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Posts posted by Galt

  1. 7 hours ago, Mouth of Sauron said:

    So Cabo Rojo, Plymouth, Buevna Vista, Conttoy (or is it Mugeres?) and Haulover all have night timers so you can fight the Russians in your prime time?

    Your day time friends have timers available to them, Buena Vista and Plymouth (it's ok, I hear you've been very sick so I can understand the confusion, though Plymouth was just retaken so it doesn't have a timer yet.) But every swedish port that can be pulled from Charles Town and Ponce both have EU timers on them. You have plenty of targets, you're just bitching about nothing at this point.

    My favorite part was you crying about the WO no-show at Santa Marta two months ago, but you all decided just to take a vacation for Corojo and Casigua; #DenyContent or whatever it is, it's blatant hypocrisy. And I, for one, am ticked that King has been picking up your dirty habits. You know where to find us when you want a fight, but at this point you can either get off your ass or wait for your turn, but I know you usually take a back seat to these decisions so I don't blame you entirely. 

    • Like 3
  2. I've complained a lot as a vexillophile that we should be able to customize the pennants and banners we fly from our top gallants. Custom clan flags that can be created from pre-designed templates and maritime signal flags allowing players to designate specific roles to ships. Bravo/Juliet being fireships, Zulu to identify fleet perk, Mike for floating battery, and Kilo for boarding fit. Things like that. They are things that wouldn't be difficult to implement, just add tabs to the flag selection screen and give six slots for the masts. Two flags per top gallant which I am pretty sure the ship models have now. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Spikes said:

    On the weekends mid-day we're only topping out at 650 or so.

    CST? But I am also the type of person that has plans since I work every other weekend. There just isn't a reason for me to log in during the weekends, which is when I can actually play games. 

  4. Just now, Severus Snape said:

    so 40% of the player base gone since the beginning of August.  Only took 2 months.  If only there were people on the forums who could have predicted this..

    Granted numbers now are higher than they've been in a long time, but this kind of drop off was predicted but only anticipated by the players. These devs, man. Aces, all of them. 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Busterbloodvessel said:

    Congratulations ! Yours is the 55th post using the phrase the "game is dying" going back to 2013! 

    Keep on posting, just wanna know if you outlive the game.


    Buster ( grinning )


    Who are you again? You clearly haven't been paying attention. I think you also forget that the Daytime and Nighttime are drastically different games. To my knowledge, the pm playerbase doesn't go above 500. There just isn't enough content in our timezone, not for large clans. 

    Game is ded.png

  6. 7 minutes ago, Jim Bligh said:

    you  pvper dont like added spice to you game mix?


    This isn't "spice," this is just annoying. PvP players want to kill as few AI as possible and as many players as possible. Now we are forced to fight AI ships because little nations couldn't be hello kittyed to worked together to stop the big ones, and granted, the big ones aren't fighting like they should be. Not only that, but by beating the AI, we don't really have anything to gain other than "we didn't lose our main crafting port." 

    No rewards = no benefit. "Not losing a port" is a really shitty incentive. 

    • Like 3
  7. 35 minutes ago, admin said:
    1. Raiders will only attack most developed ports of top 3 nations (mix of investments and tax rate)

    How does the AI decide what the top nations are? Is it based on PvP activity and leader-boards? Number of ports? Population? Will nations like GB, which is largely irrelevant in RvR get hit, because they have a lot of dots? Will the Pirates be targeted because of the high player count, even though they have relatively few ports? 

    And since this is RvR, will players be able to capture the AI ships in the pb? 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, LeBoiteux said:

    Voilà pour toi, ignorant, deux fameux alexandrins :

    "Ah! Je te casserai la tête assurément.

    Si tu ne veux, maraud, t'expliquer autrement."


    3 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Don't argue with a Frenchman about language, because he will beat you elegantly, blind-folded and with hands tied on his back. :D

    look,. all I am saying is there is a reason you have to speak English but people take French for fun. 

    • Like 1
  9. If you surrender in battle and leave immediately (before your fleet ships can retreat) then they will surrender as well and you will lose them all. This mechanic already exists. You only appear on your fleet ship in the OW if you managed to retreat one in the battle. Of course extra help in the battle is half the reason to run a fleet ship to begin with. 

