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Jack Jones

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Posts posted by Jack Jones

  1. 57 minutes ago, Audacious said:

    Wind gusts must be located between ports and not in the middle of nowhere where not a single soul sails. Want to make life better revise your wind gust placement location. Currently it was not done properly as we could expect with early patch builds. 


    That's an Audacious statement.

    The wind gusts are fine where they are. Get out a sail a bit.

  2. Keep it secret as much as possible.

    For a pve/new player or somenone not that confident at PVP to find he's suddenly fighting a known PVP player would make him fight differently and would give the advantage to the Lokist.

    The Loki is meant to be a bit mischievous fun and to spice up PVE. In this regard is a great addition to the game.

    Treat every AI as a Loki......


    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Porpoise said:

    IMO all DLC ships should not come in notes, but in permits, so people have to craft them and spend materials. I would also suggest a longer delay between redeems. Lets say 3x a week for Herc and 1x for Christian. Le Requin should be banned because it is ugly and stupid.  :)

    It absolutely amazes me that some people still think the existing DLC can be altered and also I love Requins they are the most useless and easy to avoid/sink ships in the game.


  4. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    Captains. Here is the update on the development plans for the next months.

    • Port UI optimization will be deployed in 1-2 weeks
      • the annoying redraw for all icons will significantly improve.
    • Battle UI will be refreshed and updated within next couple of months.
      • Some information on enemy actions will be removed from boarding to discourage last click action.
    • Flags DLC
      • Flags DLC will be introduced within next couple of days (from today 29th November) based on when Valve approves the page
    • Localization
      • Game code was fully prepared for the localization
      • Localization (translation) will start next week. Once it finishes it will feature the following languages
        • German
        • Chinese
        • French
        • Spanish
        • Russian
        • Korean
        • Japanese
      • Localization file will also feature custom language for the community translations into other languages. Players can change the custom file themselves or download community files 
    • New player operations
      • Welcome to the Caribbean operation for the new players
    • PVP missions
      • We have decided against lobby based content as a result all PVP tournaments and challenges will happen in the open world
      • New challenges will be introduced
        • Solo patrols
        • Group and/or clan based events
      • Patrol ROE will be improved somewhat.
      • PVP hunt missions will be added
    • Conquest missions
      • Ports will give out capture missions for nearby ports or counties
      • Economic sabotage and financing local resistance might get added too. 
    • Trading and economic PVP
      • Trading will be improved and pricing will be affected by distance from source. Goods local for Trinidad island will be extremely valuable in the Bermudas or Charleston. and vice versa. 
      • Cities will produce more goods if supplied by basic resources from local county cities
        • e.g. Brining grain or maize to a certain county capital will help it to spawn more white oak or copper
        • e.g. Bringing combat reports to capitals will eventually bring more graduates from europe to serve as gunnery officers
      • Every area (county, island) will feature unique goods only present in this region. Players will be able to maximize profit by hauling goods away from these regions. 
      • Trading and crafting missions
        • Delivery missions 
        • Crafting missions (for guns, repairs, ships)
        • Postal services
        • Passenger transport
    • Additional PVE combat improvements
      • AI improvements for NPCs 
      • Elite NPCs
      • Bot routes in the open world will improve
      • NPC chasing abilities improvements + NPC aggression in the open world (when AI is confident it can catch and the target and give it some action). Captains will have to plan the movement around clusters of enemy ships (players or non players).
      • National NPCs will also try to support weaker side in uneven battles if they are around. 


    All awesome.

    Thanks for your effort.

    The AI improvements look very exciting.

    • Like 4
  5. 22 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    imo, we went the clanwars way. the way many wanted. see where we are.

    imo with full nation standing behind conquest such state of affairs wouldn't be happening.

    System must... imho... change. clanwars do not work consistently.

    Could not agree more with Hethwill.

    Lower the cost of ships.

    Make  nations matter again.

    You will involve solo and small clan players again.

  6. All navy ships carried marin

    3 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    The average ship HAS to be fitted with mast mods, speed mods, and boarding mods or your susceptible to being immediately boarded/dismasted without a chance to fight back.

    That's just to survive and every day encounter, lets not even get into what you need to put on a ship to make it niche. Just throw marines and muskets and you're good to win just about any fight.

    No ship HAS to be fitted with anything.

    Build your ship how you like.

    Snipe masts if you want, board, reload, tank whatever. It's what makes N A individual.

    You will always meet someone with a better/different build. This is a good thing.

    As soon as I enter combat if the other guy starts mast sniping I leave.

    I don't play other players games.


  7. 55 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    You're basically saying the mod meta is real and even more powerful than the regular player would expect.

    I NEED mast mods to not get demasted off the bat. I NEED boarding mods to not lose boarding. I NEED speed mods not to get boarded period.

    Well guess what I'm out of mod slots now and my ship isn't fitted to defend against a well rounded PvPer with his 5/5 ship.

    Mods need to be pushed aside and skill needs to return

    No, I am saying that the whole boarding outcry is based on the I can't win at boarding crowd because  my ship is fitted for sniping masts, speed, ganking etc.

    I do not board.

    I am no good at it but I hardly ever get boarded and when I do I disengage in 2 rounds giving the board fitted ship a nice broadside.

    You can say what you like about mods but mods and counter mods are a basic in this game use them or don't it's your choice.

    The others on here see no problem with mods that suit their play style. It's the ones that don't suit them they want to change.

