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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. You are always talking about the attitude of the Spanish when speaking. Criticize our pride and arrogance, yet not see that you act the same. There will always be a captain more exacerbated than others, so we will not judge all other players for it? With this treaty you say you have shown good will, the truth is that it is not.

    From what you have said and above all you have demonstrated, we are still in a war 3v1 clearly at a disadvantage. Far from appreciating the courage involved in this war, you call us Quixotes. And surely we are because we talk about honor and loyalty to their word and deliver. You give a word and look for ways to not fulfill or not fulfill half.

    About the benefits of the "generous" US offers peace and I answered before. We need a security perimeter like the one you have. Without going any further, the English southern Cuba require to have their security perimeter ... You know we need Las Tortugas and Cayo Vacas, continued attacks we suffer this week from there give us reason about our need. The brave American nation has never been willing to grant us these ports as this is so we can not have peace.

    If you were still at war with us (the British nation), you would have a lot less ports. And I'm not talking about the 13 ports we gifted to your council as a sign of good will.
  2. I don´t have any hate against the brits. I have some very good british friends. But the bias in the specifications of some ships in this game is fact. For example the Santísima Trinidad.

    A personal opinion of mine used by you as argumentum ad hominem. Your preocupation of my opinions could be considered unhealthy too.

    Couldnt Tell. Haven't read a post of yours lately that didn't include some form of rage.

    Back on topic:

    "Soon" was almost 1 year for Bucentaure;-)

    I would like it if ships have advantages and disadvantages (no matter the historical reality)

    If different ports and different strengths of ships could lead to

    A ) mixed fleets (really dislike all victory, all santi, all ingermanland fleets)

    B ) no fixed meta where a certain combination of Ships dominate all battles

    That would be perfect for me :-)

    • Like 1
  3. Don't really want to discuss "what would be realistic" all the time.

    First off all its not realistic to control a 100 gun ship with a mouse sitting in an arm chair drinking beer.

    When it comes to masts I think being able to repair them is good for the game. It's a trade off. Do you repair early to get your sails up and running again or do you wait for the mast to come down. A ship that has been demasted will have a hard time to recover and run away. Don't really see your point there.

    • Like 1
  4. Wilson, y are u not joining a nation, as you betraied your own kind multiple times?


    @Mod: it is really time to close this thread. this is all going to be mayhem. It is not necessary to blame on one clan and / or specific persons. I bet if this would be against any other clan the thread would be deleted allready without any comment. So please get rid of this mess.

    Your right. might be time to close it.

    But Don't forget who opened it with which intent ;-)

  5. The spanish dictorship memmbers says that the only men who can vote or speak is the man who goes to battle with first rate no ones can say nothing if you dont go to that battles. That is the situation at spanish faction right now.

    Dont worry guys. Every nation has players like lobogris to cope with...

  6. You are completely wrong. The day you released 12 flags in three hours WE decided not to defend ports anymore.

    It was the only way to stop the abuse that was being made of the ingame mechanics.

    As a result the game is now more boring for everyone. But nor we have lost the war nor we have surrendered.

    If you want you can take more ports. We don´t care.

    The Same day you lost a decisive battle. Coincidence ?

  7. happened again in front of Roseau yesterday with British captains.


    yet I agree i'm not fond of hiding in battle screen. But instead of creating a topic in national news, or threatening with a tribunal post, maybe you should have made a neutral post discussing the mechanism. This thread will achieve nothing other than pointing finger and throwing empty accusations.

    Compared to almost all the other so called "mechanics discussion" threads that have been created over the last month, I find this one to be rather nicely worded and creative.

  8. A good timed broadside could lead to a ship sinking (bug or intentional) and alot of people did not like the mechanic.

    A good timed broadside might kill so much crew that the battle is more or less decided.

    Will need testing, but I don't think it makes a difference if it's leaks or crew damage. What players didn't like was the fact, that a well timed broadside could decide battle.

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