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Bjerg Bjergsson

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Posts posted by Bjerg Bjergsson

  1. Loki could be a neat idea on PvP. On PvE it is grief-y. 

    Not sure what the goal of it really was, yeah it CAN create some good PvP content.. but there is a whole server where that should be happening. Coupled with AI that have speed reloads and magic damage + arcs of fire (if in a fleet battle) it is too much. 

    Make some actual PvE content (convoy escorts/intercepts etc) instead please. 

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  2. I left PvP because I couldn't keep up with crafting/ship build meta with the hours of gaming I had available. I left PvE because there was little to do besides Fleet Missions and Solo Missions and every patch seemed to cater to the PvP crowd. 

    Will I come back for a new UI? No, but I will come back to try out the new mission types. If I stay will depend on how compelling and in-depth they make them. 

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  3. On 5/29/2018 at 10:51 AM, Cpt Lynx said:

    Since the nurf of AI's in low population ports, I have decreased my activity in game. I enjoy pvp, I hate crafting and collecting materials, My main source on income use to be grinding ai's for rare books and gold. Now that  large ai groups only spawn around green zones, pvp took a hit, cant afford to pvp, and cant grind rare books etc. 
    Hopefully this is fixed, i feel that there are many that enjoy ai grinding, and grinding in or around green zone is to risky.   rO

    Come to the PVE server! It's so calm and civilized and you can get enjoyment without the angst and venom of egos colliding. 

  4. The PVE and PVP community are at complete odds I can't ever see them "banding together". Until they do away with the ship building meta I don't see anything changing as the time investment is just too steep for any casuals. I gave up on PVP when I realized I just don't have the time to put into the game to be remotely competitive as I would need:
    1. To stay current on shipbuilding meta (which ship build + upgrades are considered best for PvP and what suits my playstyle)
    2. To stay supplied so if I lose a ship I won't be stuck building/gathering resources for a new one for two weeks or waiting on clan mates to build one for me (they all left anyways for the exact same reasons)
    3. To keep my PvP skills honed through hunting/defending 

    I'm now of the opinion there needs to be a separate forum for PVE as PVP is making the most noise and any PVE'er who raises their head seems to get shouted down anyways. 

  5. On 11/27/2017 at 11:20 AM, Hethwill said:

    Modules are the devil, not duras. Make everything at max 1%(and similar) inside the crafting options ( a lot of options). No drops. Everything open.

    Build any ship at your heart desire.


    Please dear god yes. Get rid of modules and upgrades of all types. Make wood be the only variation and that's it. Level playing field and it is skill + crafter that makes the difference. 

    • Like 6
  6. What difference does any of this debate actually make when establishing a baseline is so difficult? You adjust the base stats for a ship but ignore the dozens of speed/sail/hull mods which pile on stats multipliers to the degree that the base stats become meaningless. What SHOULD be the fastest ship in the game becomes outdone by the second fastest ship in the game + all the insane speed mods/wood builds.  I chuckle at the comparisons people are trying to make Person A: "I achieve X kts at Y degrees in a teak/teak" while Person B "I achieve Zkts at Y degrees in a teak/teak" when no mods are mentioned, no bowsprits or rig refits or all the other stupid BS that is piled on top of what should be universal base stats. 

    "How many Captains did it take to achieve that speed?" THAT IS THE RUB. Negating the degree of skill/luck/chance involved in actually managing your yards, firing your guns by piling on MOD META is making this totally moot. If the fully upgraded sports car is the only one that will win the race then why get on the road at all in your minivan? 

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, admin said:

    Hello Captains

    While programmers are working on the tutorial and the user interface we will address the long overdue Battle ratings, combat performance and sailing performance of the vessels in the series of patches.

    This patch is first part of the final ship performance rebalance and addresses sailing performance of ships of the line (from 4th rates to 1st rates). The goal is to bring more realism into sail curves and yard power. 1000-1200 square meters of sail of the fore mast on the first rate should provide enough side force, allowing amazing realistic maneuvers and more options in combat.



    How can you achieve "balance" and "performance" when you have over a dozen "upgrades" and wood builds that change all of these stats? 

    Upgrades - both in the manner of acquiring them and the meta that they create - unbalance any small tweaks and changes made and further isolate the casuals from the hardcores. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, randommexi said:

    you think all ships no matter their mods, should be able to compete in pvp and pve?  I disagree.


    there are different stats needed to compete in pvp and pve.  for example, speed doesn't do much in pve.  however, in pvp it is life!  you need it!  Turning, same.  you need good turning to compete in pvp.

    now pve, reload and armor... stack those = win!  now, they could work in pvp.  but not if you opponent had a boarding set up.  you'll probably lose.

    I guess I like the diversity in ships and what they are set up for.  if I could set up a ship and it does everything, might as well remove mods all together and just assume every ship has them all.

    So for a new player with 1 fighting ship and maybe 1 trade ship they are either going to lose at PvP or lose at PvE by that regard. How do you reconcile that? If they get jumped on the way to a PvE mission? With the current system in place the new player could be in a fast ship but easily get outpaced by a PvP built warship with speed mods. 

