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Jacob Elston

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Posts posted by Jacob Elston

  1. A good idea, but a few questions.


    - The Letter of Marque is needed to provide a private Captain with the authority and permission of one nation to attack ships and conduct hostile actions against another. This would assume that in the game we are all private captains and none of us part of a Navy.


    Unless the "career" path was something you could choose when you create your character. To either be a Naval Captain or Privateer.


    A Naval Captain would have access to 2nd and 1st rates as well as specific missions and rewards, but would only be able to fight enemy shipping in open war unless they flew a privateer, smuggler or pirate flag. In the interests of not limited this, you could attack someone, but it would give you a privateer or pirate flag for X amount of time.


    A Privateer would have access to ships up to 3rd rate and below and would need to buy a limited time letter of marque to attack a specific nation. You would also receive missions aimed at a privateer style role.


    I also like the idea that war is something that occurs naturally if hostility levels between two nations reach a certain amount through the actions of privateers, causing a war and thus the national navies come into play.


    The downside of this system is that unless there is war, there is little a Naval Captain could do, unless PvE does not apply the same rules in which case Naval Captains can increase hostility by attacking enemy NPCs. Either way, Privateer sounds more fun.

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  2. Teleport to Capital is... essential if you get stuck on OW geometry, which is fairly rare nowadays but still useful on other occasions.


    Then the possibility to get stuck should be fixed or resolved through a support ticket/GM assistants.


    Teleport is a completely un-realistic feature to quickly get a raiding fleet back home safely without risk of being countered.


    It's primary use has gone from becoming unstuck to transporting fleets at risk, simply an exploit that should be removed now.

  3. I think a good idea is to simply allow fleet ships to use the cargo hold. Cap a trader, send to fleet, and sail with it. It'd be pretty cool to see player fleets sailing around with multiple traders all loaded to the gunwales.


    Fleet ships can carry cargo, but cannot be transported. Otherwise this will be abused.


    It would be nice to see more trade ships like Barques/Barks etc..

    • Teleporting.

    The Teleport to capital option should be removed.


    Teleporting between ports should incur a small gold charge as you 'book passage of a transport vessel'.



    • Ship Teleporting from Battles Exploit

    Yes it is fine to use this to send your prizes away, but at the moment it is exploited to send other ships across the map.


    Would it not be better to send ships for a gold charge to a certain port similar to how Delivery Orders work in Free Ports? It could even involve a time delay from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes to 30 minutes + depending on the distance it is to be sent. The gold is for the skipper and crew to sail her etc..

  4. I dont think pirates should be excluded from crafting.


    But Pirates sailing full 1st/2nd rate fleets that can content with Imperial Navies? .... Nah.


    The Pirate faction should be more unique, they can only gain 1st and 2nd rates through capturing enemy ships.


    Pirates can construct Pirate 3rd Rates which have more crew space for capturing larger ships.



    As for ports, Pirates should be able to raid, but this gives them ownership of a port for X days/weeks (unless recaptured) allowing them to exploit its resources.


    However, there should be a mechanic to prevent Pirates from loosing all of their ports without the ability to re-take and keep them, otherwise Pirates will, through the process of attrition, eventually loose all but their capital.

  5. After release the game must keep making money to survive of course. Many mmos uses this kind os stuff and i think it's fair enough and I'll give some examples of things that could be payed to make the game and serves working. Feel free do add comments and sugestions.

    1.Customized ships, flags, collors, emblems, paint schemes, etc

    2. Add more ships to personal fleet

    3. Especial perks

    4. More slots for ships at ports

    5. Exclusive private ports

    6. +% extra XP or gold

    7. Premium ships

    8. Extra officers

    9. Extra durability

    10. Paint schemes with no durability

    11. Special mods

    Devs just have to be extra careful with fair balance

    Of course all the people that supported game creation before release should gain some privilegies like these above :)


    1. Good. While I think that some basic options should be available already, cosmetic extras do not harm gameplay and help make the experience feel more personal.

    2. No, this would allow players to become more powerful in combat.

    3. No, again this is pay-to-win.

    4. This one is acceptable.

    5. No.

    6. No, again this is pay-to-win.

    7. Errm maybe.... Ideally not.

    8. This could become pay-to-win if the current officer system is kept as this would allow more perks.

    9. No, pay-to-win. It would make non-premium players out-classed in a fair fight against a premium captain.

    10. Eh?

    11. Special mods? ... no


    Don't forget that the non-premium players still purchased the game, it's not like a free to play MMO, we still purchased the game.


    However they could have either a premium monthly price for perks which would make the game horribly un-balanced and would probably lead to its death, or they could open a cosmetic store where people can buy historically accurate paint schemes, sail colours/designs, pennants and flags etc.. for real money. This would also work well if we ever got a visual Captain's avatar and/or the ability to have a walking playable character with clothing and detailed hand weapons etc..


    But anything which is pay to win should be a no from the beginning.

  6. Many people have commented on how they do not have time for sailing for hours, and want a quick fight. I could be mistaken, but I feel you have been chief among those voices.

