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Everything posted by slaught

  1. tenakha talks of the brittish subjugating the Spanish and that the French will continue to support their ally spain.who in turn should never surrender. when black Friday happened , the brittish told their ally , france , that they were organising a fleet to come help them with danes. brittain did not get this time , because after 2 days , france capitulated , allied themselves with the danes and declared war on brittain. the French have left their very honourable ally spain , on their own with no support for nearly a WEEK , and yet spain STILL holds out on its own. some people seem to have very short memories , and very different versions of the truth. I for my part give great credit to the Spanish in the way they have conducted this war , with NO help from their so-called allies. well done spain , I salute you all , you are a credit to your ships and your nation slaught o7
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