    If you remove mods altogether or limit them to 1-2 (versus the FORTY-SIX that exist now) then you at least enable a bit more balance and lets ships play their roles a bit better. Diversity in cosmetics + ship type/play style would take over at that point. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, rediii said:

    I can confirm that. Mods matter only on same skill level.

    I had 0 slots on my teak teak hermione. Sank 1 endymion in a 1v1 so now i have 1 slot. In the tournament i sailed a 2 slot renomee.

    Pvp experience and thinking is whats making the difference mostly.

    So mods only matter on the same skill level meaning.. mods do matter? I also hate to point out your experience as a pretty high skill level PvP player is not emblematic of a new player experience. ;) 


    47 minutes ago, randommexi said:

    really?  you think the mods are the problem?


    nah man, its about pvp experience.  first time pvpers even if they have all the same mods, will probably lose anyway.  had nothing to do with the mods.  everything to do with you pvp skills and the things you've learned while fighting other players.


    I think there should be a difference between pvp ship and a pve ship.  cause both require different skill sets to be successful.  and different mods.  

    I do think mods are a problem - certainly not the only one. PvP experience is absolutely learned and the only way to do it is by playing and getting sunk and playing more. I've fought players in PvP and done alright and I've fought players in PvP and lost. The biggest difference I found when losing was the times I didn't feel I learned anything when I got crushed thanks to faster reloads and more maneuverability - it was noticeable. Not as noticeable a difference as the old exceptional mods were back in the day but enough. 

    Ultimately that is my point. As rediii said mods make a difference. Maybe to him it only seems so on the same skill level but when the skill level is asymmetric then the mods will help even more. The difference for a new player between a close fight - or even a pitched battle - where they can see how they were defeated and understand the mistakes they made versus a battle wherein they were just outclassed at every level does not make them feel like they have a chance. 

    I think of War Thunder in this regard. You can get matches where you get outplayed and that's that but then there are matches where you just get humiliated thanks to max upgrades etc - and that is in a game with actual matchmaking not the OW encounters of Naval Action.  The advantage of the rounds and matchmaking means that you can get in another match where that doesn't happen. In Naval Action when a PvP ship sinks your boat in such a manner the player is stuck begging on Nation chat for someone to fight the PvP-er keeping them penned into the port and if/when that doesn't happen they log out - not something we want players to be doing.  

    Mods can have a place in Naval Action: Legends as maybe that works better with the PvP and matchmaking system but in regular NA I just think it doesn't add anything to the gameplay and instead detracts from it. If someone can please tell me though - what do they add to gameplay - I would love to hear it!

  10. 54 minutes ago, Lord Gud said:

    Who gets decides what a PvE ship and a PvP is on Naval Action? I actually PvE in my ship that I also use to PvP and I am not making this up. The choice is up for you to decide how you want to PvP. This is not a problem with refits/books/slots this is a problem with it being a veteran player vs a new player because veteran wins no matter what ship he is using. (Yes being a player who spends a lot of time playing is going to win a fight against a noob and thats how the world works). 

    Certainly a vet vs. noob is going to be an imbalanced fight based purely on experience of player, that's in some ways my point. It is already going to be one sided, adding mods + perks + wood types on top of pure player experience only tips the scales that much further. Does this make for good gameplay for the noob? Or even for the vet? 

    Let me ask you, what does refits/books/slots bring to the table? What do they add gameplay wise beyond speed meta and many other issues? You say you do both PvE and PvP in your ship - what is your ship and what is the breakdown of your build? Would a simplified system and build not be also PvE and PvP capable? 

  11. Problem: As I see it experienced players gaining even more of an edge over new players through ship experience and upgrades/builds. For veteran players it upgrades + mods + builds means a player must have a PvE ship and a PvP ship if they want to do both. If they are on a PvE mission and are jumped they are at a disadvantage or if they want to now PvP they have to sail back and change to their PvP build (how many times have I seen/heard "let me go back to port and get my PvP build...").

    Evidence: Two players encounter each other in OW, both of them in say a Lynx. One is brand new and the other is a veteran. The new player has a base ship (say oak with oak planking) and medium 6pdrs with no ship knowledge and thus no upgrades. The veteran player can use his ship knowledge + permanent upgrade slots to fit a combination of, what.. seven out of FORTY SIX different Upgrades that when stacked can give (him as a singular example) +16% hull penetration (Bow Figure - Rattlesnake + Almeria Superior Gunpowder) or +22% hull penetration if you can stack Guacata Superior Gunpowder on top of that - not including if he is using 6pdr longs. 

    46 upgrades is way too many - especially coupled with the various wood combinations and planking and then add Officer Perks and you can have a crushing imbalance for a new player to try and overcome. Are all these upgrades really necessary? What do they add to gameplay other than imbalance? Why does a veteran and experienced player even need these things? 

    The example I gave above is regarding guns but the issue travels into the speed meta problems as well. Having a handful of speed mods + wood choices + officer perks and suddenly you are untouchable in your Wasa (or pfrig etc). You can gank and run as you choose and none can touch you. 