    As someone dropping into a fight, you wouldn't get to design your own vessel, you wouldn't be able to transport cargo, and maybe you would only get rewarded as if you were the officer (half XP reward). Indeed, you could even have it so that players that do not want someone from their nation taking over one of their AI ships could check a box to disallow it. PvE content, such as missions, need not be touched - as in, a player might not have to be allowed to fight against you in your own mission.

    I'm not sure what the "port huggers" phrase you're using has to do with anything. I think this is simply a useful idea to have AI fleets players carry around with them become player-controlled fleets, giving access to fast fights for players short on time, and human support for those in a fight.


    The term "port huggers" is used to describe those people who hardly use the OW unless they have to move a ship/cargo. Otherwise they always teleport from one port to another.


    We need to encourage more use of the OW map and get people away from sitting around ports.


    We need to encourage exploration too, at the moment there seems little point in me going anywhere on the map except a select few ports and my capital.

    • Like 1
  7. I like the isolated battles.


    It would be unrealistic for a naval battle right out of sea to attract over 20+ other ships, while the isolated instances allow for those 1v1's and give a more "open" sense to the game, the great expanse of water.


    Not only "realism and immersion", but it's also not practical.


    You say that it would be more dynamic and that it would not just turn into a 25v25, but we know that it would.


    If about 7 Pirates jumped a British merchantman outside of KPR, they would very quickly find themselves against 25 people who undock and join the fight, what is worse is that even if those Pirates managed to take out 1 or 2 British ships, more could easily jump in.


    I believe that the new ROE rules should be good, but battles in close proximity to a port should have a short timer on it before it closes while those out at sea are instantly closed.

  8. To be fair, my personal opinion is that, given the time-period, there are way too many SOL's in the Caribbean to be historically accurate.


    So, with that out of the window, I still think that the SOL should be harder to get. I did think it was odd during my day 1 of OW to see a huge mass of SOLs sitting outside of KPR in the greenzone watching a swarm of enemy ships trying to entice them out.

  9. My suggestions (also incorporating some ideas from others)


    1. More smaller vessels for both trading and combat such as Luggers, Schooners, Ketches, Clippers, Barks/Baques such as HMS Endeavour etc..
    2. The ability to close gun ports. It also makes no sense for a ship with no guns to have them open.
    3. The ability to customise the design/colour of ships within historically acceptable parameters.
    4. The ability to name our ships and for the ships name to be physically displayed on a plaque on the stern of a ship.
    5. For player and ship's name and perhaps basic type (Cutter, Schooner, Light Frigate, Frigate etc..) to be displayed instead of exact type of ship for tactical and immersion reasons.
    6. The ability to chain sail colours or have sails with a design on them within historically acceptable parameters.
    7. Increased AI trade ship spawns sailing between ports (but not excessive).
    8. The ability to turn on/off any ship-board lights during night time.
    9. Longer night cycles.
    10. The ability to customise the flags/pennants that are flown from our ships within historically acceptable parameters.
    11. A kick out timer after a battle has ended for the remaining ships/players.
    12. Renaning the term "clans" to something more immersive such as "companies" or "fleets".
    13. Renaming the germ "group" to something more immersive such as "squadron" or "fleet".
    14. A more immersive UI.
    15. Slight rebalance of different ship speeds for more historical accuracy.
    16. More exploration incentives, missions, goals.
    17. A more dynamic and immersive mission system. Moving closer to MMO land with different mission sources such as admiralty, exploration guilds, traders guilds etc..
    18. A more immersive background image for ports such as a painting or 3D rendering of the port/town.
    19. Lighthouses.
    20. Sailors in the rigging.
    21. For damage to sails count towards getting assists etc..
    22. Ship upgrades (permanent) should have a visual impact on your ship, for example copper plating and extra stay sails etc..
    23. A specific colour/design pennant flag set by a group leader which then appears on all group members whilst they are in the group.
    24. Information regarding what canons can be carried on a ship should be displayed in-game. Right now we have to go to the wiki to find out.
    25. Limit nationality on one server. If you choose Pirate on a server, your characters can only be pirate unless you connected with another account.
    26. The removal of the magical "teleport to capital" button from the OW.
    27. Teleporting from port to port via outposts should be done with a gold cost and should have a cool-down timer. This simulates you catching a ship at a cost to one of these ports and prevents fast port hopping.
    28. A world map which is styled like an old sea chart complete with images of sea creatures, ship wrecks, wind/current markers etc..


    In the distant future, I'd love to see an avatar creation feature so we can have a visual representation of our Captains (but no silly outfits).

    Perhaps the ability to have a Captain's cabin, physical characters, walking in ports??

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  10. Smaller additions I'd like to see:



    I'd like to see a few more ships such as Schooners, Luggers, Clippers and Barks/Barques.


    For example HMS Endeavour (1764) http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/gb/endeavour-1.jpg 


    I'd also love to see some OS storms, rain drops on the camera/screen, the ability to close gun-ports and great customisation options for ships such as paint work (but no silly and unrealistic colours).

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