similar to World of Warships launcher thing...would be helpful. 

    • Like 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Werewolf said:

    Are you that same kid I jumped in a trader the other night? The one that was whining and crying about how all he did was trade and I should leave him alone in a PVP server?

    Well looking at these prices and 1 dura boats I would cry as well. It's not his fault Devs make their game hardcore oriented. PvP or not, balance in needed. 

  6. 13 hours ago, AngryPanCake said:

    I tried it, but not sure I figured it right, I guess I need some help.

    After right clicking on the map to establish my waypoint, It showed a red little bar on my compass in sailing mode. Easy enough, you sail towards that direction, wind direction permitting. Then I was waiting to see a marker or something telling me I reached that waypoint, but didn't see anything and I guess I saild past it and then wasn't very sure where I was in the open sea.

    Did I miss anything?



    Here, It's always the best to use land mass. This way you can make corrections, readjust and sail again. Placing end point in the middle of nowhere is risky. For example when hunting ship wrecks I draw the line over the shipwreck icon and try to stay straight on 'red' marker , but still get little error. What I found works best with that is 'Home' free fly camera that will let's you find sunk ship expanding your view range. If it's a long sail error usually can be up to 2 miles (NPC spot distance). 1 inch length on the map = approximately 15 mins real time. So, knowing that I measure and set timer when to activate Free fly camera and start searching. Works every time. 

    Tip - Take stopwatch, find 2 ports that can be connected in straight line point A-B. Start sailing and record time. Once you reached point B, record time + open map take ruler and measure distance. This data will give you approximate time needed to sail anywhere with very accurate timing.  

    • Like 1
  7. Watch your speed under compass and angle 'with the wind' when it starts moving , at the same time try to keep it nice and optimal. Remember your heading first, then follow wind direction (wind at your back) and always try to follow it as it moves (counter clockwise) and at the same time keep your final destination direction close. Once your ship reaches close haul and you start loosing speed, flip through and readjust your heading to your final destination. 

    P3 in your case (less turning)


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  8. 5 minutes ago, huliotkd said:

    you are right but this isn't POTBS this is naval action and here it was not allowed. on POTBS there is a premium shop, here not.

    game is broken already because with alt you can take advantage on single acc palyer taking all their nation regions.

    if you are a rat and your nations is reduced to 1 region, you can still produce ships with the other nation ACC so you aren't a premium player but a GOD MODE PLAYER.


    look at now...after 3 weeks from wipe, same people of same nation that we all know having more than a single ALT ACC have already a lot of SOL


    ALT acc system break this game because let you become invicible, whatever other players do to you.

    If this was illegal then Devs would never allow you to purchase 2 copies. You can't blame anyone, but them for such profitable decision. If you are a customer and you paid $80, you would use every game breaking way to achieve the best output that would benefit you. If game mechanics allows it , you use it (privately);)

  9. 7 minutes ago, huliotkd said:

    with my Rat account i grind AI or pvp making gold, then go with a trade ship in a GB port and give all my money  to my ALT acc and taking back CM from GB alt account.

    with the money i craft resources from my GB acc, the i put those resources on shop at cost of 1 gold each and i buy back with my Rat account...


    the time you spend farming AI or players with Rat account, gives time to GB account to recharge its LH... 1 acc feeds the other.


    so again...what do you find wrong on what i exposed?

    It's nothing new and this has been used in many other games, for example potbs and was soundly allowed. If you don't break the game it should be fine. By breaking I mean you don't cause massive market shift of PB interruptions etc.. you are simply and privately enhancing your gameplay because you paid double or as we like to call it you are pay2win player. 

    • Like 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, Lannes said:

    Not my game, eh? And when they change back to longitude and latitude because of people like myself, will it stop being your game and shall I ask you to leave and go play with marbles? Look up 'narcissism'.

    Not at all, we as people adapt if we are willing to do so, but without protractor new players would never stand a chance. 'Advanced navigation' is what you mean and I see it as useless atm and only should be added with love to manure enthusiasts only. Protractor is more than enough to sail with little to no error. If you read Devs post earlier, they will add your beloved l&l after game release. 

    Calling me narcissist is very unwise, I do have the right as everyone else here to express my opinion and talk generally and not specifically about what I think is good or bad.

  11. 37 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    While I agree to a point, it wont change anything.  People will just far PVE marks because it is mindlessly easy to do.  

    How do you farm marks?:) You must have 2 accounts and not all have them if I am correct. So, this only applies for pay2win people. 

  12. 49 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    I mean for most parts already answers available.Except UI

    New ships = it was said we already have more than the promised ships ingame. For eventually more ships the steam reviews aka game sells have to get better. + We will get  Kickstarter ship packs for more ships.

    3D boarding = New boarding aka looks like ultimate general will eventually get in after release

    Other possible content = Questlines for special ships. Thats why some ships arent ingame yet.



    When was the last date they mentioned this? December? I think it's time to refresh and provide some news. I do get next patch brings new (improved) UI, raids... but is this all? Boarding in development since October? and no news on that.. did they scrap it?

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