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Posts posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Igual sacaran unos DLC desde rango 7 hasta rango 1, los que no quieren/pueden craftear podran sacar dinero del su propio bolsillo para tener barcos "con caracteristicas regulares" y asi ser activos en NA sin pasar cientos de horas por meses...

    Los que craftearan podran hacerse barcos mejores con toda la familia de modulos y libros...

  2. Gracias por esos comentarios.

    9 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    Deberíamos captar jugadores del otro lado del charco que pudiesen conformar un clan numeroso y potente con vistas a defender y atacar puertos de madrugada. Con un único server es esencial contar con ello.

    Segun si el sistema de los timers permanesca, pues si habra que tener unos cuantos clanes guiris a la fuerza. Quizas, si es el caso, habria que distinguir 2 grupos, los de dia y los de noche, cada grupo teniendo su propias reglas y organizacion.

    9 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Mucho control tambien asfixia. Y tambien muchos jefes para tan pocos indios con tanto 1, 2, 3...

    Si, mucho control no es practico, ahora si hay un sitio web donde la gente pueda mas escribir que hablar mejor. Lo mas importante seria siempre tener una "oja de ruta" en la web con puesta al dia cada semana. Y lo del numero de jugadores, pues despues de la salida oficial, estoy casi seguro que habra unos 2000 a 3000 jugadores activos.

    9 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Que un grupo de amigos llegue al juego y se tenga que poner RAI-08 lo veo poco realista de que vaya a pasar.

    Creo que esto iria en el sentido de reducir el "prestigio" de cada clan, con un nombre casi anonimo, es un gesto que marca mas la voluntad de estar todos bajo una misma bandera sin preocuparse de la gloria y la reputacion de cada clan (pero de un solo grupo mayor).

    9 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    ¿Es la organizacion el principal problema? Con la simplificacion del crafteo, no sera necesario tanto control.

    Organizacion en NA es synonimo de comunicacion. El sistema que se propone aqui deja a cada clan (cada grupo de jugadores) la posibilidad de craftear barcos o no. Igual unos cuantos grupos, que les molan el crafteo, podran dedicarse a eso y incluso a vender barcos (a precio privilegiado) a otros clanes si hace falta. En el sitio web, se podria establezer unos tableros de costes de barcos pa el grupo.

    9 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Dices que esa denominacion tendria un poder disuasorio. Al principio, tal vez. Pero el verdadero poder disuasorio no reside en unas letras de un tag, sino en la habilidad de sus capitanes.

    Creo que lo que influye y afecta al enemigo es de ver una masa de buques con una misma bandera/nombre, es un impacto de peso. Los capitanes es otro tema, siempre habra que tener unos voluntarios para esta tarea, y de eso resultara la eficiencia en combate.   

    • Like 1
  3. Hola a todos,

    Vuelvo con la sugerencia de aprobechar el tiempo para imaginar un contexto mejorado para la futura comunidad Española del NA oficial.

    A pesar de no saber cual sera el contexto de las mecanicas en esta version final (timers, diplomacia, territorios iniciales, poder de los clanes frente a faccion, etc...), se trata de imaginar un sistema "practico" de organisacion para la comunidad española. 

    Una idea que podria ser evaluada consiste a crear un grupo de clanes afiliados a un solo grupo.

    "...en la registracion de una multitud de clanes (de 2 tios, de 5 o de uno) cada uno sacando la ventaja del almazen, pero con un signo de pertenencias a un grupo global. por ejemplo [ESP-1], [ESP-2] o [RAI-1], [RAI-2] etc...El registro es oficial y controlado, cada nuevo que entre toma el numero siguiente dando de paso su antiguedad respetiva a cada clan..."



    - Cada entidad tiene un almazen con sus propios materiales y su capacidad de craftear barcos (o no).

    - Cada entidad ha acceptado de seguir una doctrina comun de comportamiento en la comunidad NA.

    - Cada entidad tiene un representante que acudira a unos consejos o una red de comunicacion.

    - Cada entidad es libre de participar o no a operaciones militares comunes, si quiere participar solo tiene que avisar al grupo.

    - Cada entidad indicara siempre sus deseados de ojetivos, pero nunca podra crear hostilidades por su cuenta.

