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Everything posted by TechbootyPirateDuty

  1. I came into the pirate crisis a few weeks back but was unable to get very big into it just recently. 2 days ago I managed to get a small number of pirates to band together and take back port salina. Then we lost it the next day due to no one wishing to help protect our free land. I understand the pirate mind set, but even pirates can understand the concept of banning together to push back the invading forces. Hans Pothorst and Didrik Pining were 2 pirates born of Denmark who often times would partner together with others in order to privateer and such. The fact is on a few occasions I have tried to bring pride back to the motherland of the pirates but it is an uphill battle with how most of our members do not feel this is an important part for pirates. We get no resources without land. We get no safe trade routes without land. I am not speaking in terms of we do everything together. By all means do your own thing. But when our land is threatened. Head the call for help and no matter how dire it looks... Attempt to change an outcome. I haven't given up yet and I wish for more to join me on PVP US 2. The pirates arn't dead. Hell we arn't even bleeding. We have been lazy and let them push us from our lands. But this ends.
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