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Ultimate General Focus Tester
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Posts posted by michaelws

  1. I am doing the first part of the campaign.  I have taken the town but wanted to "save" the game as i have to go to work.  In the menu the word "save" is grayed out and cannot be selected.  Is this function still under development or are there specific points where one can save but not until then.  If so where and when can I save my game?

  2. Do I left click on the unit flag or icon to select it?  then do I left or right click where i want them to go?  Also when I hit the "H" key for "halt" the unit keeps going.  If I click the icon at the bottom for "halt" then it stops.  Fun but frustrating.

    Need help with basics.  Thanks

  3. I got a bit lost in selecting units and then giving them instructions to engage or fire or halt, etc.  Is there a manual or a discussion where this topic is covered?

    Thanks...looks to be a great game.  Just bought the early access.  I played the iPad version Gettysburg but that was a long time ago and I have forgotten much of how to play.

  4. I am new...and I was not aware that when I created my first character and redeemed that million in gold and was automatically made a rear admiral...that I would not be given this same opportunity when creating a second character.


    I was told that to gain better and quicker experience in sail handling and gun control I should come in under a nation.  I did not know this.  So I created a second character.  Lo and behold I saw I could not even afford a repair kit and I have zero gold and am a midshipman.


    Why is that?  I cannot play two characters at once or capitalize anything using two characters so why limit the redeemables and high ranking to only the fist character?


    Can I remove my first character?  The neutral?  And if I do will I then be able to redeem the gold and rank with my remaining character?


    Thanks for any information on this.

    • Like 1
  5. Hmmm.  I paid three days after they started the pre-orders.  No key yet.  Guess I will go mow the lawn and move some rocks to calm down a bit.  Maybe if I bought a second pre-order today they will expedite sending my key.


    SilentJager...no need for apologies...at all.  I have a hard time taking constructive criticism.  I look forward to meeting you out there on the virtual high seas where you can lob some grape through my sails to get even with me.  I hope you get your key soon.


    And those who ordered later and received your keys ahead of us who paid earlier...well our beef is not with you...so please enjoy without any guilt.  We who are still waiting would love to be in your shoes.

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  6. We are waiting Silentjager. We don't need to be lectured to hold our frustration. No one even said anything about frustration. We are all simply expressing how much we want to participate in something we have not only followed but have invested in. And to be able to post how we feel at least allows us to have the sense that we are a part of it. So if want to yell at the top of my lungs or use all caps to express how much I want to play this I darn well will. And I totally enjoy reading others' posts that reaffirm my own sentiments. I am sorry that this sentiment bothers you and I am very glad that you are content to wait...but me...I am anxious to play. But wait I will. We all deal with what life doles out. But don't think I will not comment again over the next few days as I surely will...either to re-express this excitement and anticipation if I do not receive a key...or to shout gleefully that I am ready to set sail. And I love reading others who are getting antsy or are thrilled to be downloading this long-awaited gem. And, I must clarify, I am 66 years old and it is great to feel like I am a kid again...looking forward to opening a present under the Christmas tree. So all my laments are compliments in disguise to these developers and artists...as I believe all the comments on this thread are.

    • Like 6
  7. It would be nice to see your crew shredded by all the extra wooden shrapnel created by solid shot ripping through the boats on deck though.  B)

    Really?  Would be nice to see?  I know it happened in real life...all the time.a..but "nice?"  Guess I am showing my age by this comment but I am more interested in the dynamics involved in sailing battles than I am in seeing how realistic one can make chunks of human flesh go flying all over the place.

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  8. Press Gang Officer I never meant my reply as a personal slight to you.  I just wanted to add a voice to encourage others to keep on voicing their positive excitement.  So my sincere apologies if I caused any unnecessary anxiety.  We just all want to be a part of what appears to be an amazing visual experience in a game genre that holds tremendous appeal for many of us.


    We do envy that you get to test this program.  I know how it feels as I was privileged to be a tester for Ultimate General.   It was also humbling because I realized that, in comparison to the input many testers proffered, my contribution was very meager.  I gave it all the spare time I had but I realized that I should have held off and let another who had more time take my place.  So I do not put myself forward as a tester anymore.  It is an honor and also an obligation.  I am 66 years old and with a wife and job and house and yard that take so much of my time (which I am thankful for) I have to face the harsh reality that "game" time has to take it's proper place in the scheme of things.


    But it is a nice release to stand up and yell..."Hey, I can hardly stand the excitement of waiting for this amazing piece of software to arrive!"  For me it is like being a kid again looking forward to Christmas morning...and when I read the posts of others along these lines it feels they are experiencing the same childlike excitement.


    I do hope you are enjoying being a tester as we all wish we were in your shoes with that opportunity.  Again I apologize for maybe making my initial statement too strong.

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  9. Easy to tell others to "stand down" and "be patient' when you already have access. Most of the folks I see or read comments from here just like to be able to express their excitement. It actually does make them feel better to be able to do that and gives a small sense of involvement with that process and thus making the wait more tolerable.

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  10. Never said anything about being worried...and I never expressed any frustration or desire for it to be rushed.  Simply asked because it was implied in earlier posts and on different threads that it would be "soon" and even implying time frames like "3-4 weeks."  So I was just asking for an update if there was one.  No harm in that that I can see.  You comment sort of "came out of the blue" but maybe it was directed at another person's comment and if so I apologize for coming off sounding defensive.

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