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Posts posted by mikawa

  1. 1 hour ago, Lizzo said:

    same as with locust, they will be worthless after next patch, current spreadsheet seems to suggest new england fir will be the new trader wood....

    omg, this whole discussion is so annoying. Why not make a daily wood, with superpowers that changes every day, shuffling all stats randomly together? I'll make a pause until this whole woods thing is halfway baken. See you ...

    • Like 2
  2. I noticed that these HDF start chasing you and when you reached a certain distance from capital they give up. But I have the impression that the fleet does not return, instead the sail off from the point they gave up the chase. So wondring, if someone can drag them further and further away from the capital?


    Änderungen in Rot.


    Die Statistik optimieren
    Die Ungereimtheiten beseitigen (wie beispielweise dass Teak langsamer als White Oak ist),
    Leichte Vorteile für Riga Fir und New England Fir.
    Verschiedene andere Änderungen (einschl. Beschleunigung - Es gibt eine geringfügige allgemeine Verbesserung für Beschleunigung und Geschwindigkeit zusammen mit dem Holz-Eigenheiten-Update)

    Die Änderungen kommen nächste Woche. Bitte verfasst Erfahrungsberichte über die neuen Daten.
    Ihr könnt jede Spalte sortieren mit den grünen Buttons bei den Spaltennamen. Ihr könnt auch die Holzsorten an- und ausschalten, zur besseren Übersicht.

    • Thanks 2
    • A game mechanic for arranged battles - let players of a clan choose their mates by creating a battle group, then throw down the "gauntlet" to another battle group of a clan in another nation, then a circle of battle is created (like in PZ) where both clan groups can join. They way to get there is over OW so everybody can attack them, but joining the clan battle is only allowed for both battle groups.
  4. That sounds really amazing. Countless times before I wished I could start off wandering around the beautiful ships in 1st person view, climb the masts, eat in captains cabin or plan the voyage on a map on the desk. This sounds like my dreams come true .... I am looking forward very much to more news about SL.

    • Like 3
  5. 39 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Do you mean your PC crashes and you have to reboot it or it is just connection issues within the game?

    I mean connection issues. The PC is not crashed. There are 2 types:

    • Ingame freeze (I can look around but ship is frozen, other ships in OW are frozen too and ship does not turn by keypress anymore), but I can quit the game with ESC
    • freeze when entering a battle (I recently lost a Trincomalee to my enemy) or entering port - F11 is defnitely not possible
    • problem logging in takes 2 or more tries - F11 is not possible too
  6. 8 minutes ago, ChineseBatman said:

    Hopefully Devs have thought again about introducing a 40-50 cent ship

    Have you ever spent a single thought on how much labour hours went into building the 3D model of the Trincomalee, additional the time to test the sailing qualities, balancing out the combat qualities? How much would that make her worth? Sure not 40-50 cent.

    And I really don't know why the Diana should be better? The Trincomalee ranges near the top notch of all 5th rates, so it's comparable to the Redoutable for 3th rates.

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