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Posts posted by Brogsitter

  1. 1 minute ago, Hans the Hawk said:

    I know what it means , I'm old enough thanks. that was my point, just because there isn't a law against it doesn't actually make it ok to do, just because legally you can't be punished for it. 

    This clearly shows you havent understood it. The understanding of the mid european law system is not that easy. No worries though.

  2. Unless you dont understand it is a developers fault, due to the implementation of game mechanics, this discussion is useless like a third tit.

    You guys really should start using your brains on how to change the mechanics instead of wasting your last bit of intelligence for trolling here.

    This is clearly out of Control. I wonder when this topic is gonna find its way to steam.

    • Like 1
  3. This is all getting hillarious - as usual. This all perfectly reflects the state of the game, the players and the game-developement. It is the perfect advertisement. It is quiet amusing, how adult people do behave within a more or less unmoderated discussion. Just keep on bitching, accusing, whining, flaming, trolling - steam rating is allready down to 46%, I bet you can get it below 42% by end of the week.

    @admin: From the economical point of view, this issue can become deadly. It looks like a crusade against a group of customers. Customers, who were paying you to Play and test an alpha version of a sandbox mmo. Players will always use the given game mechanics to their advantage - in all type of games. If you dont like the way your customers are using the game mechanics given by your developement team, you should change them.

    As the head of Business of your Company you should be interested in a more or less good relationship to your costumers - they are paying your bills. It is your job to solve any upcoming issues so the problem will not show up anymore. This cannot be done by setting up rules. But I am pretty sure with your MBA of HBS you know what the best action will be. 

    In November last year you asked me to act as a calmer - here is my advise for now:

    • delete this thread
    • analyse the problem
    • explore any option for solving the problem
    • make a decission
    • implement the code

    Done. All will be happy.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Norfolk nChance said:


    Unfortunately, in my opinion you are all looking in the wrong place…

    We need to Treat the problem and not what we are doing, trying to fix the symptom of that problem.



    The “Lite” Sandbox, is the whole problem. We need to take off the NPC Nation overlay and free up the game. Otherwise you will be looking at a similar issue in a week’s time (maybe not orchestrated by the same people, but …).

    The Clan, the individual PC needs to own the Port, and run his region. Allow Civil War and let clans dominate Resource ownerships…


    I bet you think my solution as nothing to do with the contents of this thread, right?

    If that’s the case you can’t see the problem yet. You are looking at the symptom only…


    Norfolk nChance.


    Finally someone showing some brain! Thanks.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, charognard666 said:

    It s not playstyle, it s mark farming by exploit nothing more, nothing less. And exploits are game cancert, like farming pvp mark with alt.... Or times where ppl used damage exploit in order to grind xp...

    so how do you want to force me to fight back, if i dont want to?

    PS: I think we had this discussion allready a year ago

  6. After reading all this nonsense, i will take my ships and park my ass in front of KPR. If someone is attacking me, I will get him banned, because I am not fighting back (no matter if I have guns or not). This will be fun :D

    Honestly: You cant force players to a specific playstyle in a SANDBOX GAME!

    • Like 1
  7. I was not part of the PB, neither I was online, so I have no clue what exactly happened.

    I just want to ask admin -  to get this right....

    You are refusing the players to play like they want in a sandbox game?

    You are refusing them to have diplomacy in a sandbox game?

    This is a sandbox game, isnt it?



    • Like 3
  8. On 10.11.2016 at 10:45 AM, rediii said:


    Die Entwickler haben das sicherlich schon mitbekommen dass sie Anpassungen vornehmen müssen um den Spielspaß wieder herzustellen.

    Leider nicht wirklich, sonst würde man komplett anders handeln. Wir haben den Devs unsere Hilfe angeboten, uns um die vollkommen verkorkste Wirtschaft zu kümmern und etwas funktionierendes zu entwickeln. Eine Rückmeldung steht noch aus. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass sich die Jungs richtig entscheiden.

  9. 4 hours ago, Anolytic said:

    I see a lot of answers here, and they all basically say it takes a few weeks to a month to get PvP capable.

    It doesn't. You should start PvP-ing in your basic cutter as soon as you create your account. Go to the rookie-zone in the Bahamas and start attacking stuff right away. You don't need a Surprise or Renomee. There there is a limit on how much you can be outmatched by your enemies, with only shallow draft ships capable of sailing around, and the distances are shorter, so you don't get reset so far away when you get killed. Using the basic cutter lets you learn to not fear loosing your ship. Just invest some of the money you get from PvP and or attacking AI traders to replace the free base medium 6 pdrs with some 6 pd longs. Within a short time you will be able to ugrade ship to a snow or mercury and you are now very PvP capable. At this point you have to start learning not only to maneuver, but to use manual sails to do so more effectively and to improve aim. 

    Some clans will be able to help you skip through all the first ranks easily in the first day or few hours in the game, if you want to sail slightly bigger ships like the surprise and explore more of the world. But there is no shortcut to learning how to manual sail. You need to practice a lot, on top of watching youtube tutorials or getting someone to instruct you and demonstrate to you.

    Unfortunetaly the XP and money gain was cut by another 30%. So it takes now 30% longer to level up. In addition the money from NPC fleets is not enough to cover your crew losses anymore.

    • Like 1
  10. the better way is to not have a testbed and have a live development without internal testing, like it was before release. Every change is pushed to live for immediate testing, without fear of delivering something broken (because its early access). Maintaining separate threads is a time waste. 


    And only after release have 2 versions (test bed and live)

    For me this would be fine, but maybe not for the majority of the players / costumers. I just want to remind, that costumers are paying your bills. :)

    The good thing on a testbed is that ppl dont have to worry about anything. I.e. On pvp1 ppl are refusing to have fair fights because they are scared to lose their pixelships.


    Ps: make all ships available to craft and the bps available through crafting.

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