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juan cena

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Everything posted by juan cena

  1. SALUTATIONS FROM YOUR SALVATION, Juan Cena here is how to fix population imbalance, -LOCKS- 1.you could data farm the highest played nations, and close the highest 3 to new char.s, although this is not an immediate fix it could be applied with the following... additionally you can remove the dormant accounts every 3 weeks per say, So if you dont report to your nation every 21days(hypo.) you would lose your citizenship. -Port Battles- 2.add per ship cost to port battles, problem atm is population rich nations can zerg ports and turn 2000% profits from upgrade,dmg gold, and trade items. secondly, add a single prized item to the highest damage dealt in port battle(add DAMAGE METERS PLZ) this would give incentive to bring not an excessive amount of ships, with smaller battles, less players would get invites and eventually be left the option to find ppl(other nations) who needs ships to take to PB's.thirdly to counter random timezones of primetime and low pops, you NEED to add a [reinforcement button] to Port Battles, this would allow say 2 ships near an attack to go in and call in not something overbarring but just to ensure the attackers used a minimal level of skill, and not be a stomp for the 2 ships, how thatd work is you would have reinf work same way but give the Turret a BR, id say multiple the BR but until u position them in a way where you in range of 1-4 turrets with in a few knots apart. -DAILY for NATION- 3.THIS IS MY CLUTCH SOLUTION, and yes i have many more but for now ill just drop three."The Daily Large Nation Battle",i'll explain, once per day players will get a HI REWARD CACHE(mats/upgrade) for the completion of fighting for your nation in LNB, //heres the fix// players in be in eligible que until their nation reaches 25% of the LNB participants. In depth if 4 players que'd from nation (A) the third player wouldnt gain access to join untill 11ppl joined making him nation (A) fleet tally 25% of the twelve players, the forth player would have to wait until 15 had joined,making the 25% cut as the 16th so if the nation pop is atm lets say US 45% UK 30% Pi 15% rest Other Nations-5% the que windows will be: US: estimated time 30min UK: estimated time 10min Pi: estimated time 2min ON: estimated time: INSTANT POP ***hence the inccentive to be on low pop*** i can assure you this works faction balance as it has on many WoW servers before they merged all they pvp to multiplatform theres is also many experience tweeks you can do and money cost obv so i wont go into them,also these will not put a dent in max levels from superpowers. If you made it this far i thank you for your time,hope i explained in clearly enough and hope you bump this for devs attn. THANX JUAN.
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