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Everything posted by CSX4451

  1. Anyone else like playing the Historical Battles on BG level? I actually like playing them since the historical units and numbers are used and I can somewhat compare to actual battle results. I know it's not 100% accurate but fun none the less. Although I've gotten stuck on Antietam.......I can not win this battle playing the CSA to save my life!!!!! So far it and Stones River kick my arse. Damn what hard battles!!!!
  2. Thanks for the info.... I think the recruit reward was like 14-15k troops and hopefully enough reward to be able to purchase another 4-7k. I won't know till the development is finished. Regardless that will still leave me 10k troops in the hole from the start of the battle so I hope I have a few small battles to help rebuild . CSA campaigns are rough when ya stupid!!!!! : )
  3. I just fought what I felt was the smartest way I could fight this battle from how I had my 2 Corps set up. I left enough men to hold Jays Mill and moved the rest to help hold Brotherton Road from the union attacks. Once my my additional troops arrived , I also used them to bolster Brotherton Road and move west to the tree line towards Brotherton Cabin area. I also sent a small force to take Lee Gordon's Mill. I left a regiment to hold it and moved the other 2 north toward the Viniard Field. During this time, I sent troops west through the woods to take Viniard Field which was and easy battle the move the force north while putting pressure from the east. Once I hit Brotherton Cabin this is where the fight gets costly. I tried to keep good formations and hit flanks but the Union fought one hell of a delay at this location. While this battle raged on, I pushed the union from Brotherton Road and swept around to north and west and took Kelly's Field . Once I had it I set up a defensive line and used arty as much as possible to limit my causualties. At the end, I slowly pushed the union from Brotherton Cabin and fortified it in a defensive line and once again used arty to limit my casualties as that 50% condition was approaching !!!! Once I held all the victory points I held tight. I felt I fought a smart battle and really decimated the union who for the most part got to play a defensive fight but it still cost me dearly!!!!! Not sure what I could have done better.
  4. Finally just snuck a victory. Still losing to many but got my strategy down better
  5. I gave my campaign another try while waiting on development and while I took the victory I once again paid dearly for it!!!!
  6. I just finished my first battle here as the CSA on BG level and while I took all the objectives I only got a draw cause I lost over 50% of my army (30kish I think....I forgot to screen shot the ending info) No doubt it's a really hard battle. I'm gonna try it again but with a little different strategy but not sure the victory is worth what it's gonna cost in losses as you can only get 14k recruits with a victory. CSX4451
  7. Making sure I'm doing this correctly. Within a each Infantry / Artillery unit they MUST all have the same rifle/cannon issued.....correct? You cant have a mixed match of weapons....which actually seems odd as I'd think the CSA would have a vast assortment of guns per unit. Also, what's the ideal number of guns per Arty unit? At what point are you wasting money and manpower on have more cannons in a unit? thanks!!!
  8. Thanks for the info. I was curious when playing the Historical Batlles if the units and numbers were actual accurate to the real battles that took place. I felt they might be but wasn't 100% sure.
  9. When playing the Historical and Custom missions on the Brigadier General level, are the units and manpower numbers of the armies historically correct? I know the Colonel level is -25% and the Major General is +25% troop numbers but just curious if these actual numbers are based off of the real numbers present at each battle. thanks, Aso544
  10. Agree.... I forgot to screen shot my campaign victory at Gettysburg ( 1st day) and I can't access it cause when I do it gives me the "under development " message. I'm pretty sure I had about 7k casualties. When playing the CSA, you really have to watch causualties cause number of recruits is always an issue. I assume Day 3 is Picketts Charge which I also played on the solo mission twice and got a victory but again I had 13k and 7k casualties for doing it. Based on the slaughter I had on the second day and since you only get 10k recruits for winning at Gettysburg it's a good thing I can get out of there on day 1 or I wouldn't be able to field an army !!!!
  11. Thanks for the info .... I actually played a slower more methodical game today ( historical Gettysburg on BG level) and made it to day 2. I pushed up Round Top and secured it and then kept pressure on Little Round Top while I took the northern objective then worked my way south pushing the union troops as I went till I made the northern base of LRT. I was just about to make my final push to secure LRT from the north and south but the game gave me a victory.
  12. I have played Gettysburg in my CSA campaign and twice in the solo mission. I'm playing at the Brigadier General level and in my campaign I had a one day victory and in the solo campaign I had a victory and a draw as I lost too many troops taking Cemetary Hill at the end of the day. My question is at what point will the game allow you to continue on to the 2nd and 3rd day? Is it with a failure to secure Cemetary Hill at the end of day one if playing the CSA? thanks for the help. aso544
  13. Thanks for all the info.... As for arty....how may guns can an arty unit actually deploy with. It's seems you can staff them with 1 piece up to 20+ but how many can actually take the field per individual unit. also regarding equipping units with weapons. Can you mix match the rifles or does each unit have to have the same weapon. Seems I can't figure out how to full equip units with rifles unless I use only the same rifle. Seems you should be able to mix and match .....unless I'm missing something. thanks again
  14. Been playing the game over the past week and I love it. Still trying to figure things out as I go and have only played on easy as the CSA. I made it to day 2 of Second Manassas but keep getting my Corps kicked of Stoney Ridge every time!!! Definitely need to strengthen my regiments to 2k and maybe a 3 division corps??? I usually have each division with 3 Infantry / 1 Arty. I haven't really used the cavalry that much. Will work on this battle. On to my questions that I searched but couldn't find the answers. 1. Please explain the AI you can select for your units and how it works 2. How do I get individual units ( infantry and artillery) to directly attack or fire on specific units. The thought right click on my unit then the unit to attack but it doesn't seem to highlight the enemy unit. 3. What do you consider the optimum make up of a Corp, Division, Regt? 4. Does the arty AI decide if it's firing canister or medium / long rage shot based on the unit its firing on or is it player controlled ? 5. Supply size....how much is enough or too much for each corp? 6. It seems whenever I move my units and I come back to them when they arrive from the move and left click my unit direction l> seems to always point to the rear. Is the arrow the direction of fire or the fromt of the unit? 7. Is there a way to have a unit tactically fallback while firing vs just running away or turn or back on the enemy? 8. On the maps....what are the EYEs on the maps...I assume they are some sort of observation point but not sure how to use them. 9. Can I decommission Corps, Divisions, Regiments to transfer them to other Corps or Divisions ? If so...how? Thanks for any guidance or assistance!!!!!! CSX
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