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Sid the Infected

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Everything posted by Sid the Infected

  1. I think this sentiment is good. In spite of past failures to avoid toxicity in talks between the two groups, I think that we should continue to try to keep the spirit of a good community alive, which takes personal dedication. That becomes difficult when new or lesser heard voices show up and start the negativity all over again. I hope those that care to heal the wounds can discipline themselves to avoid those voices. The other difficult problem to overcome becomes how we personally handle the accusations and complaints. Trying to not be toxic is one thing but renewing respect for the most vocal players of the other side is another. Many of us in one fashion or another have contributed to the toxicity. I am in the western alliance and I will give credit to three guys on the eastern side for attempting to minimize their own toxicity as they saw the need to do so in order to bring people back together. These three guys are Pierre, Kloot, and Bearwall. They are not perfect and they all have admitted to times of toxicity as do I, but they have shown that within them is a desire to return to a time when we all respected each other and enjoyed gaming against or with each other. The outlook for this game is not optimistic. The decisions made by the dev team, and the communities irritation with them makes it difficult to keep players in the game but a hateful and dysfunctional community towards each other can just as easily drive people out. It makes the game less fun. Whatever the case, we do need to bring the community back together before release.
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