    This game is in development and the devs try new things. That's a good thing.

  8. 46 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    Now that is the reply I was waiting on. Next time you come and argue try come up with an actual argument

    There is none as blind as those that want to be.

    It may help you to watch a stream of some great players Reverse, Moscalb etc.

    Captain reverse for instance always uses rig mods on his Ships to help negate mast sniping.

    I said use the combat mod to help disengage from a rage boarder.

    I cannot put it any simpler than that.

    It does not matter how powerful the mods are you can negate them to a large degree and that's the wonderful diversity of this game.

    The exception is the musket mod. It is and was to powerful however it has and will be nerfed again.

    I do like it though that the devs keep trying new things. It's what makes this game great.

  9. On 11/19/2018 at 8:28 PM, HachiRoku said:

    A really good player(no Mods)  cannot beat a retard that knows the basics with full boarding mods in boarding. 


    7 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    I said that there is no need for boarding mods If you know what you're doing.

    I did wonder if you were just trolling or you were just a bit simple.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/19/2018 at 8:28 PM, HachiRoku said:

    A really good player(no Mods)  cannot beat a retard that knows the basics with full boarding mods in boarding. 

    I think you are confused 🙄 ^^^you said this^^^ 

    15 hours ago, Flash Jack said:

    A really good player would have some boarding MODS, its only the retards that don't have any boarding MODS and then come on here and cry about it when they get boarded and lose !

    I said this ^^^^^

    3 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    Nonsense. There is no need for boarding mods if you have the slightest idea what youre doing.

    Then....... you said this. ^^^^ 

    LMAO. 🤣

    Thanks for arguing against my point, then agreeing to disagree with yourself, before, agreeing with me !


    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    *rams you upwind at 12 knots, rubs your ship for 2 minutes full rudder until in irons, press g. Click muskets. gg.

    much skill, much tactics. you must feel so good.


    Oh you poor helpless lamb.

    Why don't you actually read other people's posts before trolling them.

    I do not board.

    I use anti boarding measures.

    You need to stop crying and stop getting boarded.

    Hope this helps, but somehow I doubt it. Admin now has a clear description of the war server and the peace server.

    Other ships won't bully you so much on the peace server and won't try to board you unless you get caught in irons and have less crew so maybe that's more for you.

    • Like 1
  12. On 11/19/2018 at 8:28 PM, HachiRoku said:

    A really good player(no Mods)  cannot beat a retard that knows the basics with full boarding mods in boarding. 

    In the end boarding lacks tactical depth. 

    I know this topic is not about mods but it always ends up being about mods right. 

    😂🤣🤡 what complete tosh !

    A really good player would have some boarding MODS, its only the retards that don't have any boarding MODS and then come on here and cry about it when they get boarded and lose !

    Fit a couple of mods and fight smart. 

    • Like 2
  13. 13 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    Says the, let me guess, 

    Le Requin Rage Boarder, full of skill? @Flash Jack

    LOL not me I am a carros and speed merchant. Never been good at boarding but I do fit Hand combat and disengage in 2 turns with a nice carro salvo.

    What I do not do is moan and wring my hands because someone use's tactics which are different to me.

    Fit some boarding mods. its all good.


    • Like 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    That is simply wrong. Most veterans would have no issues winning a boarding against trash like Gregory. In the end its only about prep and moral when it's between good boarders. 

    Regardless of who you are against, taking no boarding mods is fine if thats what players want to do.

    But these are the ones that then cry, that the boarding game is broken, when they lose and they are boarded after their mast sniping or ship hugging or stern camping fails.

  15. 5 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    What's wrong with last click boarders? People should stop being idiots when boarding

    Agree 100 %.

    The  real N.A. broken mechanic is


    If players can't win at every aspect of this game then it's broken.

    They sail with no board mods at all because they are greedy for reload/pen/speed and they cry when boarded.

    There are several super save board mods.

    Don't change the game for these fools.

  16. 52 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

    No veteran pvp player will fight against Le troll, I tried that many times, saved many new guys in my Prince etc. But it is tiresome, I mostly skip it now. 

    I do agree it is very difficult for a new guy to start in Us or Brit capitol after dlc ships. 

    Make Capitol Zones Great again! 

    Lol 😂😂😂

    Most veterans have no trouble what so ever fighting the requin and you always manage to insert DLC into every post.


    @reiser this game will always have  players that struggle.


    As other new players have already said on this thread, you need to apply yourself a bit and even then some players will find Naval Action a bit hard.

    All games are like this.

    In the game description it does explain that this tough game. I like it that way.

    The peace server is there for a reason.


    • Like 1
  17. Battles should NEVER be fair.

    If you want fair battles join the peace server and stop trying to force a false fairness on the WAR server.

    1v1 is excellent if you are a good player. The good players prefer it like @rediii

    said above.

    This is a military MMO it's not a carebear love-in where everything is fair and everyone wins and has a warm glow after every battle.

    This is the WAR server for those that relish a challenge, outnumbered or not, win or lose, ganked or ganking.

  18. Omg.


    Reduce or remove the R zones completely.

    There is a PvP and a pve server choose one that suits you.

    The new player who does the tutorial now is much better placed than we were 3 years ago.

    Stop all this dumbing down of the game.

    Have a reinforcement zone and with AI and low mission rewards to 'help' people leave the zone.

    And all these seals you mention??

    You mean pve admirals and ALTS.

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