    • Like 1
  10. I think the system now is good, run indianmen that can somewhat defend themselves (I have sunk many 5th rates in mine) or run a Man of War with them. If you lose, you get a speed boost and invisibility to try and get away. Plus if you can die upwind of your opponent and leave immediately, it just gives you that much more time. 

    I also enjoy the salt of catching the same guy one after the other. 

  11. 21 hours ago, Raekur said:

    While this is what should happen you are forgetting one thing, you cant build ships when any attempts to move materials to the shipyard are intercepted and sunk by 14.2 speed raiders. Chasing them also is a gamble as they just run until any heavy hitters are so far away that they will be unable to join any engagement and that is IF they even find it. It is rather difficult to turn away raiders that have consistently shown up in ships that are at least one rank higher and are able to assault 3 different areas at the same time in ships that far exceed the capabilities of the defending forces. The only good thing is that over time the advantages that the raiders have will slowly diminish as the defenders slowly increase their capabilities. But this process is costly due to losses sustained while trying to achieve any advancements. Russia vs Britain right now is a losing battle for Britain simply due to economics. One of russia's ports alone generates over 10 million on a daily basis and it is done when the server is quiet and there are few on that can intercept their traders. British traders are on during times that the russian, danish, swede, pirate, and even spanish raiders seem to be online and are hunting running the entire coastline from tumbado all the way to great corn.

    So your solution of just run out and attack them seems like a good concept, it is in fact doing exactly what they want. It is expending ships that are now hard to replace vs a nation that can easily replace any losses in seconds. So the only way to actually protect british traders would be to start having a large number of escorts to each trader. While this is true in a tactical sense it is not exactly the way most want to play the game spending HOURS just sailing along and accomplishing NOTHING for their own characters advancement. Add to that the question of how many escorts do you assign to each trader that happens to be going different directions? Since the raiders have shown up in fleets of 7 wasa's and a herc, what do you send with each trader to combat that when as a nation you might barely have that number and are very reluctant to commit what would be your port battle fleet to the lowly task of escort. How do you convince about 10 to 15 players to stop playing the game how they want to escort some traders for a few hours, then multiply that by maybe 6 as you have resources that need to be moved to different locations. It is not as easy a task as you seem to imply. Right now what you have is players logging in, checking combat news and then logging off to go do something else. This will continue until the population either drops to pre release levels and lower or players will simply accelerate the issue by changing nation to the stronger side. 

    If the devs wish to stop doing their best impressions of Bethesda and actually think of the game tactically, MOVE the damn capitals to locations that open up the map instead of crowding multiple nations into a cluster leaving  about 30-40 ports wide open for whoever can get their first (which every time will be the impossible nations since they do not have a core location to protect) and instead place capitals evenly across the map and drop the pathetic excuse of "well this is how it was historically". History may have been how it was, but history shows there were a hell of a lot more than 100 people defending a region. While it may not solve the core issue of A-Holes who love to seal club, it will at least lessen the frequency of it occurring.


    I was British for a long time, I was on the global server when rats blockaded KPR nearly 24/7, I am aware of how hard it can be when people crowd your capital like that. To start, you shouldn't be crafting ships in your capital to begin with. I am pretty sure most brits have their crafting hub down near Truxillo. If it get's too hot, move somewhere else. How I play, since you asked, is I run my main all over the map for PvP and I keep my alt trading at the same time. As soon as I hear there are hunters around I dock up and wait it out. Even if I am caught, three indianmen with 68lbs on their stern can be hard for most 5th rates to handle. People raid KPR because it's in the center of the map, which brings me to my next point. 

    KPR is only close to one other capital; MT. People have set up there because that's where the players are. People run down to Truxillo because they know that is where the players are. We ran up and down the North coast of Cuba last night sinking rats because that is where the players were. Russia has Britain beat in organization and in PvP following. The strong prey on the weak until it becomes too costly for them. I get that what I am saying isn't easy but it's how you solve this problem. 

    Anytime hunters are called out near Dutchlands we get a few people together to get them out of there. They usually lose their ships or they only get a couple of kills before being pushed out. Because of that, I haven't seen anyone down there in a long time. Get set up in Tumbado, El Rancho, or La Mona. Go take the fight to them, even if you're just one man. Don't worry about losing your ship, don't worry about your upgrades, just get out there and mix things up. The daytime is filled with Russians around New Orleans and Vera Cruz. You know where they are, go get 'em. 

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