    - Cada entidad puede cambiar su estatuto entre PVP o RVR o los dos a la vez, para que se pueda construir operaciones segun los estatutos de cada clan. (los pvp exclusivos no se implicaran en rvr)

    - Cada entidad tendra que usar un solo servidor para hablar (ex: TS comun). solo los clanes de este grupo podran tener un canal exclusivo.

    - Se controlara la creacion y inclusion de un nuevo clan, que tomora el ultimo numero disponible dentro del orden de registracion. La lista estara puesta al dia regularmente.

    - De hecho, no habra nigun signo de diferencia entre clanes salvo su numero, visto desde el exterior.

    - Esto podra ofrecer un efecto de coherencia, unidad y de disuasion visto desde el exterior.



    - Algunas entidades tendran pocos medios para craftear y presentar barcos de alto rango.

    - Algunas entidades podran ofrecer poca actividad respeto a otras.

    - Los consejos seran muy complicados y dificiles, con muchos representantes. y decisiones tendran mucha inercia con reactividad limitada.

    - Esto obligaria a tener un sitio web (como el que hizo Alu) para este grupo de clanes donde un miembro podra informarse y opinar.      

    - . . . . . . .

    - . . . . . . .


    Cualquier otra idea seria bien venida en este hilo.



    • Like 3
  4. From Bobzilah recent post:

    "...Wow a port get taken and they stil have so many and already so salty about timers /o\ what happen did all the french of old join spain ?  so many people keep changing nations its up to the nation that gets to to try and make them stay so you have people from all over the world and with these "new" br systems you dont even need 25 people for defending anymore so wtf do timers stil matter so much there are enough timers all around the clock over the map why bitch now again when britian finaly woke up to take ports that matter again ? i like the timer slrn has put the port on now but if they would have choosen a later time it just would have been funny with the salt here. ive never seen this in any other game where you have a shard server system for all people of the world to play in the same instance bithc and moan about timers. it is what it is when you play online vs the rest of the world..."

    Your point of view is respected, the question about timer system is still fully relevant from a "testing role" point of view,

    Did not we test a "2 servers" configuration ?

    Timer system questionning (in NA, which is a niche game design) is not supposed to be salty at all from my point of view.


    Presently i'm asking myself why not considering Rediii's perception :

    19 hours ago, rediii said:

    a decent population will fix the timezone problem.


    Up to moderator to close this thread.

  5. 17 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Yes I’m sure the toxicity on global is the reason why US players stopped playing en mass and reasons like getting kicked off to global server and RVR being restricted past 9pm EST on both PVP 1 and PVP 2 for almost a year and a half had nothing to do with it.  

    Global is a cesspool at all times of the day.  

    I guess toxicity is being now amplified due to the small remaining group of players/testers ego's.

    This cesspool will be cleaned off after the great wipe thx to a fresh flow of new players in.

    Here, the point is,

    could a global server include in its mechanics a RVR system that would offer 2 main PB prime time zones of 2 main communities of players ?   

    Knowing that this question fits in your "Jon Snow lets go" signature statement. 

    • Like 1
  6. Most of old European nations, with their technological superiorities, crossed oceans for wealth quest with a smelly religious legitimity...

    Colon has been converted to a symbol by history writters, like Aldrin, Amstrong & collins recently were.

    Even if we know now that this continent was already discovered by scandinavians long before. (;) to Anolytic post)

    Consequences are not taken into account in that symbolical/historical event.

    Colonization is another aspect that is not always linked to land/civilization discoveries.   

    • Same crucial ressources could certainly be available in both map zones (easier for craft) while some sepcial items or ressources could be still located in Faction historical specialties. 
    • "Fixed timers" related, Factions like GB, Pirates & Spain might owned ports in both timers map zones, it will force (hopefully) some players/clans of different time zones to settle in these Factions like it works ok today with France. 
  7. Hello there,

    If most of us look back to what was the initial NA map, you realize that USA have a quite large territory including Western Florida cost.

    And France was THE nieghbour in Gulf.

    Now if you look at current NA population with the time zones/timers dilemma, one could imagine to integrate (not by player setting) to each ports a fixed timer of 1 hour or 2 hours (window). Then the "other time zone" player (or clans) would mostly focus on ports of his (their) prime time.

    To come back to USA & FRANCE, one could imagine that these map areas (Florida and Gulf) could have similar "fixed timers" in server clock, while FRANCE in the Antilles area would have a different "fixed timer". 

    This solution means that the initial NA map (not the one with neutral territories) should be divided in 2 zones of "fixed timers" that each would integrate USA prime time and EUR prime time. 

