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Wrongway Peter Peachfuzz

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Posts posted by Wrongway Peter Peachfuzz

  1. I am hopeful that what you envision is a system of acquiring ships similar to EVE online where the basic hull is standard and the specific fittings you put on it are what determine the "quality" and "usefulness" of the finished ship.


    I believe that part of the problem the developers face is that they don't have as much flexibility in terms of features that they can tweak or the degree to which they can tweak them as designers of an (entirely fictional) spacecraft.  Warships in the Age of Sail (particularly those that were ship-rigged) simply did not differ from each other in all that many parameters.  A good comparison would be with steam warships from the early 20th century.  As anyone who has played around with the excellent ship designer in NWS' game "Rule the Waves" knows, there are a huge number of variables in warship design in that era that simply aren't present in sailing ships (e.g., hull, deck and turret armor, nature of fuel (coal/oil), torpedo protection, fire control, primary secondary and tertiary armament, turret design and placement, torpedo tube design and placement, etc).  


    In addition, ship design variation in NA has to fulfill two separate (and not entirely compatible) functions:  (i) be varied enough to keep experienced players interested up to and beyond the highest command and crafting experience levels; and (ii) soak up all of the "money" that is generated in the game through trade, combat etc. so that the price of everything doesn't go through the roof over time. 


    I'm afraid these limited parameters and conflicting goals will create unhappy results (aberrations like "fine woods" and more probably general inflation) until players are given something beyond ships to meaningfully spend their money on.  And no, I'm not referring to Yorkshire Puddings or Cheshire Cheeses, more like improved fortifications and ground combat units.

  2. However this all ultimately turns out, I really hope that the issue of compensation for ships rendered useless is resolved as quickly as possible because of its potential harmful effect on the short-term playability of the game.


    As some of the posts in this thread indicate, this issue may have a seriously adverse effect on ship crafting in the short term (which IMHO was already harmed by the resource scattering and “fine woods” imposed by the last patch). 


    Many clans are organized around the principal of cooperative shipbuilding, and since the last patch I have seen a loss of cohesion in my own clan.  If shipbuilding goes into limbo for the next two months some clans may disintegrate completely.  Since clans are the basic units of organization within the several nations, this would in turn probably cause a deterioration in the strategic conquest game.


    It is also unfortunate that the announcement was handled the way it was.  Initially the clear implication was that existing ships would be rendered useless without compensation.  One would think after the uproar that the apparently accidental degradation of some ships from gold to purple caused by the last patch that the devs could have anticipated an unhappy reaction to the proposed wholesale destruction of players’ existing fleets.


    Even though it has subsequently been stated that some form of compensation will be provided (nature currently unknown) one must wonder whether it would not be better to have delayed the announcement until the compensation could be at least generally described.


    Rightly or wrongly, this game appears to suffer from some serious public relations issues and unnecessarily stirring up this kind controversy does not help matters.

  3. To avoid losing yet another trader-load of hard-earned goodies to worthless pirate scum, I want to add a Niagara to my fleet.  However, each time I try I get the message must that I must remove all upgrades and items from hold.  Problem is, there is absolutely nothing in the hold and no upgrades at all (I've even changed the guns back to the basic 9 pounders).  What am I missing?

  4. I appreciate all the helpful feedback.  Unfortunately, the problem has started appearing in games other than NA, so the fault is obviously with my system.  Into the shop it goes, and time to check the piggy bank fund for a new one.  My apologies for taking up everyone's time, and thanks again!

  5. Well make that 4; just had another lockup at the entering combat screen (no TS).  I have no overclocks and my cpu/gpu termps are all below 75c which  I understand is the beginning of the "watch" zone.  I've made no changes in my system for at least  a couple years. 


    I can't really try window mode because I'm running three screens off a digital triplehead and I don't think window mode works with that.

  6. Over the last week I've experienced 3 hard lockups which have required a complete reboot of my system, which has never happened before.  One was in battle (no teamspeak;), one was entering battle (teamspeak on) and one was just cruising in the OW (teamspeak on).  Other than TeamSpeak, NA was the only app I had running.  I'm in the US playing on server 1.  Anyone else having a similar experience?


    As a summer gift to William the Drake (and poor broke but thirsty students everywhere) here's a tip that works great with vodka (not too sure about rum).  Buy the cheapest rotgut you can find (Popov comes to mind) and run it through a Brita filter 3 or 4 times.  Takes out the impurities and the finished product ends of tasting like Grey Goose.


    As to rum, give me El Dorado 12 or 15, Demarrara from Guyana.  Great value for the money (especially the 12).  Pyrat is also very good (especially if you like a taste of orange).  Had a rum down in BVI called St. Lucie or St. Lucia that was excellent for $12 the bottle but can't find it here in Buffalo

  7. I spent an hour and a half last night between Utila, Ruatan, Bonacca and Truxillo, a place that was alive with all types of AI ships before the patch.  Saw 0 traders of ANY country (contraband or otherwise) and only a couple AI ships of any type.  A good  portion of the time the sea was completely empty of sails.  This has become about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  8. Thanks for the excellent guide.  I did have a follow-on question about the AI ships you can "hire".  You caution about not taking them into a port battle bec. they'll take up player space.  Is there a way to temporarily disable them just for port battles or do you have to completely dismiss them?  

  9. Hi- I saw you folks over the weekend chasing the Dons around Bonacca and points south (my PVP1 name is Philemon Pownoll).  Do you folks do any shallow water PB's?  I just moved over from PVP2 and I'm short of both rank (about half way to snr. lieutenant) and cash, but I'd like to have the opportunity to do something fairly useful in the reasonably short term. 

  10. One thing to keep in mind is that in a fore and aft rigged ship you should always be able to tack without hitting 0 knots.

    Certainly true, but if your attention lapses (or you're in a multi-ship melee and its either turn w/o sufficient speed or collide) the penalties for getting hung there will be very severe.  I'm not necessarily complaining (although compared to RL sailing the time stuck in irons seems quite long) but it came as quite a surprise.

  11. Just tried a mission after the patch- "no turning with 0 speed" means that schooner rigged ships that can't box-haul can get stuck in irons for a llllllooooooonnnnngggg

    time.  "Potential game changer" is right-  i've never been raked by the AI before.


    Also noticed that missions in a cutter used to fight a pirate privateer- they now fight a pirate cutter.  Is that a bug or a feature? 

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