    Solution: Level the playing field. Officer perks are gained through experience and they provide any sort of "mod" abilities across all ships. Ship "knowledge" is Ship Veterancy and takes the form of purely cosmetic effects like sail colours or paintjobs or signal flags. Number of woods reduced to 4 or 5 (not 8) and values tweaked accordingly.

    In Conclusion: A player shouldn't need a PvE ship AND a PvP ship. More Byzantine systems of mods and tweaks and upgrades and perks and woods do not great gameplay make. Getting people on the water and letting player experience and knowledge decide a battle is far more fun, realistic and challenging than who has the better upgrades/speed meta.


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  12. Get rid of speed mods (imo pretty much all mods) entirely except for copper plating which would operate as Hodo said above.  In general they make no sense to me in a historical sense and are rife for abuse in a gaming sense. 

    Ships go the speed that they have in their technical document page or they have copper plating and stats adjust accordingly. Having 7-10 different speed arrangements is overly complicated and totally unnecessary for gameplay. 

    What I'm saying is speed meta is one problem but the MOD META is the core issue imo. It removes a degree of skill and creates a sense of uncertainty when in PvP. If you see a ship you would normally be able to take on, do you still go for it with the knowledge that they may have speed/gunnery mods? Their longs have an +8% penetration value over yours. They can aim better thanks to Pellew Sights and their dispersion is less PLUS the ship moves faster. Or it turns at a rate a ship of it's type shouldn't turn.  Do you have new players learn the game and then reach a point where they start PvP only to realize that everything they learned about how to fight ships doesn't really matter now when you are in PvP? An Indefatigable can outturn you suddenly or a Wasa outrun you? 

    I say remove mods almost completely. Maybe have 1 mod for each category (copper plating for speed, something simple for gunnery, something simple for sails) and convert the rest of ship XP growth into visual customization. Dirty sails or signal flags or hull paints etc to denote experience in a purely cosmetic sense and that is it. 

    • Like 1
  13. To maintain a semblance of the topic, I uninstalled Elite a few months ago. Nothing in it is worth reproduction and the methods used to develop it (still under development 3 years after release..) are questionable at best and downright insulting at its worst (half baked releases which hinge on people continuing to play them to ensure continued development). It is pretty to look at but a waste of time to play. 

    If you want to look at a mission system I would suggest going back to the days of Aces Over the Pacific wherein there were 4 or 5 types of randomly generated missions (Combat Air Patrol, Naval Strike, Ground Strike, Intercept, etc) with randomly generated encounters en route and on occasion there would be setpiece battles of historical nature (Midway etc). 


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  14. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    I guess this is a topic on game uninstalls.

    I recently uninstalled dark souls 3, needed space on xbox for elite to get ideas for some mission content. 

    Elite for ideas on mission content?! Surely you are joking.. That game is atrocious for grind/shallow depth of gameplay. 

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  15. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    Why don't you contact one of the largest rvr clans and ask them to add you to their allies list. I am sure they need all help they can get in port battles.
    And will share the spoils happily. 

    Mostly the time difference. Port battles typically happen during my work day or on the weekends when I'm busy (daytime here so I'm usually doing other things). I knew it was going to be the price for staying on EU server when Global went live but I also knew the pop wasn't going to be there on Global - and Combat Missions were still a thing back then so I still had ways of amusing myself. 


    1 minute ago, George Washington said:

    Now would you go pvp if there was red flashing zone on world map with ability to quick travel to that location? Answer please. Would you take your best ship and sail there to have fun? I think you would have a lot of entertainment in 1 hour compared to what we have now. 

    Maybe? Honestly, I doubt it given how tenuously my gold/ships situation is in game. My biggest ship is still the free Indefatigable I got post-wipe. That being said the option would be nice to have I suppose. 


  16. Just now, admin said:

    which nation do you sail for?

    GB on EU server. I typically can only play an hour or so a day so my time/availability to commit to a large clan isn't there (I'm also in a North American time zone). Like I said, I'm a casual - as were most of my clan. We used to do Fleet Missions mostly as it made for good pick-up and go action but with a risk of PvP as well (we did our share of PvP as well when we could). 

  17. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    So I played for about 2 hours last night, again. 

    Let me start with the pros

    + the frame rate has improved and is far smoother than it was previously, great work.

    + Reduction in mass on the craft materials is good.

    + Increased payouts is good (and bad)

    Now for the cons...

    -Sail times are still really kind of boring and a pain for the individual not in VOIP with someone to occupy your time.

    -Guns are still WAY to accurate.

    -The individual or small clan (less than 5) really has no place in this game.

    -Increased payouts will lead to inflation of market prices.

    -Less reason to fight over ports or regions now, just more PVE.


    Sorry but I know a lot of people like this patch but I feel in about a month we will be right back to where we were.  Less people online than now, and people calling for a merger again. 

    This patch seems to focus on the Clan v. Clan/RvR crowd and the solo or small groups are being passed over. My whole clan (12 people) has given up as time has gone on and I'm putting this game on the backburner for the first time since I bought it as a result. Just nothing I can do in game anymore by myself or with a buddy beyond grabbing the occasional AI in OW.  I'll keep watching these forums and maybe there will be a patch for the casual solo/small group player down the road. 

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