    This means that players & clans would be logically settling on territories with their prime time "fixed timers".

    It will force some players/clans not to sail under their prefered Faction flag, it will reduce their interest to sail in the other time zone map.

    This may not be fair cause it kind of segregates players in 1 half of the map, but to me, after turning & turning around this sad issue, it could be interesting FOR TESTING.


    For sure multiflips will be easier with a 1 or 2 hours PB window timers,

    For sure Frantic players will still be active in both map zones !

    but is it worth a test try ?

    please give your counter arguments


    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    why do you keep feeding him ???

    Cause I truly think he's toxic for this forum, i'm sure you know how many hours he's spending to post in the Spanish language forum... this guy has a sad personality problem, why should everybody in this forum endure his despising & vicious comments ?

    I prefer pointing him out, as I wrote & truly hope, the basement of this forum should be mutual respect between players.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    Toyota and  Nissan build cars in UK  not sure about  Ford anymore but they did .. however none of these cars are british

    a lot of BMW parts made in UK .. doesnt make them half british 😊

    Are those cars built in UK because of specific british skill ? or would not it be only because of manufacturing/logistic reactivity within UK car market conquest as well as for being a "political correct" localisation ?  

  10. How can you leave that "shitblower" spreading around his frustrated & despising comments that can easily be taken as the British community voice for whom does not practice this forum for long ?!!

    This guy really hurts your community image, I recommend you try to make him shut up or at least force him to be brave enough to assume his comments with his real NA identity, so he can become a constant prioritary target.

  11. 1 hour ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    Rolls Royce,  Range Rover, Land Rover. Mclaren , Lotus , caterham , jaguar ,  guess you could put mini in there

    you need to learn more about cars as well as language 😊

    I guess those cars are very nice, you forgot Aston Martin & Bentley which are also British (some British makes became subsidiary of foreign manufacturers)...but luxury & sport cars are very thin market segments, while 4x4 cars from UK are totaly insignificant compared to Asian one's. For sure cars with "british Spirit" still exist today but in a quite humble world market position.

    Regarding German language, if you look for working in European industry, is always a plus for those who have balls to move forward.

    Sarcasm can be funny whenever it's based on real facts. 

    Here, some should stop with nationality despising comments that simply could hurt any real mexican readers in this forum...  

    And Hachi to become forum moderator you better clean your writting up, even if those are only bad jokes. 

  12. Si dejan el RVR pendiente de los Timers en una version final, pues la gran mayoria de jugadores que le atrae el RVR se olvidaran de NA.

    Lo que es cierto es que se toman su tiempo para matar liebres una tras una, y de momento se focalizan sobre otras liebres, asi que me temo que haya que esperar un buen rato antes de poder testear otro sistema pa reemplazar los timers.

    Y respeto al numero de jugadores actual, siguo convencido que al momento de la salida oficial habra una ola muy fuerte de entradas de jugadores que ya tienen cuentas, desde mas de tres años imaginaros cuantas cuentas se habra abierto. De los cuales una immensa mayoria estan esperando la version final porque se han cansado de testear. Asi que la solucion de servidores por "prime time" (que funcciono a su tiempo) seria viable con un numero suficiente de jugadores en cada servidor.


  13. 16 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Jag’s arrogance lost you Key West.  

    By the way, this is so ridiculous & childish !!

    Jag's and his friends are very good people, for so long the Spanish player community has waited to include non-spanish speaking players, 7UP finally arrived with good will...a vengeful & proud player assign a bleeding timer by the Spanish Capital doors and claims it's a 7UP guy fault !!!! 

    Can you give us a break ?


  14. 9 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    both of you quit every other 3 months.  carry on

    Precisely, NA is not specialy designed for frentic player like you, we are testing and Dev learn from us.

    So when server population decrease it's a valuable feedback.

    Frentic players do highlight the mechanics faillures, so carry on

  15. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    Sterile RVR = Spain starts losing and quits...regardless of which time zone player base beats them

    Come on !!

    Empty PB's are mostly linked to lack of active palyerbase

    Lack of active playerbase is mostly linked to rvr demotivation

    RvR demotivation is mostly linked to timer system that gives advantage to faction with double time zone players.    

    In a single global server with current port timers, RVR can only work with a mechanic that would force even population of multiple zones into each Faction. UTOPIC !!

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