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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. To start out I would like to say that the game built by this company is absolutely amazing. I can tell how much work has gone into this and appreciate the fact that this company has put the time and effort into this that is so apparent. I would also like to say that these suggestions are strictly from my experience playing another game like this as well as what I have seen of this one so far. The suggestions I offer are strictly due to the fact that I don't want to see the same thing happen here. I think three things need to be looked at. 1. Some kind of tutorial missions if this is not currently in the works it might need to be added. Mainly to make it easy for new players to get into the game and stay into it. I realize this is still alpha and something like this may be in the works but currently the only way to learn how to play is by using a combo of YouTube the forum and just figuring it out on your own. 2. I High level frigates and ships of the line should be priced and stay priced in a way to keep people interested in pvp and port battles even if they lose them. I say this because I used to play Pirates of the burning sea which is now all but dead due to the sheer grind for new players to be able to participate in them was insane. This is not to say a 1st or 2nd rate should be cheep but certain 3rd rates, 4th rates and decent frigates that are competitive enough for these activities in game should be at a price point where going out and losing a dura or a ship is not so costly that it is prohibitive. 3. An increase of low level npc/ai ships around starting ports to help facilitate new player leveling this way new people don't get frustrated when they first start. Also slight increase overall in order to help captains raise funds so they can be involved in the pvp and Port battle which I hope to be the best parts of this game. Later on perhaps a battle mode where players can go practice and not lose their dura or ships so they can practice against other players and factions and not have to pay for the experience.I would like to add I don't want this to become a care bear game where the only thing catered to are the new players who get mad that they can't win at the expense of those players who took the time to learn the game, merely to make it easy enough for new players to get into that it doesn't die out. I also realize as a company you have probably made certain decisions about implementation and how you want the economy to work. My suggestions are merely that suggestions in the hopes that what happened to a game I loved does not happen to one I am starting to like.
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